Reviews from

in the past

The most 2005 thing but its 7 years late

Remains as fun as it's ever been with sometimes funny writing, creative boss encounters and a surprise appearance of Akira Yamaoka on the soundtrack (I keep forgetting he worked at Grasshopper)

If there's one thing I hope RePop addresses is the combat's game feel. The entire system feels like it's constantly fighting between being animation-led or responsive-led and the lack of fluidity it brings between transitions or what have you is painfully felt and more times than 1 it makes some encounters atrocious to strut through

Also, playing this game on RPCS3 in 4K60 is eye-opening, and with patches to remove the vignette and film grain, the image pops up so much more, which makes it baffling why such a colourful game is suppressed by those two

Primeiro, James Gunn devia largar o cinema e focar sua carreira em videogame, ao menos aqui a chance de sair algo bom é alta.

Segundo, a versão da Xuxa da música do jogo, é superior.

she was my first video game related crush.

It's unofensively fun in terms of gameplay.
The entire art direction and story and tone tho, I love it.
Is there anything more fun than teenager punk angst demonstrated as a zombi with superpowers that throws at you literally the letters F U C K Y O U ! as an attack? I doubt it.

Lollipop Chainsaw se utiliza do seu formato de satira de forma hedonista e afetada, sempre cruzando a linha do que era a alguns minutos atrás e nunca se saciando das doses de humor acido e bobo, e está ótimo assim. uma aventura autoral, energética e criativa, cheia de excessos, mas são os excessos e a irreverência que fazem a força de Lollipop Chainsaw, um jogo que sempre desejei apreciar, e não poderia estar mais feliz de ter feito isso agora.
Feliz aniversário, Juliet.

another solid Suda51 game, pretty stylized with an great art-style and soundtrack, decent hack'n slash centric combat, extremely fun boss encounters with the sole exception being the final boss, fun humor and storyline.

the game does get a bit repetitive later on but thankfully the experience is not very long to make things tiring, I finished it in 5 hours.

overall an great time, it's nice that this is getting ported to more platforms very soon, more people should definitely play it.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I Swear! I Did It By Mistake!

decent combat depth, great characters, music and vibes

tao fofa quando ela passa aquela serra elétrica na cabeça dos zumbis 😍

Nice game, and a very very funny!

i remember my dad got this game on my ps3 i dont think i ever actually finished it because it was the most random shit ever for my child brain

Fun beat em up, gets a bit difficult in the later stages but not too hard. Nothing really special.

Quando penso em uma obra ser "a cara do James Gunn", me vem uma ideia clara de estética, mas sempre me perguntei como isso se converteria na unidade de um jogo, e bom, foi bem o que eu esperava. Olhando para os filmes de herói do James Gunn, são experiências carismáticas e divertidas mas que poucas vezes me esboçava alguma reação de fato, só sentia ser um espaço aconchegante com trocadilhos previsíveis, e Lollipop Chainsaw acabou sendo isso pra mim. Sempre que abria o jogo sabia exatamente o que esperar, um espaço de humor escrachado constante enquanto eu fazia a mesma coisa repetidamente com respostas visuais diferentes.

It is a very interesting game
The humour sucks but the gameplay is pretty fun

nick carries this game so hard

Таких игр уже не делают...

Lollipop Chainsaw — безумное во всех смыслах и изумительное пиршество. Крайне насыщенные 6 часов трэша, угара, пошлого юмора, панцушотов, кровищи и расчленёнки. Снова почувствовал, как игры способны дарить радость и развлекать, не пытаясь строить из себя что-то максимально серьёзное и претендующее на звание шедевра всех времён и народов.

Уже с первых минут понимаешь, что данный проект создан для тебя и ты его никогда не забудешь. Чего стоит одна песня Cherry Bomb от The Runaways, играющая в меню. Камера, фокусирующаяся на трусиках главной героини, шутки в стиле озабоченных подростков, бензопила в качестве главного оружия, харизматичные персонажи, мощнейший саундтрек и, естественно, толпы зомби, жаждущие смерти от многочисленных убойных приёмов.

Недавно прошёл трилогию Silent Hill и был приятно удивлён факту работы Акиры Ямаоки над саундтреком Lollipop Chainsaw. Теперь ясно, почему вышло настолько драйвово. И не стоит забывать о лицензированных треках. Тут вам и панк-рок, и хэви-метал, и поп-хиты восьмидесятых. Одно выкашивание зомби за рулём комбайна под You Spin Me Round бесценно!

Рисовка стилизованная и даже без всяких ремастеров смотрится шикарно за счёт частичного использования сел-шейдинга. Стиль тут вообще зубодробительный. Комиксные вставки, представляющие персонажей и боссов, яркие экраны с набором очков за групповые казни зомби. Локации донельзя линейные, но это не мешает развлекаться от геймплея, который достаточно разнообразен и насыщен за сравнительно непродолжительные часы прохождения.

Основа игры — слэшер. Будьте готовы прожимать разные комбинации кнопок, чтобы летать по арене и выкашивать толпы зомби. Помимо этого, есть шутерная составляющая, специальные уровни, имитирующие работы 1980-ых. И QTE. С ними катсцены и в целом геймплей ощущается совсем иначе. Чувствуешь, как напрямую участвуешь в процессе, а не просто смотришь на происходящее.

Благодаря Джеймсу Ганну персонажи получились запоминающимися. Одна главная героиня Juliet, с гордостью заявляющая о том, как ей и сёстрам достались от мамы внушительные прелести, способна затмить большое количество современных героинь. Шутки ниже пояса тоже можно отнести сюда. К примеру, спасённый Juliet персонаж в благодарность за спасение жизни скажет, что, предаваясь вечером плотским утехам, будет вспоминать её. Слова зомби-девушки, угрожающей изнасиловать чьего-то отца. Или же сенсей, случайно врезающийся из-за низкого роста в внушительную грудь главной героини.

Боссы тоже чёткие. Крикливый панк-рокер, викинг блэк-металист, хиппарька, фанк-музыкант с автотюном вместо обычного голоса и не только. Если вы в теме, то подобные персонажи определённо вызовут у вас улыбку на лице. А может, даже и смех.

Стоит отдельно поблагодарить Гоити Суду, геймдизайнера игры, без которого проект бы точно не вышел таким крышесносным. Спасибо, мастер! С неописуемым наслаждением и адреналином, разбавленными чистым смехом, прошёл великую Lollipop Chainsaw. Даже и не скажешь, что это игра 2012-го года, над которой в основном работали японцы, ибо она близка по духу к американским молодёжным комедиям начала нулевых, вайб которых чётко можно ощутить в ней. Категорически советую как минимум ознакомиться с сим творением всем неравнодушным. Да и равнодушным, и душным тоже!

What did the consumer say after playing Lollipop Chainsaw?
"That cutting-edge gameplay was sweet!"

This'll be how I'll do my reviews from now on, anyway the game was a lot of fun.


Do you wanna have babies some day Nick?
I think that's rather irrelevant considering my situation.

why the fuck did people tell me this game sucked.

(This is from my own flawed memory so please understand if I get this wrong)

This is another one of those games that's incredibly fun and also completely off it's head, like God Hand! It's also a lot of fun too and, much like God Hand, the story itself is not impressive, but the gameplay is what you're here for along with many different things that...err....draw the male gaze if you know what I mean.

It's a 3rd person action game where you fight off zombies with one of the most popular of zombie-killing weapons. The Chainsaw! With her is the head of her bf who had been bitten by a zombie, so through a spell she's able to keep him alive as a disembodied head, hanging off your hips as you jump, spin and do all kinds of stunts to progress through levels and avoid attacks from the zombies.

The majority of zombies are your typical zombies, fighting them off with fun decapitations and slicing them in half, the bosses are far more dangerous to the point that they have powers and can survive decapitations and being split in half! Each boss battle is different too you get to see other members of your family, who are all zombie hunters too dealing with this massive zombie attack.

The game has two separate endings, the true and happy one requiring that you go back and fight off special zombies that have their own backstories and are pretty tough. It's a lot of fun and kept me entertained for many hours and I loved the music that game with it. Many classic tunes that I had to roll my eyes whilst smiling, because of course they have that old "Lolly Pop" song in it! Especially as those are used as power ups in the game.

Again, it's a lot of cheesy fun and well worth playing if you get your chance to have a good time with it. The story might not win any awards, but this is very much a case of the gameplay being the focus and I can't remember any negatives of it really.

Masterpiece opening to a game.

This game is fucking AWESOME!

This is among my favorite tones for a game. Just the overall feel and concept is definitely me.

This game is so me that Nick made the EXACT same Punk'd joke that I make all the time. I had no idea.

Also, that one song from Tokyo Drift plays while you run up on the final boss, so that's an extra point.

"Whoa! Zombies suck dick at driving!"

I love the style and the overall gameplay. The way they've set up combos is obviously very neat, and the little segments with gameplay switch-ups are really nice.

But the camera can be pretty garbage at times, especially when you just start up the game for the first time in a while.

And the combat does get kind of clunky. The recovery time between combos is kind of ridiculous, and the fact that you can't exit out of those combos with a simple push of the dodge button.

But the style, and the era, and the dialogue and everything there just completely makes this game.

This game doesn't need a remake. At all. But after the remake, let's finally have a sequel that starts with Juliet and Nick going out to a cabin in the woods and then Nick gets bitten again and Juliet has to chop his head off again.

If a game doesn't have 'Lollipop' by The Chordettes playing on a loop in the items/upgrades menu, it's pretty much a flop.

"My favorite president is Warren G. Harding."

Japan really doesn't know how to deal with zombies in a serious manner and I completely love that. Suda51 is a master of crafing weird shit and put it together to create something unique with a low budget and he did it once again with a completely out of mind setting, very lovable characters and no sense at all. A game that wouldn't release nowadays but I am so incredibly glad it exists. You shouldn't ask why things happen, just enjoy the ride, because this one is incredibly goofy and funny at the same time. And it doesn't make any sense.

Gameplay wise it's very fun and the feeling of doing combos is quite rewarding. Some issues here and there but overall it's a very fluid experience for an action 7th generation game. Soundtrack and vibes are amazing and very on point with the rest of the pack. It's not long and I appreciated that. Juliet is a protagonist so full of charisma that I completely forgot about any issues... aside from maybe the checkpoints sometimes and the impossibility for skipping some cutscenes. But welp, you can't have everything, I guess. I expected to like this one and it delivered. Nicely done, well executed.

this is dmc with a teenage cheerleader in a miniskirt so I dunno man

MY FAVORITE GAME EVERRRRRR this game is sooooo good i lovee you juilet!!!!