14 reviews liked by yethilles

one of like, 4 games i had on the xbox 360, the only console in my house (which i could rarely play) for years. this shit tortured me but now i can get revenge on it by giving it a bad rating on the funny haha star site. i hate you, clyde.

joguei 10 minutos preferia o csgo

"look how they massacred my boy"

best game i've played since my uncle raped me

O cgi e a ambientação dessa porra são mt perfeitos vsf. O jogo n é mt claro com os seus objetivos em vários momentos mas acho q isso ajuda na construção da atmosfera

jogo bom nas mãos de uma empresa horrível
prometeram tanta coisa e acabaram entregando mais do mesmo
2016 foi peak
conseguiram estragar, parabéns Blizzard

I have no idea how kids can spend all the money from mommy's credit card to buy robux.

Where pedophiles are born.

You have no idea how many friends of friends that I know of that got exposed and they were all people from the ROBLOX community.

This community is not what you think they are the hollywood of video games. they are hiding so much from you. RUN far far far away from this game while you can.

This is the Epstein Island of Video Games.

This game needs to be researched and expose the many people that are pedophiles on this platform.



This literally isn't a fucking game.