games about games have worn out their welcome, even by the time this came out. i am not sure Hotline Miami needed a sequel but I think this is the best you can do - it's kind of a messy treatise on why it should exist in the first place. I think what makes Hotline Miami sing so much is despite appearing like an overly violent thoughtless 80s pastiche it has a surprising amount of lore and story and interesting things to say- it has way more thought and soul than you'd ever think (or that I ever remembered!). I like that Wrong Number is a Pulp Fiction style multi perspective story - it's something I don't think enough games ever really tackle. it adds to this messy affect the game has going on and its depiction of violence coming from seemingly everywhere. and for a seemingly nihilistic game it has a lot of heartfelt moments to it - the music when you play as Richter for example is really downbeat and forlorn and matches this sad pathetic nature of having to catch a bus to go to all these killing rooms.

somehow Hotline Miami is one of those rare examples of a game that can have its cake and eat it too - it makes its fast-paced hyper violence both addicting and fun while also maintaining a harsh indictment on the same violence. the fact that it ends with such a strong final statement I think brings it home a bit. without the ending I think it would be an empty spectacle kind of game, but it ends with such a thunderous nail in its own coffin I have to admit I felt fulfilled with the whole experience (an experience as a game that at times made me want to rage quit because some of those final levels are so fucking brutal).

Reviewed on May 31, 2024
