Reviews from

in the past

very predatory gacha game. if you stick around, youll find interesting mechanics and team rotations.

i hate this game why’d i consume 350 hours of my life in 2020.

I don't really understand the hype behind this game. It feels like a wannabe breath of the wild that's been dumbed down and locks most of the game behind gambling paywalls.

When it's good, it's really good. When it's bad, I want to rethink my decision to play this game. Too time consuming with its endless, repetitive, and unskippable dialogues. The mini-games are boring and limited-time events are not that special. And of course what a capitalist gacha system.

started it in 2020, didn't come back to it until april 2021

thought it had cool stories and environments with nice character designs but sometime in 2022-23 i just couldn't bring myself to continue grinding and doing commissions consistently and my desire to play the game eventually fizzled out completely

Lifespan was the same as the pandemic.
Nice to look at but gameplay would get old.

This game is beautiful and has potential as an action RPG with unique character building, but is bogged down by incessant and tedious grinding, and horribly long spans of text that the player has to sit through voice acting for, preventing speed readers from progressing through scenes faster. If this game ever gets a 60 dollar release as a non-gacha, I will play it again.

siempre estaré enamorada de los paisajes de este juego, las misiones de historia muy ZZZZZZZ (menos las más tochas), GACHA GACHA GACHAAAAA, siempre seré main albedo y kaeya <3 en general guardo un recuerdo muy bonito y de vez en cuando me meto a recordar viejos tiempos :')

i hate this game with a burning passion

playing this game very quickly turned from being a form of escapism to becoming emotionally invested and unable to leave it be do not recommend

اكثر لعبه ممكن تطفش فيها

Someone said "it's not a game but a store". That sums it up pretty good

ну троечка хз)

not as bad as people make it seem

Seamos sinceros, la gente que le pone mala puntuacion es porque solo ven un juego generico anime gatcha.

Y no niego eso, es un juego anime gatcha, pero no es solo eso.

Primero, es un juego que constantemente tiene eventos de todo tipo, nuevas regiones y demas. Es imposible aburrirse con algunos de ellos. Y luego, esta la historia.

Si la analizas bien, es una historia profundisima con dioses, traiciones, venganzas, guerras y de todo. Es un juego que definitivamente puede ser llamado "el juego otaku".

Predatory gacha mechanics and a pretty awful story, but I still like playing this game a lot. Its fun to just turn my brain off and get stuff, and I really like the team building. I also feel that my review is a little biased however because I have gotten insanely lucky with all of my gacha pulls and always get what I want without pity.

I love this game. It has tons of issues.

Unironically what holds this game back the most isn't that it's gacha, it's the fact it's designed for the lowest common denominator.

The game assumes you are stupid and it drags it down immensely. Hardest content can't be too hard since fans are too FOMO. Dialogue assumes you can't read faster than a first grader.

But after all that, this isn't a negative review, because there's still something there under the surface, past the initial idea of a shallow BotW clone.

I get it, but the gameplay goes beyond that. The areas get more vast and unique than the admittedly uninspired Mondstat in the beginning, making exploration fun. Some of the regions such as Chenyu Vale are so well crafted all around, leaving me impressed with the gameplay, the visuals, and even the sound design. It's a lot of this general feel of the game that makes it work so well in my opinion - interacting with the world just generally feels pleasant, whether it be taking in the scenery, the nice background music, or getting that perfect smooth rotation in the combat. Speaking of, I also can't praise the combat system enough - elemental reactions in Genshin are actually such an amazing system that gives so much depth and player expression. The different ideas of team synergy and interacting with character kits that you can pull off is some of the most fun I've had with gaming.

The writing is hit or miss especially early on, but the highs are great and the characters are likeable. I have fun with character interactions and the dialogue is surprisingly witty at times, while the overall story is fine enough for the most part - I'd say it's bad in certain arcs, but others stand out as particularly great. Sumeru, Fontaine, and the Abyss story quests have been very interesting, but you have to sit through boring but passable arcs like Mondstat (common theme here) and 90% of Liyue, and then you get the absolute mess that is Inazuma. Still, I find myself following the lore and overall plot pretty enthusiastically, and I end up enjoying most of the character quests, even if not every character is treated equal.

In regards to the gacha - yes, it's not great. You are somewhat limited by your pulls. In fact, I think one of the biggest issues with the game is how bad early game is - Mondstat is boring all around, and you don't have many options character wise. The ability system feels like a slog since nobody has Energy Recharge to use their bursts, so you're mostly relying on physical normal attacks. This makes new players have a terrible opinion of the combat and I can't blame them; the four characters you get at the beginning have awful synergy with one another besides maybe physical Kaeya - Lisa which is a complete meme, so you're just waiting for your cooldowns to expire while doing paper thin damage with normals. It really doesn't show the strengths of the actual great part of Genshin combat with utilizing kits to their fullest in actual synergistic teams and elemental reactions. However, make it past this rough beginning and it's a blast - pull value goes down significantly after you get a few more characters and if you have self control it's not awful. Another downside of being a gacha mobile game is the resin system - you are locked on certain actions by time, such as getting artifacts for your characters, which is RNG. It's just annoying at best and downright awful at worst, and highlights some of the worst parts of this format - you will need to put some time into it to get things out of it. If you can manage that, though, you have a pretty fun game.

To reiterate, the game isn't perfect - it's fundamentally flawed. The gacha model will always be morally dubious at best. The devs make interesting decisions in terms of features they choose to add (and not to). No matter how much fun I have it seems like there's always something that'll bug me about it. But the core of the game is genuinely quite good in spite of all these flaws, and it's why I keep coming back.

ja sugo minha alma por um tempo

eu gosto ate vai n eh tao ruim

Was fun on release, definitely a gacha game but it has breathtaking graphics. Not a fan of daily grinds, even though I love MMOS

ça aurait été un 5/5 si ils avaient pas prit tr mon argent tt ça pour ne plus pouvoir jouer pcq y’a plus d’espace + même sur mon iPad j’peux plus jouer donc honkai star rail solos

I played it when it came out, lost interest in the whole game after a couple weeks.

Would be better if it was a complete game instead of a gacha. Most of the characters feel wasted or underutilized.
I wish Rosaria was in a better game :(

oh why why must u not add a good co op.