Reviews from

in the past

the first game theory video on this game irrationally pisses me off because matpat paints max fleischer as this absolute unknown nobody who never got his due when bro everyone fucking knows his work people literally call it fleischer era animation what fucking planet are you on

Bendy, Sans e Caneco, os 3 ídolos do Enzo. Só falta jogar Cuphead para mim completar a Triforce.

O combate deste jogo é o ponto mais fraco dele, é literalmente só bater e o segundo golpe quase sempre atravessa os inimigos, fazendo você esperar 2 segundos para bater de novo. Tem um capítulo em que o jogo faz você lutar com uma horda de inimigos que ficam spawnando por um bom tempo, como se o combate fosse divertido.

Não curti muito os inimigos também. Se fossem todos como os cartazes de papel do Bendy, seria bem melhor e faria mais sentido o Pedrinho curtir os personagens desse jogo. O Bendy que corre atrás de você é muito feio, não no sentido de assustador, mas o design é ruim mesmo, não tem um pingo de carisma do Bendy das animações ou do papelão que te assusta toda hora no comecinho do jogo.

De longe, o personagem mais legal daqui é o Boris (e o outro pateta), incrível não ser ele a criatura endeusada pela internet. Eu realmente senti vontade de protegê-lo, talvez ele seja o único personagem que ficou bem no 3D do jogo.

Além disso, eu curti a história. Me pareceu muito um Bioshock nerfado algumas vezes, mas tinha detalhes bem bacanas, como o apego da dubladora da Alice pela personagem que mais tarde se desenrola naquilo tudo, que quem jogou o jogo sabe.

O cenário também é legal e às vezes dá uma surpreendida.

Concluindo, Bendy and the Ink Machine não é a melhor coisa do mundo, mas dá para jogar e se divertir eventualmente.


Note: the previous review is now considered lost media.

This videogame is not very good.

its flaws are so prosaically obvious (interaction is never more then heavily railroaded Bioshock For Babies, lets player mugging, story is slathered in worthless indie horror matpat vagueness) that i feel like a hack even namechecking them. but these things dont gather big fandoms without some sort of magnetism and honestly I Get It. it rly clicked in the third chapter, which is a showcase for some of the games biggest weaknesses (not being able to interact with a thing that seems intractable until the game Says So never stops being irritating, the combat doesnt have any real Options, the repetitive fetch quest structure [tho it is at least a bit compellingly Ritualistic]) but also just goes super hard on its environment and fleeting glimpses of moderately colorful characters. its Cool To Exist In, and the procedural presence of the ink demon/showdown with the projectionist are absolutely the most compelling horror in the whole thing that shit kinda fucked me up! none of the other chapters were that vivid to exist in for me, tho each of them has at least something that captured my imagination (again usually environmental) and some clearly lovingly crafted flourishes

most of what it has to offer is inoffensive first person adventure game stuff that just happen to be the way u interact with these rickety sticky cold spaces (the ink itself somehow stays vivid as an environmental touch the entire time, i was Always subconsciously avoiding the places it spills from the ceiling), but the spaces are super cool, and if thats all i ask from a walking simulator ig thats fine enough for me here. if i didnt like it more its because i find the theorybait storytelling the opposite of compelling which leaves me feeling a lil hollow on it. even then, there are some moment-to-moment narrative bits that i appreciate, like everything with good ol boris. dont take any of this as a sign that u, autistic person who knows all ab the lore, should not infodump to me about it, i would Love That please hmu

the fact they got jacksepticeye to voice a guy named shawn flynn is fucking hilarious

"Style is no substitute for substance."

Great design of characters, graphics, maybe voice acting, but the rest is... mediocre.

I read some stupid critic saying "omg, the puzzles are so unique", they're literally as simple as you can imagine. "You see these pillars? There are some pics of objects above them, what do you think you need to do?". The whole game is you trying to find levers and stuff, and a horrible combat mechanic and level design. I usually like exploring, but here is just not fun. The story meh, not for me. Also: not scary.

I feel like this game exists just to make a bunch of unnecessary sequences and sell a lot of plushies and toys. Also, most people I saw that liked this game, they watched their favorite youtuber play it, or tell the story in a charismatic way.

Conclusion? If you already have it, play it just to say your money was worth it, but if you didn't, try another one!

Lore legal, gameplay mierda

Awful. The artstyle and base idea are the only positives. I'm baffled by how these two only qualities elevated the game's popularity to the point where people glossed over the horrible gameplay, boring puzzles, lazy combat mechanics and game breaking bugs in every chapter. And the "lore", the lore is shameful. You don't need to be a writer to see how it was awkwardly changed every chapter to go along all the speculation on YouTube. Only to end on a predictable asspull time loop.

Super good game, not very scary in my opinion but definitely tense. I like the story and its plot twist ending, its an incredibly smart game in my opinion and its a favourite

Despite being unnerving and well surely doing it's job when it comes to horror, the game seems to have a hard time with it's lore. It's quite everywhere.

A game with so little confidence that it makes you travel back and forth five times through the same section to achieve what are basically fetch quests. Interesting art design and the clunkiest shittiest slowest unsatisfying controls possible.

Horrendously Unpolished, Embarassingly Written, and Terribly Designed, this piece of slop, crawling its way out of the indie horror sludge pile only serves to prove how little merit this style of game deserves in the first place.

Filthy ass game.

This game was one of my first horror experience. It has a beautiful aesthetic and everything handdrawn looks amazing. Some of the characterdesigns really look fantastic and straight out of a cartoon. The story idea is really something creative and interesting. The Walt Disney parallels are amazing. Sounddesign was perfection and the voiceacting was so good. Sadly the gameplay isn't as compelling as it could have been and the combat is really bad. Somehow the first chapters are way better, than the last chapters. The game prioritized the horror aspect in the first chapters and sometimes you really felt frightened. After that the game focused more on the combat and with only beeing able to hit and do nothing else, the gameplay got repetitive and boring. Still worth a try for some easily scared people and for fans of this cartoon artstyle.

this game starts off very strong. it presents an intriguing mystery paired with a beautiful artstyle and chilling atmosphere. however, it gradually tails off in quality, and by the end of the game I was so uninterested that the vague ending of the game just left me a bit annoyed.

I used to think its funny that they released 30 minute gameplay segments months apart and then I played this game and could barely stomach 40 minutes from how boring it was so they were probably the smart guys hers

So after much prompting from folks I finally played through this title. I can't give this title a one star rating in good conscience. It's not all bad, so let's start off with what the game does well.

Setting: The setting of the game is pretty cool. The basic idea that there is an old-school cartoon come to life by way of evil magical ink is neat.

Presentation: The constant sepia effect combined with vintage film grain works in my opinion. Artistically there is a lot to like about this game. I got the vibe that the art direction had way more thought put into it and was more fleshed out than any other part of the game.

Voice Acting: Surprisingly this title had some really solid voice acting. The audio logs that help you piece the story together and gain your bearings on your current situation were well done and the crew involved should feel good about what they accomplished. There is no shortage of horrible voice acting in games these days.

Finally we arrive at what kept it from gaining any more than two stars in rating. The game itself. Seriously, this isn't meant to be a joke. The game itself is executed in a manner that totally undermines the artistic merits that it holds. There are so many fundamentally bad design decisions made in this title that I actually find it hard to believe that they had any playtesting done out-of-house. The final chapter in specific is the worst part of the game. It literally takes everything that is horrible about the previous chapters and then mixes them together for one big final slog. From the "beat an endless wave of enemies because we need filler" section to the absolute waste of time mini-game that was "navigating through the tunnel on a paddle boat that keeps having problems while being chased by a boss that one-shot's you", it is a parade of archaic design flaws that have since been fixed long ago by better developers. The final boss battle is an absolute joke. The amount of "find the switches" sections is egregious considering how easily everything blends into the background with the sepia/film grain art design. The story is the typical "give them enough to keep them asking questions but not enough that we ever have to actually explain what's going on because we don't know either" horror game stuff. I would love to see this idea done with a competent design team, but unfortunately I don't see anyone attempting to do so in the near future. Great idea, horrible execution.

Would bang the demon

all of them

A Lore do jogo é interessante, até certo ponto, assim como o próprio jogo em si. "Ah mais na época do lançamento foi bem legal" sim foi, só nessa época mesmo... não sei se foi hype, porque lançava os capitulos separadamente ou se foram os vídeos do YouTube, mas só sei que jogando esse jogo agora, ele não é grande coisa, nem mesmo como um survival horror.

Followed this game since the initial demo release, loved the atmosphere and style and concept so much! Had lots of fun up until around chapter 4. The story started making no sense and the gameplay got worse...the last chapter absolutely ruined my experience.

as the kids say.. bendy and the mid machine..

Overhyped youtube slop, started out alright but ended up disappointing...even to 2018 me.

Extremamente bom , marcou minha infância de um jeito FODA , um dos melhores jogos que já joguei e acompanhei por muito tempo . O começo é meio paradinho mas é bom mas a partir do Capítulo 3 fica sensacional . E também que a história do jogo é cativante e bem feita , capaz de me prender e fazer eu esperar 5-7 meses pra um Capítulo novo sair . Num geral , muito bom

The purchases you make as a kid watching Youtube I guess

Really interesting concept, but I feel like they tried to put too many ideas into one game. the game went from puzzles to fetch-quests to combat each chapter and it never really felt like a game with a clear idea

I would never recommend this to any human being, even if you're bored. Lowest pacing I've ever seen, and it's story isn't nearly worth it's wait at all. Don't spend your money/time.

Jogo que surfou no hype de jogos de terror na época; so ficou famoso por que vários youtubers tentaram ganhar ao maximo encima do nome; até por que qualidade, não possui uma.