Fun for a pc port of a mobile game. Got this game in a humble bundle about a year ago and decided to play it and it was pretty fun.

Not too much to say. Game was fun, though its rather outdated in a bunch of different ways in. Some mechanics are innovative and cool. Whilst others made me want to pull my hair out. Examples being, the fact that your car explodes if its outside down. You can't flip it without momentum. Shooting in cars in a absolute pain. But driving most cars is incredibly fun.

Its a wonderputt game, and if I want that experience, I know how to get it now. Nothing more than that.

Saw it was a 3D platformer in a sense and bought it because of that. Was kinda disappointed.


I think this game has made me realized that maybe Rougelikes are just not for me aside from a few exceptions.

Story is somewhat interesting and I somewhat enjoyed the combat. But the overall experience was just ok at best. Probably won't 100% it.

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There is a lot of issues with this game even after near 3 years of bug fixes. However 90% of major bugs have been wiped clean. Though there are some really fucking annoying bugs. The main one being that if you save too much in the game, you can't manuelly save. This is fixed by deleting auto saves and old saves. But the fact this happens is still something that should not happen in a game. Other annoying bugs include.
• Trying to skip dialogue with the C key which sometimes makes you crouch instead of skipping dialouge forcing you to be crouched for the rest of the conversation
• Waiting on text messages and calls too progress in side storylines such as Panam's and Kerry's
• The Greetings From Pacifica! achievement requiring you too sleep in V's bed for a single scanner hustle to appear on the map.
• The Waypoint being generally misaccurate and buggy to where you can accidently go the wrong way trying to go somewhere. (This generally happens on the highways)
• Audio will sometimes be extremely delayed with what is happening a screen, with noises like being spotted and crashing sometimes happening full minutes after they occur.
• Crashing in this game feels an after thought. If you crash into a car going 60 on a bike, in most scenarios you just shove the car out of the way. Only barely due you fly off a bike when you crash.

These are just some of the issues I experienced within my playthrough of Cyberpunk. However their is the rest of the game too talk about.

The story for the most part is fine. I enjoy the characters and like generally where it goes. There is not a mission where I question why we're doing what we are doing and generally it flows pretty well. The Side Missions are generally the best part of the game. Side missions such as Sinnerman, The Hunt, The Beast in Me, and Dream On have some incredible stories to them. Especially Dream On, I'm dead serious when I say that the idea of that mission is more intriguing than the entire main story. It sucks that its cut off so short. That mission could've progressed so much more than it did.

For The Main Story the main downside comes with the endings. 2/4 can be considered bad endings. Those being Temperance (Johnny takes your body) and the Devil endings (Giving your soul to Arasaka). The Sun ending just leaves people with questions. (Why are we in space, how does everyone react to you taking down arasaka) Lastly, The Star ending with the Aldecados is not bad. it flows fine and it generally makes sense. But in general, the endings to cyberpunk just killed my interest in this game.

Next is the gameplay, I think it's pretty fun. Lots of potential for multiple different playstyles which is nice. I generally used shotguns within my playthrough and had a lot of fun with them. It got to the point however where no enemy put up much of fight as I would kill them in 1-2 hits and reload in 0.5 seconds. If I ever did get low, I could use one of my 200 heals that I had gotten from looting dead bodies for stuff to sell so I could get the money for the Autojack achievement. Overall, pretty fun.

Finally Achievements. This game has a weird selection of achievements, some I think are cool, such as V for Vendetta and The Quick and The Dead. However some just annoyed me. Basically all the Scanner Hustle and Gig achievements are grinding and have little to no difference in them. The objectives are generally either, go into building, upload or steal documents/kill a dude and dump his body in a car. Sometimes you have to steal a car or escort someone but generally 90% of those are no issue. Sometimes they want you to be stealthy, but failing stealth has no conciqence on you other than the character being slightly upset with you. The main annoying achievement for me is Autojack. You need a bunch of money which isn't the issue. The main issue is the previously mentioned text/call system which is required to buy these cars. So for example, when I went to go buy all the cars and I went down the list and went to location of each car that had been texted to me about. But when I got done with those I had 4 cars remaining. The suggested strat to get the texts to appear is too fast travel and then go AFK for about 20 minutes and then fast travel to the area you need the car in and hope to god that the game texts you. Its a flawed system that caused me too seat around for about 5 hours in total without my playthrough waiting for calls and texts from different characters so I could progress the story or buy a car.

Now there is more stuff I could have mentioned, however due to a dlc coming in the next few months reportly fixing some of these issues, I will hold on my thoughts for those for now unless they are not address.
Overall I wouldn't waste you time with this game unless the idea of it really intrests you.


This game is honestly overrated. I can see why its popular. You play as a cat in an apocalyptic enviroment. It is also a 3D Platformer. Those all seem like good things. Which they are, however the gameplay is extremely basic and restrictive. Doing the speedrun achievement made me want to have aneurysm as you can't always jump to where you want to go. The story also keeps things really open ended and doesn't explain anything at all. Also 30$ is way too much for a game like this.

Really fun kart racer. Controls are tight.

Cool game, Some really fucking annoying levels.

Nice and carefree. Really enjoy the characters, they feel like people. Ending is just ugh.