3 reviews liked by yeeeeeouch

Although the art style, and combat was pretty great, there were too many flaws for me to keep playing. I made it about halfway through the game but eventually just felt like I was doing the same thing over and over. Go get the feather to get the ribbon to get the key etc. There wasn't much of a feeling of progression and the dungeons weren't super interesting. I didn't feel like I was saving the world or anything. The nail in the coffin was horrible performance on the switch. The game blurred the top and bottom of the screen and there was bad lag whenever entering a new area.

I've tried so many times to get into Metroid and every attempt ends the same way: I play for a couple of days, I get frustrated with something, and I end up throwing in the towel. Don't think I'll be back.

Sea of Thieves has a lot of potential as a game but the basic gameplay loop is too repetitive and not engaging enough for it to fully realise this potential. While fun at first, Sea of Thieves quickly devolves to getting a quest, going to an island, fighting some skeletons, digging around for ten minutes and repeat until you can then go back to where you started and getting some arbitrary reward. The steering of boats and combat just is nowhere near engaging enough for this to be fun. It's fun to play with friends every now and again and it can be fun when you run into other players (which is rare, at least in Australian servers). And encountering the kraken or a megalodon for the first time is pretty cool but just becomes annoying upon repeat encounters as the bosses are so easy and repetitive (just like the rest of the game). Sea of Thieves is just too simple and repetitive to justify playing it more than on occasion when you and your friends are bored of your usual games.