Meh, I came in pretty much blind on FF7R and up at the end of first half, the glaring issues that i had started to appear and the second half is just INSANE amount of padding and the original stuff they added feels so boring and not interesting to me.

Kinda wished i liked this game more, the depth for the each character in the cast and especially Barret was the definitely my favorite thing about Remake and up to first disk he was my favorite character of the game until second disk of the Original. Tifa get more as well but Aerith clearly feels the most boring one compared to Original, and giving a dedicated chapter with nothing happening and at the end we only get just a small backstory of Aerith is just geniuely baffling, like this is the payoff that i get from a filler chapter?

Music on this game is the biggest thing of the game that made me actually care and keep going honestly, the prominent use of motifs for each character/battle themes and the arrangements is insane and quite happy in regards to music's production wise but that's the only praise that i got for the game.

FF7 Original is still one of my favorite even after a year later but for me, it's still holds up even better than Remake's version and it's honestly a shame, i don't know if i can care to give a chance to Rebirth or even Intermission and the finale kinda saved my hopes to continue it but seeing some the additions to a certain character coming back makes me even more anxious for how they will handle him lol.

people who absolutely hate Genshin (a lot of people including me) trick themselves into liking:

The countless dreams that i had with Rean, Rufus and Kevin with Van were real with the Singa music in the back, i'm glad to be alive for THE GREATEST GAME OF ALL TIMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Being caught up on this gacha feels weird to me, not because of the game is bad or anything neither that i have with issues with the story, as matter of fact i love Penacony story and the how the climax is looking to be my favorite in the next patch.

It's funny though, i started this game one month ago for shits and giggles in the anniversary but for me i was quite suprised how much content it had for a beginner and how it was completely overwhelming at first but going back at it, i never expected to get hooked as much i did and how having the reputation of ''It's another mihoyo game'' and that was how my mutuals and especially me viewed the game itself at first.

Going through at first i always had my expectations lowered as usual but i'm still suprised how generous and how much stuff the game gives you just by playing it, of course there's issues that disapears when you get mid game which being locking the relics on story even though you have the level required to grind it but they still lock you regardless, the gap in difficulty whenever you increase the eidrolons levels making the boss tanky and being more painful to get through which it would be fine if the stamina was good enough to grind the relics with the right SUBSTATS for the characters that i need for and how i can randomly start a patch from 1.6 while i just finished Luofu (1.2)...

With that aside, Star Rail story was still a ride to get into and i'm very excited for Penacony's climax

This review contains spoilers

Going from Persona 3 ending to this kinda fucked me up a lot, it really got the point ''Am i masochist for doing that to myself?''

Crisis Core is one of the few instances that you know a character's death is coming one way or another, the odds not in the favor for the last 2 chapters is already obvious enough but man, the way the showed to you the final cutscene and Zack's face is just too painful to watch, a lot of people including myself the highest point of this game is the ending itself. But something about the post timeskip writing and decisions regarding to Angeal dynamic and the moments they had just hits to deep to the core and even more with Aerith's relationship with Zack, Zack's being busy with Soldier work all the time and carrying the reputation of being Soldier 1 and the same can be applied to Aerith's position of being the only Ancient and being watched by the Turks both having their share of trouble but still trying to relationship hurts the more you realize it.

The soundtrack is one of the most beautiful and cohesive work i've seen in a while, Takeharu Ishimoto being the lead composer did wonders while respecting Uematsu's work and giving a lot of life doing the battle/boss themes, all of them sounds inspired while constantly using motifs from the Title Theme, Price of Freedom and one more that i forgot but they all sound different and the contextual usage for all of them has a purpose that really hits to the player.

I think my issue regarding to this game is just sometimes this game can give actual good scenes that enforces Zack's dynamic with Angeal, Sepiroth and others while giving the more unecessary padding while speeding running at times to get the story going while not giving that much space for some of the plot points or decisions in the first half.

Nevertheless still a good game that really felt needed to tell in Zack's POV and connection of Cloud came in and became part of himself.

Persona 3 was always on my mind in terms of wanting to play on it regardless of mutuals back then hyping about it or having deep talks with it, it always interested me in a way.

Eventually got me playing the FES version which it's not a bad in ways to most people but it always rubbed me and felt it wasnt interesting as went on and suddenly dropped in the middle of the game. I geniuely felt that i was forcing myself to play it and eventually felt it wasnt healthy in a way to get through when the famous quote '' xx hours the story gets better'', i really don't think i maintain the same the same line of thinking that i had years ago especially after finishing the remake.

Hearing a lot of rumors about Persona 3 got me a bit hopeful on thinking of the nature of playing games in a way, i never hold expectations on games except on 2 series that i always hold a bit of high regard since i've always keep my eyes on and what to expect but Persona for me is a bit different, especially when i have a lot of issues that i don't like to talk about it especially talking with most of the circles i was and i'm still in but i was always open to try a Persona game even if the perception of people were 50/50 a bit of the time. In a way, it's fun the way it was present and showed for the first time but it was exciting to look forward to play a Persona game that's really hold in high regard to people and play the remake in real time.

Still have so much to say about this game but I can't write too much since i just finished it and the thoughts in my mind are all over in my head but it's fair to say that all my issues regarding with FES were all destroyed, Reload really made me impressed with Tartarus especially getting the point of me wasting nights just to have fun in tartarus which is crazy to think about it since i never had the motivation to unwingly grind at times in FES.

Giving a try to Persona 3 again and finally understanding on what makes this game feel so special after finishing always hits in all aspects even for me with low expectations in regards of people thinking of the remake and the purpose it brings.

But i feel happy after knowing that i finally get it after waiting for so long.




3 years ago, i found myself finding Yakuza 0 on steam and i thought it was a cool game to hop on especially how people praised the game to hell but it was only a year after that i geniuely found myself deep in love with this series to death, going recently now after being caught up (and that was after Gaiden) i geniuely don't know what Yakuza 8 had to offer in terms of having the honor and giving the best conclusion for the most Iconic Character ever and feel fitting for him and for the people around him.

Especially after the sudden leave of Nagoshi to the RGG, they had too much in their back to deliver that and on top of that giving a insane amount of dev time more than a usual Yakuza game and for the final one, giving probably for me the most ambitious Yakuza story. I don't even need to say that they delivered in the best way i could've imagined, the amount of care and love for the long time fans of the series who has been supporting it has never felt so reassured in more ways than another.

Of course as am i writting this, i have just beat this game an hour ago so my thought's are all over the place but my most of reviews are just as soon i beat the game and gather my thoughts and i don't think this one will be different, this is the second series that i wholeheartly so glad to be apart of this journey through the end and enjoy and talk with friends as much i did especially going through hard times i always found myself hopping on and having the thought ''Keep Moving, keep trying and figure it out. As corny that sounds and simplistic, it's the most simple way to get through the hard times in life, it's just how it is.

As Gaiden did and especially Yakuza 8, it's just gives a lot of hope to what is to come for this series or any RGG game. My trust for RGG is all the way through to support them especially for how much hardships to get through this year.

Thank you RGG.


Nayuta no Kiseki was a game that i've been looking forward since i've caught up to trails (Kuro 1 back then) and something was always strange of why this game took more than a decade to get localized and after NISA announcing Nayuta is coming to west, nothing could've prepared on how much i've loved.

It's so crazy knowing Falcom releasing games every single year, but something is very different in this one game especifically. For a example that really took their own time to create an story than doesnt really rely in the other games, and that's the biggest strength of this game, it gives a sense of identity while pleasing the veterans like me. Also it's not a game that was forced to be the next game for whatever means, like Tokyo Xanadu was released to give more dev time for YS 8 or Kuro no Kiseki 2 for YS X in the same reason.

So coming from after Kuro 2, i'm so glad Nayuta felt like a complete fresh of an air, chibi sprites, old falcom soundteam soul, immaculate art direction and a simple but touching story while maintaining a bit of the Trails series is everything i wished for. It's safe to say that it meet my expectations by a long shot, playing an trails game late a night and having me dialed makes this game an another special to me. Especially considering the struggle of being an Trails fan.

The last thing i wanted to mentioned is how i geniuely missed the old comfy and insane tracks that Falcom is very known for, especially Saki Momiyama (Zero/Azure composer) was insane in this game, it geniuely stole the spotlight for me and makes me miss the cohesion and the passion of every sound team composer and making an special game for as long they can remember.

My friends always makes funny jokes about me saying ''I love music'' or whatever but i geniuely find it really funny how the timing of me playing turned really good for me on how much i enjoyed this game so much.

Thought it has some issues with some boss designs, i feel like this game does it best on what it needs to be. Like literally, the structure of having a rhythm while making the sound design if perfectly and especially having the soundtrack to match with the timing of an cutscene or in the middle of the fight sounds geniuely so ambitious that i can't find myself to say how cool it is.

Hi-Fi Rush such a fantastic game in terms of everything in a hack and slash game needs to be and have a sense of identity in a way that i never imagined before. The presentation and the artstyle is just too imaculate in a first playthrough.

If you look like Korsica please hit my line.

After 2 years of playing this series, i'm finally caught up.

Not really much to say man, i always loved Kaito's character and even more his dynamic with Yagami made me smile but this DLC just speaks Kaito just really deserve to be happy after all the stuff he has been going through his life, not running from the mistakes that he made from the past, if it was the right thing, even the rash decisions can really make someone and himself happy in a way.

Hidenori Shoji once again cooked one of my favorite final bosses in Yakuza, so much to respect in a man who has been working with RGG since Yakuza 1, it really feels fit for him to make which could've been Yakuza 1 final boss. Both characters has a deep love about Mikoko and the last thing both of them agree on is a duel.

No words for this game.

I've trying catching up to the series and nothing but praise about this series can't put into words, first game without Nagoshi and that geniuely put me into the feeling of being worried about the future especially the shoes to fill after the Judgment duology.

Safe to say my worries are geniuely gone, even with the circustances that they could've choose, I'm so glad they went with the route of the making just a short game but really impactful to Kiryu's character from the events of Y6. The game just feels a culmination of what makes Kiryu one of my favorite character of all time and how the people he interacted in these past games even if it was just a little push to start moving forward. The amount of respect for the RGG team with Nagoshi work is just too much to speak, just really tells the impact of him made RGG what they are right now.

Kiryu's character writing is one of the things that had me worried the most but good god, everything about this game and the finale just proved how much i love this series to no end and geniuely had me crying.

Gaiden feels the complete sendoff to Kiryu and one of the things that will never leave my head and i have nothing about but to thank RGG and Nagoshi for writing such a fantastic game and franchise that will never leave my head.

I am speechless man, everything about this game just flows so fucking wel.

There's no other way to describe what the last act was to me, the sidequests and the combat is just feels a story that actually knows they are doing and knows what a Spider-Man story makes people happy, anxious, laugh and learn from a media that tries its best to make a story that appeals to people who actually love this franchise.

Thank you Insominiac, we will be there for the last cooking