This is my first PoP game that I've ever played after booting up the game (PC Version) it got stuck for a while until I made a workaround for it to work. The premise is really simple it starts off really fast which I really liked but as soon as you get into the fighting it gets "cool". While you're fighting the game stops and actually tells you what to press next but oh boy... I was naive. Those instructions still appear even after teaching you how to actually play the game which is kinda frustrating because the game thinks that I'm dumb or something or that I can't figure things by myself. After all of the lack luster mentioned before Imma focus on the gameplay and the parkour now. The fights are utterly boring and you can't just "do your thing". And the parkour is kinda sluggish and it tries to mimic the 1st game movement (which I understand that's part of the limitations of how that game was made but... c'mon it's 2008 you can do better.) Did I mention that the tutorial boxes will still appear even later in the game when you already know the controls? Yeah I think so.

And I'm not finished because you gotta collect A LOT of spheres to get Elika's powers and you actually need 60 of them. Good look advancing through a zone in the game because you gotta go into them but not as you would think that it was intended Never playing it again, I'm really sorry.

Final veredict: Never playing it again.

EXTRA: The game doesn't have the real ending included on the PC version so stick to emulating this game or play it on original hardware.

Reviewed on Apr 14, 2024
