Reviews from

in the past

better than the first movie tbh

As someone who isn't particularly interested in the Avatar films I did quite enjoy this game. They took the smart option of putting very few references the movies in the game so newcomers aren't confused. The game itself is quite beautiful and the world is quite fun to explore.

The cooking mechanic is a nice addition, one I hope a future far cry game uses and the Ikron is fun to fly and fight with.

My main issue with this game is that it's not a shooter so when the game puts combat sections into its missions it becomes quite difficult.

This can be negated somewhat by increasing your combat rating. The problem there is that you need to get better gear by doing quests, finding gear in the world or crafting it. With the first two options there's no guarantee that the gear you get will be better than what you have. Crafting is the best option but the game requires you to collect most of your crafting parts from hunting which can be a pain when you have to find crafting parts of a higher rarity.

Some special ammo uses currency in the game to craft which can hamper your progress as well because you won't have enough to buy new gear from the vendors.

I had a rough start with the game, with everything the game has to offer it was very overwhelming and tough to get a grasp on. But after the initial 5-6 hours I started to get it. I found the game's open world and crafting most enjoyable. It's not a bad game if you can push through the learning curves at the beginning.

You can check out my entire overview and review of the game here:

The humans when an entire village is slaughtered: oopsie! Those RDA sure are bad guys 🙄🤣 Sorry for being human!

The Na'vi when one horse is killed: God has left us, we must take over the role of the grim reaper.

Fun though! Movie tie-in like Mad Max or Terminator: Resistance where it is just using a game formula seen before (in this case Far Cry) and puts it in the context of a film people like. Easy to complain about with stuff like the similarities to Far Cry, underwhelming progression systems and (completely ignorable) microtransactions, but contains an amazing version of Pandora to explore and weaves the film's themes into its systems nicely. It also feels like a real video game rather than just a time sink! I played some of Assassin's Creed: Odyssey recently and was bothered by both how long it is and that the game felt so desperate for you to glide through it without issue. This is a pretty reasonable length of like 20-40 hours though and felt like I had to engage with its mechanics and how it was designed, rather than it just molding itself into a Frankenstein of "stuff people like".

Not a must-play if you didn't see the Na'vi running on trees when you were 7 and think "ooh I wanna do that", but I liked it

Finished it short of 100hours (story, sidequesting but not all, and crafting). Absolutely love the gameplay, the story is a bit "meh", no tears.

incredibly beautiful, but boring old ass gameplay and quests design

I liked this game, but I really wanted to love it. Positives and negatives below:

+Great movement mechanics
+Incredible graphics
+Varied flora and fauna
+Smooth performance
+Decent combat

-Bad main story
-Absent, forgettable villain and other characters
-Terrible main character voice acting
-Repetitive, boring side missions and activities
-Tedious resource gathering/crafting

Would love to see more Avatar games in the future, although I'm not sure I'd want Ubisoft to tackle them.

I just can't bring myself to play this in its current state, With better games releasing in 2024, the uninspired and "Far cry but you're blue" just doesn't hit. I might pick it up later but there's really no point unless a bunch of the issues are fixed in updates and DLC.

I’ve been a fan of this franchise ever since I was a little kid and I’ve played the games on PS3 and Wii. I was also really excited about this game’s release because I had been anticipating it for years.

As soon as you first step foot on Pandora, you witness first hand the sheer power of the PS5 when it comes to the graphics. You’re first surrounded by beautiful colors and a vast and diverse environment. A great deal of lore is added to the films (traditions, culture, new clans, etc.). The script is still better than the second film and the game lets you appreciate the full scope of the map with your very own Ikran. It was one of the most anticipated functionality for me and god did it not disappoint.

Unfortunately, just like many games, being pretty isn’t enough to be good. Side quests and collectibles are way too boring and it feels like we’re doing the same thing over and over again. Getting attached to the characters has been really difficult, even with the side quests supposed to deepen your relationship with them. The crafting system, while being a bit too redundant, is easy enough to use.

When it comes to the gameplay, I sometimes find it to be too much of a copy paste with the Horizon series. The use of the Na’vi sens is similar with Aloy’s focus, especially with the system that allows you to follow your enemy's tracks. You can highlight your enemy’s weaknesses and gain information about your surroundings.

The game still contains a lot of bugs and not even cute ones that drop your frame rate a little or take time to charge textures. The bugs you encounter could have you delete your saves to get away from them. The co-op is also fun but it may cause more problems to the person that isn’t hosting (Ikran not available, missions not counted as completed and the unavailability of everything that isn’t a main quest or a big side quest). But the game is still a whole lot of fun to play with a friend.

In conclusion, I had fun playing it even if it was pretty basic. It won’t revolutionize the video game world but I still recommend it as I had a great time and I’m still waiting for the DLC’s to come out !

a fun but buggy romp through pandora that left me wanting more than it gave. lackluster story and characters.

One of the most refreshing open-world games I've ever played. It asks you not to just simply explore its world but to become one with it, to connect with it, and to respect it. It's the antithesis of so many modern AAA games that only have you running through a world as its sole focal point. The systems in the gameplay loop are familiar but they're done in a way that's much more thoughtful to how you interact with the world and forces you to truly connect with it on a deeper level than just as a map filled with things.

Full review here:

Average Ubisoft formula game with cool aspects to avatar but nothing special

Basically Far Cry with an Avatar skin on it - I did end up quite enjoying the game, though it did take me a bit of time to get into it.

The scenery and world is beautiful in terms of plant life and colour. However sometimes it was hard to see what was going on due to too much plants being in the camera.

The story wasn’t anything new, follows the typical arch that Ubisoft games seem to have. Did have a few surprises - but I wasn’t totally engrossed.

The combat did get really fun after managing to upgrade my character - you can go in guns blazing but be prepared to lose health fast if you choose that over stealth.

I really don't know what all to say about this game. This game is just super super boring. I honestly can't remember anything from the story other than the dude at the start enslaving the navi for years. The gameplay is also just really boring as the gunplay kinda sucks and its almost impossible to miss your shots in this game. The Food system is also just really pointless. I will say the voice acting is good, I didn't encounter any performance issues, I didn't have to many bugs through my playthrough. Only bugs I had was a dude sitting mid air, getting launched at mach-12 speeds about 3 times, and some textures sometimes failing to load. I just thing this games mid not worth your time or money.

I got a few hours in this game and to be honest I have to shelve it and maybe come back to it later on. Because man it's just average, the dialogue is cringe, the gameplay gets repetitive, the writing and interactions are meh. This game is basically Far Cry but with blue people and mixed with Horizon Zero Dawn with the creating arrow's and picking up materials to do so. I was excited for this game and I was just disappointed. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone if you are a massive fan of the films go for it but even then it's still meh.

Avatar films ranked -

Massive pone un lacito a este alucinante 2023 y nos lleva en persona al universo de Avatar; una Pandora espectacular que rivaliza con los filmes. Funciona como juego de por sí, pero especialmente bien para fans de Avatar 👌🏻

Awesome graphics and a lush world, but the activities and characters got stale after a while. I didn't feel the need to progress further.

Still, I was happy to try it and would recommend, as it's included in Ubisoft + subscription

Although I would not recommend to buy it full price.

Visuellement, l'un des jeux les plus beaux que j'ai joué de ma vie, Pandora est juste magnifique mais ça s'arrête la.
L'exploration est bien, on a l'impression de voyager a travers Pandora mais le jeu a rien de plus a offrir.
Le scénario est moyen, les quêtes secondaires sont vraiment décevante, l'ia pas du tout intelligente, bref du ubisoft classique rien de nouveau.
Le gameplay est sympa, le jeu est difficile (et c'est bien).
Si vous le trouvez a moins de 30€, il vaut me coup, je me suis pas ennuyé.

This game is fantastic so far, the world is beautiful and there’s so much to do and explore. The story keeps your attention, the side quests aren’t repetitive and actually give the world/story more detail. I’m trying my best not to binge play it lol

O jogo é divertido, é muito massa jogar como Na'vi mas as missões secundárias são ridículas, só pra ter a desculpa de um mapa enorme, não tive paciência para ficar caçando e criar item. Bem que poderia ter uma forma de jogar melhor no furtivo.

Bit bland but fun combat and survival elements

I hoped that it would be more similar to Far Cry. There is however no stealth in this game, I didn't like the combat, and the na'vi vision wasn't very helpful in guiding me.

This game is extremely poor.

Boring bland story, clunky, annoying, spammy combat/gameplay (would have been better 3rd person).

Lackluster grpahics, very grainy. CLASSIC UBISOFT

Eine optische Reise nach Pandora mit wenig Tiefe

Nachdem ich Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora ausprobiert habe, das ich als kostenlosen Bonus zu meiner neuen Grafikkarte erhalten habe, sind meine EindrĂĽcke gemischt. Ich hatte nie ein starkes Interesse an dem Spiel, da ich vermutete, dass es im Grunde FarCry mit einem "Avatar"-Skin sein wĂĽrde - eine Annahme, die sich als zutreffend erwies.

Ich habe dem Spiel etwa 8 Stunden gewidmet und für mich beschlossen, dass diese Zeit ausreicht, um mir ein Urteil zu bilden. Bis zu diesem Punkt fühlte es sich so an, als ob noch nichts Wesentliches passiert wäre. Auf der positiven Seite ist die Welt von Pandora zweifellos beeindruckend gestaltet. Die visuellen Aspekte des Spiels sind atemberaubend und stellen die exotische Schönheit Pandoras in den Vordergrund.

Jedoch stieĂźen mir die Charaktere negativ auf. Sie wirkten plastisch und konnten mein Interesse ĂĽberhaupt nicht wecken. Die Interaktion mit ihnen hinterlieĂź keinen bleibenden Eindruck, und emotional konnte ich keine Verbindung zu ihnen aufbauen.

Die Geschichte selbst empfand ich als oberflächlich. Ich wurde in eine Mission geschickt, jemanden aufzuhalten, zu dem ich keine emotionale oder narrative Verbindung spüren konnte. Dies machte es schwer, ein Gefühl der Dringlichkeit oder Bedeutung meiner Aufgaben im Spiel zu empfinden.


A Visual Journey to Pandora with Little Depth

After trying out Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, which I received as a free bonus with my new graphics card, my impressions are mixed. I never had a strong interest in the game, suspecting it would essentially be FarCry with an "Avatar" skin - an assumption that proved correct.

I dedicated about 8 hours to the game and decided for myself that this time was sufficient to form an opinion. Up to this point, it felt as if nothing of substance had happened yet. On the plus side, the world of Pandora is undoubtedly impressively designed. The visual aspects of the game are stunning, highlighting the exotic beauty of Pandora.

However, the characters left a negative impression on me. They seemed plastic and failed to capture my interest at all. Interacting with them left no lasting impression, and I couldn't forge an emotional connection with them.

I found the story itself to be superficial. I was sent on a mission to stop someone with whom I could feel no emotional or narrative connection. This made it difficult to feel a sense of urgency or significance in my tasks within the game.

As a pretty big Avatar fan, it's about what i'd expect from Ubisoft. Just a fine 30 hour experience. I do plan on doing the PS platinum for this game quite soon cause it seems pretty easy and I wanna do all the outposts and stuff anyway. I think the story and characters are pretty underwhelming and Solek is about the only character I can remember but the music and visuals are pretty damn good so that kept me immersed for the most part. Depending on the DLC reviews, I can see myself coming back to finish them off aswell

- Music
- Visuals
- Immersion

- Story
- Characters

good movement, thats about it, and good graphics

had some decent moments but i found the story really uninspiring and the level design became repetitive. however the graphics were amazing and the beauty of pandora was perfectly represented which made the boring exploration for 100% a little less gruelling.