Reviews from

in the past

Absolutely nails the feeling of a Genesis run and gun game ala Contra Hard Corps. It's a little on the short side, but the length is padded a bit by the difficulty, which is tough but fair. The boss battles are definitely a highlight for me, the final boss especially. One of the better retro throwbacks I've played recently.

Contra style action game with six levels that combine the usual sidescrolling shooting sections, a few hoverbike sections, and a flying rail shooter segment. You have a basic weapon and melee attack and can find a powerful grenade launcher, a beam weapon that can shoot slowly or be charged up for a long constant burst, or a constantly firing shorter beam that follows your weapon movements. You can also find and have one active robot powerup that can make you faster, block two hits, or one that gives you more firepower by shooting in the direction you are aiming. You can unlock two extra characters when you beat them game that have a more melee focused playstyle, different modes and difficulties are also unlocked after beating it. Can be more forgiving by not only letting you continue after losing all of your lives on the same stage but at the section of the stage that you died on. The ability to select the stage you want to play will help you practice what you need to if you are trying for speed, no death, etc runs or if you just want to play your favorite stages again.

Dropei temporariamente pois achei muuuuito difícil, mas vou voltar com certeza!

A solid time to get your fix of run n gun action but this game has no identity besdies being a indie version of contra. The music is good and sprite art is pleasing. Some of the bosses are well designed but it sometimes feel like they were ripped straight from contra. It is fun for a playthrough but why would you play this over the contra series which created the trend, not a game that blindly followed it.

Good old shoot-and-run with one hit and death. There’s nothing to say, it’s done in a formulaic way, but very well.

Старая добрая стреляй-бегай с одним попаданием-смертью. Сказать нечего, сделано шаблонно, но очень добротно.

Jogão, se possível, jogue em couch coop, o jogo melhora ainda mais uns 200%.

Juegazo de 2019 que evoca los mejores títulos retro, desarrollado por JoyMasher. Muy bueno, los amantes de los arcades lo gozarán:

Solid spiritual successor to Contra, has some nice variety, although enemy types can get repetitive. The combat has some depth to it, since you can do a melee attack when enemies are next to you, as well as different upgrade types, adding some variety in how you approach bosses, although the grenade powerup is very broken. The difficulty spikes are immense, but that's to be expected from this genre. I think that if this game had a more intriguing story and more enemy variety, I would've liked it more, but for a run and gun, you could do a lot worse, and this one is a very solid game.

Would be 5 with option to disable the constant screen shake and bright white flashes.

Solid run and gun, takes heavy inspiration from Hard Corps, but with more focus on platforming between stages rather than just bosses. Also has a Hardcore mode that is a significant jump in difficulty. Great bosses, controls, and weapons. Just wish the roll had a dedicated button (you can always just do multi-button bind in Steam Input though)

Hey, it's my birthday at the time of making this review!

That said, my recent stint with Metal Slug got me itching for another run-n-gun that wasn't Metal Slug, and I'd have to go it alone for 4, 5 and 6 at any rate. So, Blazing Chrome it is, and jesus what a game.

At its core, Blazing Chrome is as Contra or Metal Slug as they come; fast-paced with multiple weapon upgrades, one-hit deaths, rocking music and brutal difficulty. Anything you've come to expect from the genre is here and accounted for, and it's rock solid! You've also got some options, with a dodge-roll and a melee attack, though I kinda wish they were handled slightly differently. They're respectively on down+jump and shoot when an enemy is close to you. But I know that asking for more than a jump buton, a shoot button and a "hold to shoot in 8 ways" button is a bit much for the fingers, especially in a game as fast-paced as a run-n-gun. It's a tough balancing act to walk, and one I can at least see why the option at hand had to be taken.

Of course, Blazing Chrome is rock hard. Levels are generally segmented, and you'll have to make do with a lot of Contraisms. One hit deaths, a focus on memorisation, limited lives. You're going to die, a lot, but if you can manage to hang in there? You're in for a title that'll give you a killer challenge with rock solid gameplay, and some of the most fun bosses I've fought in some time. Especially the final boss; it's a marathon that'll catch you out a few times, but damn if I'm not going to remember it. Extra unlockable characters for replays, too. Well worth checking out!

Maybe it's because I was playing on my Steam Deck, but I found myself taking breaks between stages due to my hands cramping; probably would've beaten the game much sooner otherwise lmao