Judge Dredd

Judge Dredd

released on Jun 16, 1995

Judge Dredd

released on Jun 16, 1995

Judge Dredd is an action video game for the Super NES, Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, Game Gear and Game Boy originally released in 1995. The game is loosely based on the 1995 film Judge Dredd, which was a spin off from the Judge Dredd strip from 2000AD.

Also in series

Judge Dredd vs. Zombies
Judge Dredd vs. Zombies
Judge Dredd: Dredd Vs. Death
Judge Dredd: Dredd Vs. Death
Judge Dredd Pinball
Judge Dredd Pinball
Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd

Released on


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Judge Dredd on SNES is a rough one for sure. It looks kind of cool, that digitized aesthetic was neat back in the day, but the gameplay is clunky as heck. You shoot, you arrest perps, but the controls are awkward and it's super easy to die. Some stages and ideas have potential, but it's mostly just a frustrating mess. This one's sadly only for hardcore Judge Dredd fans or people who enjoy retro game pain.

I've been wanting to revisit this game. Much like the movie, I feel like I'm the only person who really enjoyed it.

A shame that Stallone always got terrible games cause he is the GOAT. Ugly graphics, bad controls, bad music, boring gameplay, and crappy stage design. This game is just flat out bad, but it is playable.

My own personal "Deathman"! The only reason I revisited this is because I recall liking it as a kid and playing it with my brother a good amount of times. I feel like it would've been very easy for Judge Dredd to be sort of like NARC, or even Contra. A game based on a sci-fi action movie about a big brutish cop delivering justice in the form of bullets, make it a run-n-gun! Instead, it's a methodical action platformer where you have to take your time to take enemies out efficiently, and sometimes even arrest them for proper detainment. And clearing stages isn't as easy as getting from point A to point B, as you usually have to explore the non-linear area in order to make progress.

In all honesty, though the ambition this game bears doesn't make for a very good game. Movement feels very stiff, it's a surprise they put any sort of premium in platforming. The gameplay never changes, so you're just rinse-and-repeating looking around stages and performing very monotonous platforming tasks. Perhaps I should've kept this as a faint memory.

I feel like they were going for a Robocop vs Terminator style of game but quite didn't make it. The game looks good on paper but it's a miserable experience. Dredd walks way to fast and the screen is constantly moving and shaking to catch up. It's giving me a headache thinking about it.