Reviews from

in the past

I really quite liked Gen 7. Alola is very easily the most interesting and pleasing region in Pokemon. Very pretty, very unique. The island challenges and Kahunas instead of gyms was a super cool shake up of the standard Pokemon formula even if they were simply Pokemon gyms just reskinned. The biggest drawback is how ungodly long the handholding is. It feels like a four hour tutorial for an eight hour game. Which is almost unforgivable.

Still Alola is so damn charming I enjoyed all the time I spent there

Pokémon Sun was a refreshing entry in the series: it was an improvement over Gen 6, it has some of the coolest Pokémon, and it changed up the mechanics just enough to come across as exciting. I don't like that they got rid of Mega Evolutions but this game makes up for it with all of its improvements and an actually interesting story, something rare in the series.