Reviews from

in the past

Alem de superar o anterior em tudo, tem uma exploração mt divertida.

Não dou nota maxima pela historia novelesca e os momentso entediantes.

It's does a lot of things better than the last title but also some worse. This game has a much more bigger scale, so there's more things to fuck up. Thankfully this game is pretty great.

The visuals are quite beautiful. Many scenes feel like a full-fledged movie. One of my problems with GOW (2018) is the lack of variety with the side bosses. It kept spamming that stupid troll with the rock. This game cranks it up. The bosses feel much more fresh in my opinion. There's also some quality of life improvements which make the game more smoother. The story while not perfect is a good time. It fits in some great character development and worldbuilding.

Combat wise I prefer GOW (2018). It's a bit more satisfying to play but GOWR's combat is still fun. I enjoy the story but I can't help but feel that the game should've been split into two games. Some parts are too short (Ragnarok) while others are too long (Ironwood segment). The PS4 version has some weird bugs that break immersion but are quite small in the grand scheme of this game.

A masterpiece, the pace of this game might be really slow but as you progress through the story you start getting a liking to it.
Not just to the story itself but also to the norse mythology setting, but also the characters, the combat, the music -- the relationship between father and son. I've never felt something so unique for a videogame at all.

The rest -- you'll have to play it yourself to figure it out.

They did it again! What a great game! The combat system feels very immersive and powerful and there are more challenges. Finally we have more bosses variation but I feel they were a bit less epic from its predecessor, which had a few different boss battles but they were massive and awesome.

The story is really cool and there's deep character development with both Atreus and Kratos, very nice to see their relationship improving throughout the game, as well with Freya. Also some cool plot twists are on the way.

The only thing that miss that half star I could've given is that the final bosses feels a bit..........lame for Santa Monica standards. Ragnarok is a cool participation and all but it feels too short for all that preparation they were doing. The last two bosses could have something more, you know? Like changing environments, more nuances of mechanics, mini bosses into the bosses (I'm looking at you Final Fantasy VII Rebirth), anyway. That doesn't ruin the awesome experience I had with this game.

Go for it! One of the must play for PS5.