the proof that fromsoft became too self aware and now they can recycle anything and still get sucked off by the masses. can't hate on the game, it's fun, but it spits in the face of evolution and prioritizes quantity over quality. the delayed attacks, recycled enemies and obvious input reading is also one of their worst ideas/moments ever.

Reviewed on Nov 04, 2023


6 months ago

Every single Fromsoft game since Demon's Souls has used input reading to formulate enemy attack patterns and movement

6 months ago


Here it's most obvious and masturbatory.
I had encountered this MANY more times in the game, but it's most evident with Malenia, who is also the worst designed boss of their career.

Also, the fact that with each game they shit out bigger and bigger turds of design choices on my plate does not mean I have to eat them and praise them.

6 months ago

I'm not disagreeing that some of Elden Ring's boss design choices are flawed, but making out that input reading is exclusive to this game is just flat out wrong.

For instance, both Pontiff Sulyvahn and Champion Gundyr are programmed to jump you as soon as you heal in their respective fights.

Input reading is a necessary programming technique for a boss to be able to react to your movement and adjust to your tactics accordingly.

6 months ago


What's there not to understand about me criticizing certain bosses doing it as plastic difficulty? Did you not see the videos I sent? It was definitely not as prevalent in their previous games as it is here. Not giving the player enough room to at least heal is a shitty design choice (at least in the Godskin and Malenia fight). I am not criticizing input reading per se, I'm criticizing the obvious input reading that is seen in some Elden fights.

6 months ago

Never said I didn't understand your argument, I'm telling you that you are wrong.

Also yes, I saw the videos you sent, very nice, I see input reading, I didn't deny that there wasn't input reading, but I'm also saying that there is input reading in the other games, and if you boot up DS3 now and try and heal in front of the vast majority of bosses, they will rock your shit.

Also, your final comment, 'I am not criticising input reading, I am just criticising input reading.'

6 months ago


No, you are trying to create an antithesis to an argument I had never proposed. You are telling me there's input reading in their other games - I never said there wasn't in the original post. You are trying to shove down my throat the fact that they always used it, but you didn't stop and think for a second that I - maybe - don't like the fact that Godskin, Malenia and several other enemies are using attacks 95% of the time you try to heal instead of maybe 50%. You catch the little words and discard the big picture.

I just checked and no bosses in DS3 do that thing as often as aforementioned bosses.

"Also, your final comment, 'I am not criticising input reading, I am just criticising input reading.' "

I am criticizing what I experienced in Elden Ring specifically. I had finished all of the most notable fromsoft games (with finishing Sekiro and Dark Souls 3 several times) - I would have to be a fucking idiot to fight against all these bosses and not notice the difference between the case of Elden Ring and the case of Dark Souls design.

6 months ago

No they all use input reading, you obviously haven't checked DS3 because that would be a flat out lie

6 months ago

next time reply when you improve your reading comprehension