Reviews from

in the past

Roguelikes tend to live or die based on how fun the core gameplay is. After all, who wants to play run after run of very samey content if the game feels really bad to play? So what better game to make a roguelike for than Splatoon, a third-person shooter with of the best and unique game feel out there. And yeah, unsurprisingly this DLC is fun! If you aren't a Splatoon fan already, this won't do anything for you, but Splatoon fans will certainly have a good time with it.

While I enjoyed it, I do have critiques. First of all, I like the concept of the vending machines, which act much like the shop in Slay the Spire, I just don't feel as though it was done very well. Everytime I've gone to it 2/3 of the options are replacing either the sub/super weapons of your kit. Would've been cool if there were more options so you could buy more chips, but instead you only end having one choice unless you have the reroll ability unlocked. Unless you want to a new sub/super or to just skip a floor, going with the vending machine feels pretty unrewarding.

Another complaint I have is that I beat it on like my third or fourth run? I do think I am good at Splatoon, but I don't think I am THAT good. I mean.... I guess kudos for them not falling into the roguelite trap of making the game almost impossible to beat without levelling up a bunch like in say Rogue Legacy, but now it just kinda feels over and done with. I have beat it a second time after, and I may go back to beat with some more weapons, just kind of killed the momentum for me.

I also will say there aren't too many interesting build choices you can make as you go throughout the game. Like every choice you make is just choosing what small buff to add to your character. Like do I want to move faster, have more range, or for Pearl to just occasionally drop a bomb? It's nothing like Hades where gaining a specific boon can completely change your playstyle. Still lots of fun, because it is Splatoon, but wouldn't exactly fly as a standalone roguelike.

So yeah, to wrap things up: it's more Splatoon, which is a good time! Roguelike fans can skip this one since I don't think the Roguelike part of this is necessarily amazing, but it is certainly still a lot of fun.