Reviews from

in the past

An absolutely incredible masterpiece. I am blown away at the amount of heart and personality present in what is clearly an overlooked and forgotten title in PlayStation's catalog. It's a visual treat with pitch perfect audio design, fantastic visuals and compelling lighting. In the over 10 years since this game released it hasn't aged.

The cast is absolutely excellent. The Narrator is voiced by Marc Bretonnière and he sounds like he is having the most fun reading the material in front of him. Every villain you come across is more entertaining and diverse than the last. They range from menacing, to funny, to calculating.

Is the platforming the greatest you will ever experience? No. But I can't imagine it any other way as it feels tailor made for this game. Cutting your way up pathways and across gaps with magic scissors. I haven't played a game quite like it.

I could ramble forever about this game. It deserves more eyes. It needs to be experienced by more people. I'm sad that the game is over but it's one I will never forget. I love Puppeteer and I think it's one of the best games to come from PlayStation.