Reviews from

in the past

"Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled" serves as a fantastic remaster, seamlessly combining tracks and characters from both "Crash Team Racing" and "Crash Nitro Kart" into one exhilarating package. The game offers a vast amount of content and customization options, spanning multiple series of the Crash Bandicoot universe. The driving mechanics have been improved while still maintaining the essence of the original, providing a satisfying and nostalgic experience for fans. Multiplayer modes are a blast, offering hours of fun, but the online experience on the Nintendo Switch is disappointingly lacking. Furthermore, the game runs at only 30 frames per second on the Switch, compared to other consoles. Despite these drawbacks, "Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled" remains a beloved Mario Kart alternative, delivering thrills and nostalgia in equal measure.

Simon is a fun character to play as for NES standards, I myself did not get far into the game but it's still pretty neat.

Super Mario Land is a neat piece of history but unfortunately not much else. It’s definitely cool to see an attempt at replicating the Mario magic on a handheld in 1989. However, the novelty quickly wears off considering it’s now 2024 and you probably aren’t even playing this on a Game Boy. Whilst I very much admire the history behind it, Super Mario Land has aged as pretty much just another mediocre Game Boy platformer except this one was lucky enough to be remembered because it’s a Mario game.

There isn’t really much to say. It’s extremely short and simple, although lacking the tight and precise controls of other 2D Mario games which can sometimes be frustrating. That is without a doubt the biggest thing holding the game back. It just doesn’t feel good. That’s not to say the game has nothing worth remembering though. Despite the extremely limited visuals, Super Mario Land offers unique settings inspired by the real world as well as a large variety of distinct enemies. Vehicle levels were a pretty cool addition too. The soundtrack features some great tunes that have since become classics. Also, this was the game that introduced Daisy so that’s pretty neat. All that in mind, I can at least say that Super Mario Land’s very unique and charming identity is what prevents me from entirely writing it off. While I do consider it to be a poorly aged title who’s novelty holds little meaning all these years later, its charm and historical value at least gives it enough of a leg to stand on.

This was one of the version games I played when I got my first gaming PC,
I finally replayed it and completed!

Es fühlt sich wie eine nicht enden wollende Folge von Rockos modernes Leben an.
Alles was man sieht ist willkürlich und daher egal.
Plötzlich wird in einem Baseballspiel mit nem Panzer angefahren, dann angelt man diesen aus dem Eis, nachdem man ihm mit Würmern ein Upgrade gekauft hat und der Fiebertraum hört einfach nicht auf.

Es ist aber auch nicht lustig.

Das Spiel schleift einen im Schneckentempo von einem langweiligen Minispiel zum nächsten und währenddessen wird man vom Narator zugefaselt.
Das Spiel gibt einem auch wieder ALLES vor. Keine einzige Entscheidung ist selbst zu treffen.
"Da ist ein Gegner, drücke X um ihn zu besigen"
Ich drücke X.
"Wow du hast den Gegner besiegt, wie war das nur möglich?"
.. ja das frage ich mich auch.
... boah..

"Black" stands out as a remarkable achievement in the fifth-generation console era, boasting graphics that pushed the limits of the hardware and set a new standard for visual fidelity. The shooting mechanics are exceptional, offering tight controls and satisfying gunplay that make every firefight intense and exhilarating. In its time, "Black" was undoubtedly the best shooter game available, showcasing the capabilities of the era's consoles. While the story may be somewhat average, it still manages to deliver a cool and engaging experience that complements the action-packed gameplay. Overall, "Black" remains a standout title that continues to impress with its groundbreaking graphics and solid shooting mechanics.

A genuine standout in a series of dubious quality. From the start of the game until its' end, it knows exactly what it wants to be. It wants to really show you what Sonic's capable of as a franchise and even a work of art, and mostly delivers with 100% sincerity. The game heavily encourages replayability almost to a fault, as beginners will most certainly have a difficult time with it and may feel like dropping it.

Despite all of that, though, this game is something you want to really feel out rather than jog through in a day like any other Sonic game. The gameplay is like a craft to master, and even gameplay clips can make it extremely clear who cares about the game and who doesn't.

The daytime stages, still have yet to be outdone in my eyes, even with Sonic Generations attempting to take them to a new level. Every setpiece, every loop, every strand of grass feels like it belongs there, like you're really traversing through the world of Sonic, and that you're using the environment as your obstacle course. The momentary glimpses of beauty you get really show what the PS3/XBOX 360 are made of, like the swirling grind rail of Apotos' sea, the climbing up and down of the clock tower of Spagonia's captiol, the great walls and dragon statues of Chun-nan, it's all meticulously thought out better than any Sonic game that has come out after, even Mania, as bold as that seems.

The Werehog's gameplay is also something that is very misunderstood. I wish the game had encouraged more diversity within the combat, because there is A LOT you can do with what's given to you as you level your stats up. A fully leveled Werehog is one of the most fun gameplay styles Sonic Team has ever created and it's a fucking shame it was never expanded upon due to the backlash it received at the time. The level design is very much an obstacle course, but rather than traversing thousands of miles in seconds, it's more about climbing the rooftops and slashing your way through. A vast amount of the slower parts always have a faster workaround, albeit with less of a reward, given the somewhat strict ranking system for level completion. I would love to see a remaster that gives a 30% speed boost to the Werehog, at the very least.

The hub worlds are also extremely easy to navigate and can really add to the feel of the world you're saving. The medal collecting is bullshit and locks the pre-final stage behind a HUGE wall with a number on it.

Overall, this is what I would absolutely call the best 3D Sonic game. It's got the most polish, the most heart, and the highest stakes. Would recommend to anyone who'd be up for a good platformer.

"Nicktoons Unite!" is a game that's best enjoyed with friends, offering a fun multiplayer experience. However, playing solo can quickly become frustrating due to slow progression and repetitive gameplay. While the game's premise of uniting beloved Nickelodeon characters is intriguing, some levels fail to deliver engaging challenges, leading to a sense of monotony. Despite its shortcomings, the game does have its moments of enjoyment, especially when played with others. Overall, "Nicktoons Unite!" is a mixed bag that may entertain in short bursts but falls short of providing a consistently satisfying experience.

Amazing concept, completely abandoned by the devs

"Crash Team Racing" revs up with its stellar driving mechanics, delivering an experience that rivals even Mario Kart in its time. The game's tracks and characters are undeniably memorable, offering a nostalgic trip down gaming's memory lane. From the vibrant scenery to the quirky personalities, every aspect of the game exudes charm. Additionally, the sheer number of challenges ensures that players are constantly kept on their toes, providing ample replay value. However, while "Crash Team Racing" shines in many areas, it falls short of achieving greatness due to some technical limitations and occasional frustrations. Despite this, it remains a solid choice for fans of kart racing games, offering a fun and engaging experience that stands the test of time.

"Crash Bash" is a nostalgic throwback to fun party gaming sessions, but it falls short in terms of variety. While it's undeniably enjoyable to play with friends, the lack of minigame variety becomes apparent over time, leading to repetitive gameplay. Despite its shortcomings, the game still holds some charm, especially when revisited with friends in 2024. The classic Crash Bandicoot characters and simple gameplay mechanics can provide moments of entertainment, but ultimately, it's not enough to keep the experience fresh for long periods. "Crash Bash" may have its moments of fun, but it's best enjoyed in short bursts with a group of friends looking for some nostalgic gaming fun.

Hasn't aged super well, but the music has! And that's how I could access the feelings this game evoked 30 years ago, with that red mislabeled SNES cart I got from a yard sale for $20 -- if only for a moment.

Breath of Fire IV ..
das war schon was besonderes.
Das Intro war geil, der Soundtrack gut, die Kämpfe nicht zu langweilig.
Der Protagonist leider stumm, aber was will man machen.
Der wirklich interessante Teil ist, dass man ebenso den Antagonisten spielt.
Ich kann mich tatsächlich nicht erinnern, das je so gesehen zu haben.
Bin froh, das nicht verpasst zu haben.

"Crash Nitro Kart" falls short of capturing the magic of the original "Crash Team Racing," offering a gameplay experience that fails to innovate or surpass its predecessor. While it remains enjoyable to play with friends, the game lacks significant improvements over the original, resulting in a sense of stagnation. The addition of anti-gravity tracks is a notable improvement, injecting some freshness into the formula, but it's not enough to elevate the overall experience. Despite its shortcomings, "Crash Nitro Kart" still provides some entertainment value, particularly in multiplayer settings. However, for fans expecting a worthy successor to "Crash Team Racing," this game may disappoint with its lack of innovation and failure to capture the same level of excitement.

fps oyunlarını seven herkesin oynaması gereken bir oyun. maalesef bitiremedim. emulator farklı sıkıntılar çıkardı ve ben de düzeltemedim. ama bitirseydim eminim daha çok severdim

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They are yet to invent a word to describe the feeling of getting 150 stars thinking you 100% a romhack only for the game to tell you that actually you just unlocked a new mode that makes it so there's 333 stars in total.

Favourite game ever, the balance between Turn based fighting and Daily Life with Confidants makes for such a diverse and untertaining game, amazing characters and story, some of the best music I've ever heard, beautiful game, amazing level design

A mess of a game, the start of the game is slow and boring, the mid game is slow and boring and the end game is slow and boring

Fun game to pass the time, very veryyy repetitive
The creative mode is fun to test out different PC's and trying to push the limit

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EU AMEI, eu acho que é um dos meus jogos de superherois favorito, achei que não ia gostar pq eu sou muito DCzete, e acabei começando a jogar com um preconceito, mas a jogabilidade eh ABSURDAMENTE BOA, o sistema de luta eh um dos melhores que eu ja vi, o sistema de evoluir de nível, melhorar os equipamentos e a arvore de habilidades eh muito satisfatorio e nada dificil, achei chato depois de ter zerado a historia e ter que ficar repetindo a MESMA coisa na cidade combatendo crimes pra fazer 100% da historia, mas foi mais facil doq muito jogo por ai, então ta no lucro ainda

a historia eh mt boa, tem mt plotwist e mesmo sendo coisas que já esperamos por conhecer a historia do homem aranha e a galeria de vilões, quando acontece passa todo o sentimento como se fosse a primeira vez descobrindo, principalmente envolvendo o Dr Octopus, tudo eh muito bem feito e eu amei, dei 4 estrelas e meia pq vou jogar o do Miles agora, e tenho certeza que vou gostar mais, assim que eu terminar vou fazer review do que eu achei!

Theres really only 2 things I can say about this game, and its the same 2 things everyone else can say about Mosa Lina: its (1) very fun in a kinetic, flow state brain improv kind of way and (2) its very pointless as a game (as a statement). People have a strange and delicate relationship with RNG, and some people might hear “your ability to complete a level is randomized and not at all guaranteed by the games systems” and think “this will straight up piss me off”. More and more lately I personally welcome opportunities to hone my sense of instinct and intuition when it comes to physically playing games I think are interesting and fun to pick apart, to strengthen my connection to “the flow”.

But its just impossible to avoid the feeling of directionless-ness when games dont have intrinsic goals. You could absolutely make the argument that gamers have addled, unimaginative minds that have been spoiled by reward systems and that we are no longer able to just be present with games - but this is also an inevitability in a world where theres just so many games to play. I can do my part and come up with a few extrinsic reasons to play Mosa Lina for more than 30 seconds and once I accomplish those few extrinsic goals I gotta move on unless Mosa Lina wants to sweeten the deal. Sometimes its just a matter of a game providing excuses to continue playing and Mosa Linas all-or-nothing principled stance leaves it hard to engage with as anything other than a very clever toy.

"Far Cry 3" is a game I'd consider a classic, even in 2024. The map is massive, and I've spent countless hours exploring every nook and cranny, always finding something new. What really sticks with me is the villain, Vaas Montenegro. He's not just a bad guy; he's twisted, memorable, and adds a whole new level of intensity to the game. The side activities are a blast, from hunting to liberating outposts, they keep me engaged when I need a break from the main story.

Speaking of the story, it's surprisingly good. I found myself invested in the characters and their journey, even though it's been a while since the game released. And can we talk about the graphics? Sure, it's an older game, but it still looks great. The lush environments and detailed character models hold up well, making every moment feel immersive.

Sure, there are some signs of age here and there, but overall, "Far Cry 3" is still a fantastic experience that showcases the best of open-world gaming, and it's definitely worth revisiting, even in 2024.