Mahou no Princess Minky Momo: Remember Dream

Mahou no Princess Minky Momo: Remember Dream

released on Jul 29, 1992

Mahou no Princess Minky Momo: Remember Dream

released on Jul 29, 1992

A 1992 Famicom game published by Yutaka based on the Minky Momo magical girl anime.

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I played this last night and was thinking about a whole write up with stuff about how the minigames are all fun little fucked up versions of normal games and how this thing could just exist on today and how it's really nice and anyway when I woke up I'd forgotten it existed like a forgotten dream. Like a minute ago I said to myself, out loud "Oh fuck I played Minky Momo" and then wrote this. If anyone heard that sentence I assume I'd be buried in some kind of underground chamber.

There's a sequel to this though? That fuckin rules

You know I was gonna give a short review since this got a fan translation but it seems I got beat out by a couple of people, oh well I might as well say my opinion.

I've never seen the source material for this Anime, I've been aware of it, just never had time to watch it. Usually I like to get into before I delve into stuff like games but I'll make this the exception.

In the past I've talked about the first Sailor Moon game on GB and that one had this interesting first level where you'd walk all over town talking to people, doing side minigames, or just advancing the story. This game feels like that level but it's way better and it's the whole game.

You'll go around town talking to NPCs, playing minigames, or helping people out so you can get the Dream Pearls. There's only 10 in the game though I only had to collect 8 so if there is a way you can get more or less I'm not aware. The town is also not too big, it's easy to get around the place.

When it comes to the minigames it's a mixed bag. I don't think they're all bad but some can be not that fun or just have flaws like in the platforming ones where I feel the hitbox on the character is too big. They also might be too simple for people. There's also no checkpoints so for stuff like the detective one or the final part of the game, you have to do it in one go. Though since this was probably meant for kids, it's usually pretty easy outside of some jank like I've mentioned.

The game graphically looks inconsistent. It has moments of looking good with special shoutouts going to the transformation sequence. It's really a beauty. Then you have sprites where the eyes aren't colored so they just change to whatever the background there on is meaning you get stuff like completely blue eye Champ. It probably could be better for 1992. The ending dance you see in the credits is also pretty cute. The music isn't the most interesting but I do like the town theme, it's pretty catchy.

This game won't really impress anyone but for a licensed game it could be much worse. I probably am going too soft on it but I enjoyed my time with this short game. It has a nice vibe to it and I'm sure some fans of the source material or even children will get some enjoyment out of this one. Wouldn't really say it's a must play but with a new fan translation it wouldn't hurt to at least check it out if curious.

Literalmente apenas mais um jogo que achei ao acaso, baseado em um Anime que eu via anos atrás, e traduzido. Eu precisava ver do que se tratava, com medo que fosse só um visual novel medíocre.

Bom, não é um visual novel... e sobre medíocre, vamos chegar lá.

Minky Momo é uma adorável garotinha mágica que vivia no mundo dos sonhos, e veio para a Terra para trazer de volta a vontade das pessoas de sonharem. Algo do gênero. Crítica social, acredito. Para ajudar, Momo tem uma varinha mágica que lhe dá o poder de se transformar em uma... Barbie.
Ela fica adulta e ganha um emprego baseado na situação em que ela se encontra. Ou seja, Barbie.
Se ela ganha carteira assinada, vale alimentação, transporte, direito a férias, ou se ela sequer é qualificada de verdade pra qualquer um dos empregos ali, aí eu acho que é uma questão muito complexa, só aceita que é mágica.

O jogo aí é baseado nisso, Momo sai pela cidade visitando pessoas e vendo se elas precisam de ajuda, se transforma, e começa um mini-game dela ajudando. A cidade é um total de 10 telas que você deve ficar indo e voltando entre elas para descobrir quem precisa de ajuda, ou o que desencadeia os eventos. Alguns moradores te dão dicas, mas maioria é vago e você tem que acabar fazendo tudo sozinha.

Quando por acaso você consegue um evento, começa um dos mini-games, e devo dizer, não tinha razão nenhuma para fazer eles tão difíceis assim! Um dos eventos é se transformar em atendente do McDonalds e jogar jogo da memória com os pedidos das pessoas num tempo limite. De onde tiraram isso???
Tá, eu consegui a maioria de primeira, mas assustou o nível de preparo que o jogo pede.
O bom é que você tem continues infinitos, então é só paciência.

No mais, o jogo é fofo, possui diversas músicas e várias artes bem detalhadas, inclusive as cenas de transformação que são muito bem animadas. Você acaba continuando a jogar para ver no que irá se transformar a seguir.

É um jogo que se destaca no Famicom por isso, eu recomendo pra uma jogada

Silly game where you just wander around until an event happens for you to get 1 of 10 things to finish the game. Pretty dumb just wandering around the small town, and the mini games suck.

But it looks nice at least, love the transformation sequence. Funny, too.

A tie-in game for a popular shoujo anime from the 80s/90s. Set in a small town, you're tasked with finding 10 dream pearls - which are the reward of various minigames. The games range from slightly tricky to frustrating. None of the few I played were particularly exciting - a racing game, a matching game, a platformer level. I guess for the time it's impressive to have so many game formats in one game, but they basically felt like little set pieces stuck in between a game with hard-to-trigger event flags.

Mostly you run around a 10-screen town trying to trigger events to find the next pearl. There's nothing given to track this progress. You can jump, and it's kind of cute... you can learn to climb a tree... but eh, much of the game feels barely serviceable. A lot seems to be throwback to the original source material - e.g. the main character transforms into a young adult woman for each minigame.

This game is interesting from the lens of trying to make an existing anime work through the format of a game. Some moments are charming... a man wants to eat but he's so sick of eating burgers so you eventually have to get him a banana... but idk, overall it didn't come together. I think if the story threads were easier to follow or progress, and the games made a little bit more polished (or at least given some interesting ideas) it would be a cute 2 hour game or so.