Reviews from

in the past

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

This, I think, is the sequel to Heroes of the Lance. Heroes of the Lance is, well, barely playable, and therefore not very fun. Dragons of Flame turns the Playable up a few notches, but the game still manages to be not very fun. To me, anyways. For starters, there's an overworld now. And you can go talk to people, who respond in Japanese! Whee! And monsters run into you, Zelda II-style, and then you fight them in a side-view, also Zelda II-style. Except, the monsters beat the hell out of you and you can't really do much about it. Except heal constantly. Whee, just like a real RPG! Okay I'm done.

More of the same from Heroes of the Lance, with the same ups and down as the first title.