simple fun, with nice versus modes and cute graphics

fun to a point, the kind where you sink 30 hours into it in a week and then don’t really want to pick it back up ever

cheesy but cute and well made, if at times quite linear (also the book of love gets grating)

a good compromise between pure survivalist zombie games like Day-Z and something with more story and human qualities to maintain like TWD

gorgeous visuals and designs (mostly characters, menus, etc.) the level designs could get a little stale but, for its time, still holds up pretty well. the delivery of the backstory/plot through collectible fragments does literally fragment the story a bit, which makes it hard to remember at times what you last learned and how that is related to new tidbits. overall a creatively ambitious attempt worth exploring, maybe restricted a tad by its game-making prowess

some of the best gameplay yet for the franchise, especially thanks to the spells and dedicated melee weapons. writing could’ve used some more editing, but it was serviceable or ignorable (occasionally chuckled). the end game definitely needs work, which probably won’t ever happen, and the DLCs are very phoned in and overpriced.

funny moments, nothing super noteworthy though

best bl3 DLC hands down; love the style of the maps, characters, and narrative


great concepts, pretty fun missions, could’ve been a bit more extensive

was really happy they did this before BL3 was released. a decent DLC that got me excited for the next entry in the series

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loveddd the concept for the dlc and the level designs, did not like the execution and the story/missions (him falling down the stairs at the end was a liiiiittle funny i guess)