Reviews from

in the past

Goddamn I fucking love this gorilla and all his lil bastards. I played this with the "SwapKongsAnywhere" hack and let me tell you, the original lack of that one feature really held this game back from being considered as the 3d platformer GOD it is. Look man, banjo is nice or whatever, but if you're a grown ass person still playing video games and you havent played DK64 Ima need you to spin around, hop 3 times, slap yourself on the ass, download the swap anywhere patch, sit the fuck down and play this game. I'm about to really bust so lemme put this into paragraphs

The collecting: There's a million collectible bullshits in this game and that is okay! They're normally in pretty intentional places and they're fun to find especially the secret ones

the world: This shit is so expressive and characterized that I can't believe we havent seen donkey kong since 2014.

The characters: lanky

The bosses: the bosses are actually kinda challenging sometimes but regardless of difficulty, they're just really great setpieces and their designs go hard.

The music: Grant kirkhope nuts on the track

the minigames: honestly the only thing that holds the game back from being a 5/5, these minigames suck monkey dick and pissed me off 90% of the time

nintendo needs to wake the FUCK up