Havent played it enough to give it a rating.

Very fun inspired monkey ball game.

Very creepy people on this game

This is better than Transformed.

This was the start of the downfall of 3D sonic.

With a 120hrts monitor this game runs two times the speed. Making a good majority of the platforming segments impossible

At least this game is playable.

Really buggy by today's standards but a classic non the less.

Fun game but it fails as a arcade racer in how it controlls. Very clunky.


One of the few games to make me cry and overall one of the best stories in a video game in the last 10 years.

Please play this game or watch someone like ManlyBadassHero play it. It's a treat for everyone.

Its a good multiplayer game, however it lacks replayability for me.

Fun tank-based multiplayer game with a kinda eh single player.