Log Status






Time Played

10h 0m

Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

November 18, 2023

First played

November 16, 2023

Platforms Played


This is a hard one to review, having only played it for the first time in 2023. One has to be able to go back to 2008 to have a true appreciation of this game, I think, because when compared to modern FPS campaigns, this hugely falls flat.

But was that true in '08? Likely not. A (mainly) multiplayer franchise breaking out with an actually narrative focused story was a big step for the studio, and so many of the shooters in that time period either picked big-budget story campaigns or extensive multiplayer options. BF: Bad Company attempted to do both, and succeeded marginally I feel.

The story is, though comical and likely a play on a film or literature about a similar tale, enjoyable: because of the characters. It has some truly humorous moments made the better for the squad and their interactions with one another.

The gameplay leaves room for improvement, to say the least. Hard mode was likely a poor choice on my part, but I don't think that toning down the difficulty would have increased the overall enjoyment. I was glad for a respawn system vs checkpoints, but still found it a monotonous task to whittle down the enemy slowly to be able to advance through certain portions. Combined with 20 year old console FPS controls, this made for a bit of frustrating moments, to say the least.

Still, I'd say give this a try if you have not experienced it before. Clocking in at just shy of 10 hrs it's a good weekend getaway back to 2008.