Reviews from

in the past

God this game is sensory overload. So much text and numbers on screen that I couldn't focus on any of it. I also found the world design incredibly busy too so I kept getting lost. I'm sure it's fun to play if your brain is wired differently to mine, I just couldn't get on with it.

Borderlands 2 is a strange game. Many of its flaws stand out more than it's positives. The character builds are pretty simple, the dialogue is pretty nonsensical and unfunny (which tbf appeals to me because i have brainrot). While the gameplay is fun, most areas are basically gear checks and the gameplay loop of killing something, and reloading the areas until you get an orange is a time consuming, rng hell, unfun farming method which gets stale overtime.

However, this game still fucking slaps and is just so actually fun despite its many flaws, playing with a group of friends makes the game even more enjoyable and just fun to fuck around in, and making so many stupid and funny memories while playing.

In a simple explanation, the game is not good but it's good.

No se, lo jugue una tarde con el ignacio