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OverdosedOnGames completed Rocket League Sideswipe
Sideswipe is pretty much the best way you could actually put the game on mobile devices, but it's just pretty below average. The gameplay is simply not as fun as base Rocket League, which is expected, but it's really tiring and clunky, and I found it not that fun to play.

I don't think it's a bad game, it's just very different to the normal Rocket League formula that I was shocked when playing it with a friend.

Overall: 4/10

1 day ago

OverdosedOnGames completed Rocket League
Originally played this because it collaborated with Fortnite and had some cosmetics for the game, shockingly, I ended up quit enjoying this one, I was getting really good at it, me and my friends were.

Wish I kept playing it, I think it's a really creative and unique idea, and one day I do wish I can jump back in and play it a lot, but just a genuinely creative, and addicting game that doesn't really get tiring all that often.

Overall: 7/10

1 day ago

OverdosedOnGames completed Stumble Guys
Stumble Guys is a shameless Fall Guys clone, shockingly it's more popular than Fall Guys, somehow. There is really no reason to be playing this over Fall Guys, it has worse graphics, it doesn't have that passion or charm in it at all.

And you can't even pull the argument of this being free, while Fall Guys used to be paid, it is now free on Epic Games, so there's quite literally no reason to be playing Stumble Guys over Fall Guys.

The only area it has covered is being able to be played on mobile, but besides that it's just a bad clone.

Overall: 3/10

1 day ago

OverdosedOnGames completed Fall Guys
A genuinely really fun game that has lots of care and passion into it, with its level design and mechanics. I remember when this came out and everyone was playing it, I wish it had that same staying power as it did before.

Probably one of the objectively better F2P-Live Service-Competitive games to release after Fortnite. Wish this game did have as big a playerbase as it did years ago, still a good game though.

Overall: 7/10

1 day ago

OverdosedOnGames completed Mortal Kombat 1
I won't lie, I do find this game good, but I am let down by it. I was really expecting a much better game than it ended up being, I was hoping for this to be a 4/5.

The story is good, but it did feel tiring after a bit, it felt a bit too over the top at times, which is fine. I like the idea of this being a story reboot, and I think that's a cool way to change up relationships of characters, and bring the game series into a new direction.

The graphics, and from a technical standpoint, this game is great. It's absolutely stunning to look at, everything looks lifelike. My issue is the gameplay, it just didn't do it for me. It lacked that great feel that MKX and MK11 had.

The fatalities also didn't do it for me, I found them quite lackluster, and maybe it's because I've become totally desensitized to them.

Overall: 7/10

3 days ago

OverdosedOnGames completed Mortal Kombat 11
MK11 I remember very fondly too, I think it had a far better story than X, though it did have a not as good villain, I'd say. Kronika is quite underwhelming for a villain for me, but every other part of the story I'd say was quite good.

The gameplay and fatalities are also good, though for me, not as good as MKX's. The actual selection of characters was okay, I liked the Kollector character as a new addition to the series.

It's a pretty solid fighting game overall, great graphics and great technically, and it still holds up in that regard. Pretty good game.

Overall: 7/10

3 days ago

OverdosedOnGames completed Mortal Kombat X
MKX was my first Mortal Kombat game, and I had played when I was quite young myself in 2015. This was the game that got me into fighting games as a whole, and I played, and loved this game to death, got all the DLC for it.

I think the story is good, though generic and cheesy at times, the acting is alright, and what the game mainly excels at is its characters, the story is good for a fighting game. The actual gameplay is the strong suit, I find the gameplay in here pretty good.

I think the Fatalities are the best they've ever been in this game, and I think the same with X-Rays, and special moves. It all peaked here for me.

Overall: 7/10

3 days ago

OverdosedOnGames completed Zombie Exodus
Zombie Exodus is a choose your own adventure based zombie game, I played this back in 2018, and from what I remember, I remember it quite fondly. The storytelling and writing, can be cheesy, and very generic at times, but overall it was very well made.

The choices are also really good, and the best part about it are the descriptions of scenarios, like when you are in a fight with a zombie, and how they write out the descriptions of the zombie, of the environment, basically setting up that vibe, they did really good.

Just a really good game, I wish it was more popular than it actually was.

Overall: 8/10

3 days ago

OverdosedOnGames completed World Boss
World Boss is a youtuber made game by Lazarbeam and MrFreshAsian, both popular Fortnite youtubers, and they made this game as a live service, free to play, first person shooter, to hopefully get popular. I don't know if it ever did, but I would say it's a bit overhated on.

The game's dead now, with an average of 10 players a day, but the art style is actually kind of cute, and the gunplay, while extremely basic and mediocre was kind of fun, and something you could get used to.

While some guns I majorly prefered over others, I really don't think this is a bad game, I don't like the game, but I don't dislike it. I think if they put more time into it, and more effort, and maybe promoted it more, got it an audience, I think it could have done well.

Overall 5/10

3 days ago

OverdosedOnGames completed 1v1.LOL
Just an utterly shameless Fortnite ripoff, it's poorly made, and I'm pretty sure all the environments and skins are all asset packs. It's absolutely crazy some streamers endorse this trash of a game, the building and editing and all the features they stole from Fortnite are just so much worse.

I tried playing it a bit, but got bored after a while, and demotivated, because some of the opponents I was facing, had far over 200 health, when I had 200 health, which made it incredibly unfair, and very unfun to play, I assume its a pay to win thing.

Just a garbage game, a weak knockoff, that's worse in every aspect, and terribly pay to win.

Overall: 2/10

3 days ago

OverdosedOnGames completed Call of Duty: Warzone
I remember back when Warzone was releasing, I saw many people going that this was going to be a Fortnite killer. It didn't kill the game at all, it actually got shutdown late last year.

The gameplay is mainly what was best in it, I thought the gunplay was really good, and the graphics were really good, same with the movement. It was quite well made for a free to play battle royale, sadly I just don't play Call of Duty that much anymore, and I was put simply, washed at the game.

Even though I wasn't good at it, I can still appreciate it for being fine. I didn't sink enough hours into it to truly love the game, and main the game, but from what I had played it was alright if my friends were burnt out on Fortnite.

Overall: 6/10

3 days ago

OverdosedOnGames finished Mighty Doom
Mighty Doom is really not too bad of a game, it's good if you have nothing else really to play, but if you just spent 20 minutes in the game, toying around, I think it was fine enough.

The actual gameplay in the game really isn't new at all, it's very reminiscent of other games in this genre, but seeing it have a Doom aesthetic, is pretty cool. And for a game like this, I don't think it's that badly made.

Like yeah, it's not great, I think it felt a bit greedy at times, but I don't think this really was a poorly made game. It was genuinely fun if you put in a few minutes, if you sat down and consistently played the game for like an hour, you would get crazily bored, because the game really does wear off after 20 minutes.

It is sad that this game has been discontinued, because it really was alright, and I think it should have stayed alive a bit longer.

Overall: 6/10

3 days ago

OverdosedOnGames completed Batman: The Enemy Within
The Enemy Within is a great improvement from the first game, the story is so much better, and each chapter is absolutely great, and add to this mystery very well.

It continues off of the first game well, and expands it in new ways that are greatly appreciated. The Joker in this game is absolutely great, and while it is a very different take on the character, it's a take that I personally really loved. It's not my favorite take on him, but it's genuinely up there for me, they did him really creative.

And props to all the voice acting, it's all great, and really adds to the mood and the atmosphere of the entire game. Just a great step up to the previous game, though it is sad that there has been no news on a 3rd game, which I think would be welcomed, and continue the story in great ways.

Overall: 8/10

7 days ago

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