Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders

Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders

released on Mar 31, 1996

Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders

released on Mar 31, 1996

An expansion for Heretic

In a twisted medieval dimension, undead creatures and bestial horrors have done the unthinkable--callously slaughtering your entire race. Your friends. Your family. Eliminated. But the nightmare has just begun. Wielding ungodly weapons such as the Firemace and Hellstaff and casting spells from the Tomes of Power, you must seek your vengeance. Or die trying.

Also in series

Heretic II
Heretic II
Hexen II Mission Pack: Portal of Praevus
Hexen II Mission Pack: Portal of Praevus
Hexen II
Hexen II
Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel
Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel
Hexen: Beyond Heretic
Hexen: Beyond Heretic

Released on


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These last two episodes feel like the dev team came back to this game and their only idea was "What if we made it HARDER?" They don't have anything more to offer than is provided in the first three, unfortunately.

The weaponry and enemies feel even more uninspired at this point, without a ton of room for expression of either one. These episodes don't have any new weapons, items, or enemies and they suffer for it. Encounters feel like a bunch of enemies thrown into a room and weapons are mostly just used thoughtlessly until their ammo runs out and you switch to a different one.

Some of the levels gesture at environmental storytelling, with architecture that seems more evocative and interesting or specific areas with a theme. In Shadow of the Serpent Riders you are fighting your way into castles or dealing with fast-flowing rivers, but none of this rises beyond the most basic representation. In the end they are all just rooms full of tons of enemies, rather than doing something creative with the gameplay to match these environments.

I didn't have much fun with either of these two episodes and with nothing of significance added they only serve to make the base game go on for much longer than the mechanics can sustain. I don't think Heretic is really worth playing through and these two episodes definitely are not. Skip them!

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More of the same of the main game, which is a good thing, but there are a few things that bring it down somewhat. Obviously the two episodes here don't end with boss fights in the way the main game's three episodes do, instead you end with a fight against multiple prior bosses instead. That, to be fair, is an issue i've had in a lot of games of this type (looking at Doom 64 in particular) but while I get it it's still a bit disappointing. I think the second episode here is the only proper trouble I had finding my way around levels in the whole game too, which is definitely more a thing of my inability than the game being at fault, but it did diminish my experience a tiny bit. Either way, it's a Doom style retro shooter and I like those a lot, and it took about a few hours to beat in total so it wasn't anything I regret. Worth the play if you like Heretic's first three episodes or just like Doom in general.


Vou ser bem sincero, pra mim, de todos os FPS's 2.5D de 90, Heretic é o que tem os melhores visuais e estilo - seguido de Doom e Duke Nukem (Hexen não conta porque é do mesmo universo).

A versão Shadow of the Serpent Riders vem com duas campanhas adicionais, mas elas não chegam nem perto das fases das campanhas principais.
As fases das 3 primeiras campanhas são perfeitas e o level design de todas é incrível. A progressão das fases é fluida de uma maneira que é bem difícil você ficar travado procurando o que fazer ou aonde ir (como é comum nos jogos desse tipo) e quase todas as fases, conforme se progride, vão abrindo passagens e portais pra facilitar a reexploração pra pegar itens e procurar segredos. Isso tudo trás um dinamismo muito agradável ao avançar pelas fases.

No entanto as fases das duas últimas campanhas são totalmente o oposto. Tem umas fases que são até que legais, mas a maioria é chata e irritante - Tem spam desnecessário de bichos em quase todo lugar, tem muito mais alavancas posicionadas em qualquer canto com muitas delas ativando ou abrindo coisas que você não faz ideia de onde estão, há áreas que você fica preso sem conseguir sair a menos que tenha certos equipamentos específicos que dificilmente você vai ter, a organização e montagem das fases é quebrada e sem sentido, etc, etc. Não sei o que deu nos devs, mas parece que bateu um baita de um relaxo na hora de fazer a expansão e só montaram qualquer coisa e jogaram uma porrada de bichos pra dar dificuldade.

Mas enfim, a parte do Heretic original (as 3 primeiras campanhas) é o ápice e vale MUITO A PENA jogar, especialmente se você curte esse estilo 2.5D. Mas jogue a expansão (as duas últimas campanhas) APENAS se você estiver realmente querendo jogar mais - porém esteja preparado pra algo bem abaixo da qualidade do jogo original.

Antes de finalizar, deixo aqui a dica suprema pra rodar esse jogo em sistemas mais novos: Baixe GZDoom!
Essa engine, além de adaptar a resolução do jogo pra rodar sem problemas, também descompila ele de uma maneira que ele fica totalmente configurável - te deixando colocar mods e configurar o que quiser pra gameplay ficar mais confortável.

Both of these episodes have some great levels, and I wouldn't call any of them bad except for the terrible ending. It was a nice step up in challenge, similar to other expansion packs, with the first map being a brutal wake-up call. They really just dropped the ball on bosses. A bit weird; they did a sequel, an expansion for the sequel, and then back to the original game for an expansion, huh?

A great Doom-like. The levels are fun to explore and are challenging in the right ways.