Reviews from

in the past

I am cringe, but I am free.

This game sucks, but I play it anyways. Its core is fun, its story can be good sometimes, but there's so many layers of gacha-isms keeping you away from that core. I wish Hoyoverse would examine what makes their game tick and really expand on that, other than just putting out Content:tm: every month.

i like genshin for what it tries to be I'm gonna be real. and genuinely i still think sumeru and fontaine have to be the most kino out there. the problem is this game suffer A LOT from it's mechanics. grinding is a must, to a point where it starts to not feel fun, bc u cant survive unless ur doing good enough danage. which also requires buildinf, and even that is RNG. atp i only really return to genshin when there's new main story content soz

A game with one of the best soundtracks ever made, poisoned by greed, grinding, and oftentimes insufferable story. What wasted potential for a masterpiece.

i HATE this fucking game. its like blight on humanity

I'm... torn.
I don't hate genshin and I also don't... like it either.
I got far enough to have a general grasp on the game and from what I played, it's a fine enough game. The story, from what I was able to understand is interesting but it was not engaging at all. I can't really see myself playing the game ever again, but I did like what I played.

the story is good but the gacha mechanics and grindy gameplay is just not worth it

i hate this game so much and im allowed to say that cuz ive been playing since the week it released

the game sucked balls but i carried on playing. god free all those who are trapped


This game started off promising ok. I remember seeing some tik tok about it back in 2020 before it came out and thinking "Oh cool free open world game i'll play for a bit and move onto some other games." I was so sure of this belief that I set my birthday as the day I got the game so I could get the reward as soon as possible, cause there was no way I was playing this game for more than a month.

Well I proved myself wrong, and got sucked into the world. And I will give it this, the CONCEPT of the magic system is fun. Archons that we're once non-immortal take human forms and grant powers to those that show themselves to be worthy of it is very interesting. Even the whole lost sibling aspect got me hooked. Cool world, cool story, and free!! Who could ask for more! YOU COULD

So I play the game, and remember wandering around Liyue, one of the regions of the game and thinking how beautiful it is, and the amount of love and care that went into incorporating aspects of chinese culture into this area of the map. The clothes, names, architecture, story. All influenced by a real place, which was really really cool!! So I played here and then, wishing for characters and never getting any (thats a gacha game for you)
Then Inazuma was announced and I was excited!!! New area of the map!! So I waited, it arrived and I had a solid time through the map. The gameplay was wearing down on me at this point-repetetive and with a lack of real follow ups it just became a grinding simulator. BUT, I still liked walking around and exploring the world. What a cool thing that they can inspire real world places into a video game with fantasy elements.

Finally, the fated day came: They announced Sumeru. YIPEEE right?!?!?! I'm Indian and they we're gonna put elements of South asian culture into a video game I liked!!! I can barely imagine it!!! What a peacful life I led.

Eventually leaks come out....and i'm confused alongside the rest of the community. Why the hell is everyone white?? Not only white, but why are the enemies of the region a lighter tan than a cardboard box, and with very blatant black hairstyles?? Why did they FUSE the middle east, India and EGYPT in ONE???? Why the hell was there a brown character named CANDACE and she's been drawn like THAT!!! WHY IS THE ARCHON A FUCKING WHITE BABY WITH GREEN EYES?!!?!? HELLO?????

I've seen the in depth appreciation the people at Mihoyo have done for other regions in the game, and becoming so lazy as to create this piece of dogshit region and then move onto Fontaine where you CAN SEE THAT SAME APPRECIATION AGAIN??? I don't want to hear excuses, they blatantly fucked up and I refuse to play a game where they are so scared of making a black person when we can see how money they've made off of children stealing their parents wallets. I will not hear a defense out, the only way this game fixes it is with the pyro region, but you think they're gonna do AFRICA good???? I have zero faith in this game, and i'm so glad I dropped it. Just log into Honkai everyday if you need to fulfill your gambling addiction

a mano, da pra se divertir no jogo mas pra tu pegar os personagens que tu quer e fazer a build direitinho tu tem que gastar 500 reais....

gasha games is the slag of society