Reviews from

in the past

Graphically amazing game, had me just simply looking out at the vistas at many points.

As for the gameplay though, its your usual ubisoft far cry clone with no real substance to it. They had some great ideas in the game but none were really fleshed out, adds some interesting movement mechanics within the plants of the world yet they're only ever used within linear mission pathways or just randomly scattered around the map when I feel like they could've made traversing the map a whole lot more interesting.

The story is serviceable and just feels like a bland way of bringing the Avatar story to a game.

The game is also one of few that pretty much enforces ray tracing which means unless you have an RTX card or a high end AMD you're gonna suffer a lot with performance issues.

Stunning, yes, but mostly a complete slog. Did not beat the "Far Cry: Pandora" allegations. Gave up after about 3 or so hours of monotonous walk and talk sequences and running back and forth between areas just to complete quests that the game automatically gives you just for passing someone offering one.

Extremely mid and far too long, but nice to play in short bursts

As someone who became a huge Avatar fan after rewatching the first movie back in 2019 and realizing "Oh, this fucking owns actually." and then having this announced before The Way of Water even had footage for us to see had me so excited for another round at a game that actually could get what the film went for. Well for better or worse Ubisoft was the right publisher for this.

Gonna get it out of the way the movies are peak blockbuster cinema, end of. James Cameron has not lost his touch and continues to not miss (as long as he's not producing a movie or making a documentary). Both Avatars are everything a blockbuster should be perfectly blending spectacle, incredible VFX, and a gaggle of characters you root for. The game on the other hand and I'm not gonna sugercoat it kind of fumbles this. It's story isn't downright terrible and it's serviceable as "event we can't go too crazy with cause it's canon and happens between movie 1 and 2", but man does it really lack that punch Cameron's talents give his movies. It really feels kind of like the new Zelda games where they came up with this insane incredible world to traverse and then remembered they needed a reason for any of that to happen or connect. I don't know how to better explain it than it just feels super bland and safe compared to the movies. When we finally get something akin to the Destruction of the Hometree or the Tulkun Hunt it just sort of feels like "WELL WE NEED A BIT LIKE THAT!" and while it's visually impressive and oppressive it's so late in a story where I haven't been nearly as endeared to these characters that it just feels like filling out a checklist. Also a smaller, but just as problematic issue for me is the music. It's good, nothing really bad about it, but it's a damn shame they don't riff or just straight up use more of James Horner's (absolute real one RIP) or Simon Franglen's incredible work throughout. War and Bad Parents are insane bangers and god I just wish more of the combat music sounded that fucking good. There's good imitations of their works, but that's just it. It feels like imitation. Imagine if a Star Wars game didn't use some John Williams. People would freak the fuck out.

All that aside fuck the story, fuck the kinda not as good as the movie's music. Ignore all of that shit cause where this game owns is capturing the vibe of being on Pandora. Holy shit this phrase is overused for games, but you really feel like a Na'vi. You bump your head on the ceiling indoors and you're so fast and traverse the underbrush and trees like a spider monkey on pure 99.9% genuine meth. It's the closest a game has come to feeling like Titanfall 2 since Titanfall 2 and it's an Avatar game of all things. A game based on a movie that clearly had a heavy influence on Titanfall 2. It's a match made in heaven. I played this shit for 70 hours and never once got tired of slide kicking and Captain Falcon kneeing RDA goons across their skulls. Add in the fun as hell gunplay (with an insane Shotgun holy hell it's so sick) and like the best of games while the story may falter in the place that matters more for video games which is playing it? This shit passes with flying colors.

Being away from Ubisoft open world games since Blood Dragon has probably helped my enjoyment of this too. I don't know what's reused, old, or new and I don't care! I win! I am feasting.

I haven't even talked about being able to fly on an Ikran and how crazy that shit is to be chilling in the skies and then you dive bomb a Scorpion shooting out it's wings. It's good shit. Get it if you like the movies I cannot recommend this enough if that applies to you. Hope to god the DLC stories introduce Recoms I need that insane anime type beat contrast of natural Pandora Na'vi vs Na'vi decked out in future tactical military gear.


Played this one coop with TH3 Bouchey. Completed the main quest in 24 hours 46 minutes with a mix of general exploration and side quests. This is one of the best looking games I've seen in a while. Story is a bit simple and at times lacks depth but I really appreciate the world design and fun gameplay with a massive plus that it's coop and we don't get that often in gaming anymore. If you love Avatar do not sleep on this one, grab a friend and get stuck in.

Might even continue to 100% it and if there is ever story DLC I would definitely consider.

Visually it's a really nice game, the night and day both are stunning. The game is a cross between dead by daylight / farcry and mirrors edge. The story is ok and there is a clear message of we messed up on earth. Overall I really enjoyed the game and would probably play it again soon if DLC was added.

There's a point somewhere in the middle of this game's third act where I thought "wow, they're really about to deliver something incredible here, why is the good stuff buried so deep into this game?" Unfortunately, that feeling evaporated not long after, the writing once again failing to meet the mark.

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is an absurdly beautiful game, featuring the flora and fauna of Pandora in all of their alien glory. Seriously, this is one of the best looking games I've had the pleasure of playing on my PS5. The game also delivers a movement system that feels far better than I expected it would, and a deep resource gathering and crafting system that rewards delicacy and planning in meaningful ways. Unfortunately, other than gather and play the main story missions, there's not a lot to do in the stunning world this game provides. The side content is largely boring and forgettable. Worse yet, that's also how I'd describe most of the plot. I really like both Avatar movies, so I was probably an easier get than most, but by the end of this game I was almost completely disinterested in the story's conclusion. I think with some more work this could have been a really solid RPG, with narrative decision making and good story-integrated side content. Alas, it's clear the effort here went into the game world, not the plot that takes place within it.

Though decent, most of the combat in this game didn't really capture me either. The bow feels good, but it's somewhat limited in its use, and the enemy variety isn't really there. It's mostly either foot soldiers or variously skinned mechs that generally act the same, and while I enjoyed clearing out the outposts I never went seeking combat for its own sake. I'm just a sucker for a game focused on reclaiming territory. At 99 hours (hey, I did say I loved Avatar), I can't say that I didn't enjoy my experience, at least a little. But it's not a game I think I'd recommend. With as many hours as I've sunk into it, I'll probably come back for the DLC. Maybe I'll find something more to enjoy here. But I'm not as excited as I'd hoped I would be.

I stopped at the last mission simply out of spite.

Look, I played almost 25 hours of this, it had fun parts. Mostly, after the tedious first few hours, and before the mid point where stuff gets painfully repetitive (yes it's got that Ubi magic in there), there were some fantastic moments to be had.

The first encounter with the wilderness of Pandora is totally jaw-dropping. It is the best part of this game.

Simply put it's a game that spreads itself wayyy too thin, but has some fantastic visuals and exploration moments. But it's all over shadowed by the other lack luster elements and poor pacing.

Oh man I didn't write about the characters and narrative, huh ? IT'S BAD.

Massive pone un lacito a este alucinante 2023 y nos lleva en persona al universo de Avatar; una Pandora espectacular que rivaliza con los filmes. Funciona como juego de por sí, pero especialmente bien para fans de Avatar 👌🏻

Awesome graphics and a lush world, but the activities and characters got stale after a while. I didn't feel the need to progress further.

Still, I was happy to try it and would recommend, as it's included in Ubisoft + subscription

Although I would not recommend to buy it full price.

This game is fantastic so far, the world is beautiful and there’s so much to do and explore. The story keeps your attention, the side quests aren’t repetitive and actually give the world/story more detail. I’m trying my best not to binge play it lol

I liked this game, but I really wanted to love it. Positives and negatives below:

+Great movement mechanics
+Incredible graphics
+Varied flora and fauna
+Smooth performance
+Decent combat

-Bad main story
-Absent, forgettable villain and other characters
-Terrible main character voice acting
-Repetitive, boring side missions and activities
-Tedious resource gathering/crafting

Would love to see more Avatar games in the future, although I'm not sure I'd want Ubisoft to tackle them.

a fun but buggy romp through pandora that left me wanting more than it gave. lackluster story and characters.

Average Ubisoft formula game with cool aspects to avatar but nothing special

Broken medal - 0.5 or 1 star - Technical disaster or bad design
Bronze medal - 1.5 or 2 star or 2.5 star - The games not for me/below average/badly aged(nostalgia)
Silver medal - 3 star or 3.5 star - Doing well
Golden medal - 4 star - Above average games
Platin medal - 4.5 star - Might've masterpiece but somethings missing
Diamond medal - 5 star - The Masterpiece or just special for me
---> Medal: Silver
---> My Game Time: 30 hours 17 min

Beautiful artwork and environments. Gameplay is pretty basic though.

Side plot is boring and somewhat simplistic but the world of Avatar leaves much to be desired considering the movies anyway. Still fun to explore and be in the beautiful and colorful world Avatar, just don't expect much else from it

I've put a few hours into this, and I think the environments are really pretty, gameplay is alright, but for some reason this isn't grabbing me at all. I'll give it one more play session for it to hook me before I put it down.

Esse jogo é bom pra quem tem insônia, muita falação parece até um podcast de pessoas azuis, se eu quisesse ver alguém azul falando eu assistia smzinho

Another solid open world game from Ubisoft which doesn't do anything groundbreaking in terms of gameplay and open world design. Visually Avatar Frontiers of Pandora is a sight to behold with stunning landscapes and great art direction. The music is also very good with helps elevate the game during open world exploration and story moments . The weakest aspects of the game is the story and characters. By the time i finish playing the game i found the story to be uninteresting and lost interest for the characters that you meet in the game.
Total playtime 47 hours

Best open world and best graphics I ever seen. Pandora, the planet, is a masterfully crafted masterpiece. It’s the best thing that this game has. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about quest design and overall story. They’re a little grindy and repetitive. And the story lacks substance. It’s very generic “good guy fights bad guys”. Voice acting is terrible and the story is so convoluted I was only able to understand what it was about at the end. Avatar feels more like a live service game you can play with your friends that a story driven game.

Basically Far Cry with an Avatar skin on it - I did end up quite enjoying the game, though it did take me a bit of time to get into it.

The scenery and world is beautiful in terms of plant life and colour. However sometimes it was hard to see what was going on due to too much plants being in the camera.

The story wasn’t anything new, follows the typical arch that Ubisoft games seem to have. Did have a few surprises - but I wasn’t totally engrossed.

The combat did get really fun after managing to upgrade my character - you can go in guns blazing but be prepared to lose health fast if you choose that over stealth.

had some decent moments but i found the story really uninspiring and the level design became repetitive. however the graphics were amazing and the beauty of pandora was perfectly represented which made the boring exploration for 100% a little less gruelling.

Visuellement, l'un des jeux les plus beaux que j'ai joué de ma vie, Pandora est juste magnifique mais ça s'arrête la.
L'exploration est bien, on a l'impression de voyager a travers Pandora mais le jeu a rien de plus a offrir.
Le scénario est moyen, les quêtes secondaires sont vraiment décevante, l'ia pas du tout intelligente, bref du ubisoft classique rien de nouveau.
Le gameplay est sympa, le jeu est difficile (et c'est bien).
Si vous le trouvez a moins de 30€, il vaut me coup, je me suis pas ennuyé.

O jogo é divertido, é muito massa jogar como Na'vi mas as missões secundárias são ridículas, só pra ter a desculpa de um mapa enorme, não tive paciência para ficar caçando e criar item. Bem que poderia ter uma forma de jogar melhor no furtivo.

I just can't bring myself to play this in its current state, With better games releasing in 2024, the uninspired and "Far cry but you're blue" just doesn't hit. I might pick it up later but there's really no point unless a bunch of the issues are fixed in updates and DLC.

I hoped that it would be more similar to Far Cry. There is however no stealth in this game, I didn't like the combat, and the na'vi vision wasn't very helpful in guiding me.

As a pretty big Avatar fan, it's about what i'd expect from Ubisoft. Just a fine 30 hour experience. I do plan on doing the PS platinum for this game quite soon cause it seems pretty easy and I wanna do all the outposts and stuff anyway. I think the story and characters are pretty underwhelming and Solek is about the only character I can remember but the music and visuals are pretty damn good so that kept me immersed for the most part. Depending on the DLC reviews, I can see myself coming back to finish them off aswell

- Music
- Visuals
- Immersion

- Story
- Characters