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As per usual, I was searching for some great JRPGs to play and came across Ys VIII, recommended to me by Steam. From the developers of the so-called best story series in JRPG, Trails, I picked this one as it is known for having one of the better stories in the series. I came out conflicted. It is a good story in the sense that it's interesting and engaging, which is a decent motivator and has its moments. But it’s not very compelling or particularly deep, meaning that it is quite simple.

The game’s story starts slow but picks up significantly in the latter half. Honestly, I do not mind this since I believe it can all be worth it if the payoff is good, and fortunately, it sort of is. While the narrative may initially seem simple and boilerplate for a JRPG, it gradually reveals some layers that make it unique and a bit deeper than other stories of the same category. The story itself isn't groundbreaking, but it manages to be enjoyable enough to keep you moving forward. For me personally, it came out pretty mixed—good enough to drag me forward but lacking the intrigue to truly push me toward something more.

Honestly, what kept me staying and motivated was Dana. She is a big reason why the story is as unique as it can be, and her interactions with the other cast are quite good. However, I couldn’t say the same for the other characters, with some of them being forgettable or very trope-heavy. Interactions between any characters other than Dana felt very mediocre or missed, with a high percentage of that being misses.

I feel the game took a small step in the right direction in terms of narrative and Dana as a character, but other than that, it goes along into the JRPG pile as tropey and sort of unengaging.