Reviews from

in the past

This definitely is not the worst Grasshopper game I've played, I'll say that much.

This game like epitome of 2012 era culture where it was like nonstop pop culture references and random humor. Every joke that they try to land in this game is either not funny or just weird creepy and gross. Juliet I think as a character is really good and she's got some great moments but the game is just fucking weird about her all the time it just comes of as uncomfortable to me, the constant gooner jokes being made towards her when the game takes place the very day of her 18th birthday, so it's like "heh... dude she's just barely legal!" I'm not a fan personally I just think that's weird. Other than that though in the mindset of a 2012 landscape she is a pretty good and strong protagonist so there's that. But none of that really matters because this game kinda just isn't fun to play. Every zombie takes 3 business days to kill and you start off with no moves at all, so it's just a constant grind for money so you can actually do damage to them. Late game when you do get more moves it is a much more enjoyable time, but not by much, this game felt like a slog from start to finish to play. Doesn't help that every single bossfight sucks and isn't that interesting, aesthetics and music aside, which that part I think the game excels at.

From Grasshoppers 7th gen output I think this is easily the weakest, only reason people know of this game is because it's that "wacky japanese game where you play as a cheerleader killing zombies with a chainsaw." It's cool to look at from a pov of how Grasshopper did things back then, but even then I still can't wrap my head around the fact this game was made by some of the same core developers and writers as 25th Ward and Killer7, fuck even No More Heroes 1. This game baffles me honestly.