Reviews from

in the past

Played on release and then stoped playing for half a year then I came back and never stop playing since, the only gacha game that I like the story and gameplay of.

While not the most entertaining it respects its users time by letting you breeze through the daily missions in like 10 minutes or so.

Took me a long time to catch up to the story but I don't regret it, while some volumes are better than others the 3rd one in particular "The Eden treaty" was an amazing experience.
The gacha rates sometimes feel like a lie, but this is expected and the worse thing is that the spark isn't maintained banner to banner which sucks.

Give it a shot I have a blast and it's my biggest guilty pleassure as of late, I love the designs and the stories are great.

It's surprisingly easy to make men happy.

Peak story peak characters peak art peak soundtrack

anyone trying to shit on this game without reading Vol 3 don't know what they're talking about

Before Blue Archive, I was a lonely fat nerd who didn't have a girlfriend and a job. Not much has changed but I'm trying to roll Hina and she's draining my wallet.

lavuğun teki irlanda bayrağı açar diğer lavuk da telefonu katlayıp kavatlık peşinde koşar

I give up, it won't be worth it. The story presents several interesting ideas, but the pacing is HORRIBLE, the lack of voice acting + audiovisual dynamics are extremely serious and the soundtrack is VERY poorly synchronized. I'm going to bet on the anime.

Amazing story 🔥✍️ My favorite gacha game actually. Its stories are very good imo, although I wouldn't say I have seen the legendary ones in the industry. They might seem light-heart, but often contains more depths than I expected. There are times when things go down and I felt like my heart tightening. Albeit it has a colourful upfront, the topics it presents are surprising deep and well written. Do watch out for the potentially horrible localization tho =w=.

Like many other have said, the OST is absolutely bonker. The composers really did an amazing job creating them, making music of different vibe and nailing them.

The only gacha that i've fully enjoyed reading every last bit.
I came for the cute girls but i stayed for the hopechad that is Sensei. Always trust your students.

Boring gacha shit with an uninteresting setting, tries to reel you in with thirst trap girls, fails miserably, at least the chibis looked good but that's not enough when your gamellay loop is so amazingly boring

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Eden Treaty greatest of all time. Zenith of the medium. Hallmark of media. Gold standard of storytelling. Apogee of creativity. Vertex of invention. Crest of ingenuity. Acme of imagination. Pinnacle of innovation. Epic of epics. Legend among legends. Peak fiction.

I followed this for the first year if you count retweeting art of girls as following. And then they came out with track mari and I decided I had to lock in for at least 6 months. I got my spark and my track mari but I also received peak fiction. I think hifumi "I love cliches" speech enjoyers should be giving out less 1 stars and more "hooooooly moly" ratings to games with soul but arent really good. I dont like the gameplay very much but its a gacha and you cant convince me they can be anything but reloads and micromanaging rng (and macromanaging rng by getting good rolls).

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I teared up to an interaction between two people talking about their love for bank robbery. This truly is peak fiction

A good Gacha carried by its visuals, music and presentation alone. gameplay is a bit simple for my taste, but the story and characters keep me playing.

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(Played up to Volume 4 Chapter 2 with Volume 5 on the horizon)

Mid gameplay. Really dislike how much it heats my phone up. The app feels like it's about to break the moment i take my eyes off of it and makes interacting with it a bigger chore than it needs to be. Got that? good.

Blue archive is concerned about our youth from the perspective of someone who's out of it but still hasn't gotten pounded out by the world. It presents a generally idyllic world of cute girls and guns and cool clothes and fun times and contrasts it with the seriousness it takes itself when those elements are taken away from the characters. The player takes on the role of someone who respects the agency of the girls as people and contrasts it with a world that seeks to take away their carefreeness through different elements: debt, security managment, politics, ideology and grief all threaten the daily lives of the students of Kivotos and the game explores the ways these ideas are entrusted to these kids and who's liable for what.

What i found most interesting in this aspect is how the main player character, Sensei, plays into this. As the only human adult in Kivotos, they've been entrusted with the role of an advisor to these girls. Not someone who can manage their lives, but someone they can rely on when the need arises. Sensei is explicitely someone who's against the removal of agency from the characters in the story, someone who's there to help guide the girls into finding and protecting what they personally want but can't bring themselves to admit they want to do. So you get this back and forward with a lot of characters who find their resolve by themselves without needing to be saved by Main Character Man who can save everyone. In a lot of chapters it's very easy to forget they're even in the story as the girls take center stage and do stuff for themselves. It finds this really interesting balance between semi self-insertness and giving them a voice that i found really compelling after years of playing gacha games with no real character to their name.

And this all culminates in Volume Final: a four chapter-long story about Sensei's role in the stories of these characters and how they respond to crises. It's an extremely satisfying end to this part of the story that ties up a lot of loose ends thematically and opens the way for the more mystic elements of the setting to take place in the future.

The real joy of blue archive is set within that framework. It's always bright and poppy and idealistic and always willing to stand up for the kids who don't deserve any of the horrors of the world; and in a real world where it's hard to see that happening to people all over, it feels...reassuring, i'd say, to see someone believe with their whole heart and soul that no, a better world is possible, and it's up to the adults of the world to pave it for the next generation.

Someone recommended this game to me because I was really bored with my new phone at the time and just wanted some random shit to play. This was when it was JP only btw. Big mistake.
Uoooooh tier game, at first things seemed ok until I started laughing my ass off at the first tutorial Live2D scene. Most of the character designs are bland and more sus than anything especially with the later-added characters. The game loop was pretty dry and grindy and time consuming so I wouldn't bother logging in most days. Sometimes the events are more interesting but there isn't really much to do. I do enjoy SOME of the music but clearly a lot of it is osu-fan feet kissing where only the piano and non-electro-or-trap-or-bass-heavy scores really hit. I actually kind of "felt" something with the Live2D of the black-white haired girl with the cat food but given the rest of the game's "appeal" and eventually unlocking INCREDIBLY uuuoooooh scenes I decided it was time to nope out.
Not systematically awful but yeah no it's pedo game. Literally just rip some of the few good songs like the daily mission selection theme and the piano themes and never look back. Redditors would LOVE this game but I'd assume at least even Genshit has actual gameplay.

My favorite gacha I’ve ever played. I absolutely love the ost, it’s my favorite game ost. The songs go from being absolutely hype to very mellow. And I love the overall electronic feel of the ost.

I love how simplistic the gameplay is. I know some people don’t really like autobattlers but I don’t mind watching the girls’ cute animations play as I activate their abilities and just watch them mow enemies down. And it works out since you still have to strategize for teams and how you’ll play through levels.

I love the story/world building of BA as well. On the outside it might just seem like a game with cute girls with guns, but on the inside it’s a deep and enthralling story full of mysterious figures, suspicious/corrupt orgs and the schools fighting for power over Kivotos. The characters are very cute and relatable as well.

I honestly have no complaints about the game besides the fact that it crashes sometimes on my phone for no reason, lol. If you’re a seasoned gacha player I highly recommend this one if you’re looking for a more laid back gameplay experience, banger ost and a rich story to dissect.

P.S. Steer clear of the community, lol.

Try too hard to make the plot serious but I ain't gonna stop collecting anime girls with revealing clothing jpeg with voice

Imagina el hecho de como una historia de chicas lindas haciendo cosas lindas acaba siendo una historia de muerte y tristeza sin sentirse forzado intentando ser un wanabe de madoka magica si no que que todo fue pensado desde el principio para crear conflicto y ideas al jugador, cada historia avanza de buena manera sin sentirse que te estan obligando a ver cosas graficas ni ver cosas cute todo el tiempo, un buen equilibrio de estos sentidos. la interaccion entre los personajes aunque a veces sea muy caricaturesca ayuda a crear mas un mundo y sus conflictos veamos el caso de mika aunque al inicio la plantearon como un personaje sumisa y linda acaba desatando tremendos problemas a futuro pero la misma historia ya te lo planteaba con sus accines y ideas con otros personajes, lastima que es un gatcha y no una novela visual, si no fuera por ese hecho del elemento gatcha le daria un nueve, pero nunca me a gustado ese estilo de venta.
almenos blue archive lo hace bien después de 200 punto las tiradas te regalan un personaje sin necesidad de que sigas gastando mas y el juego te regala gemas por todo asi que no se siente tan opresivo.
el juego en si es un autocombate de estrategia y aunque al inicio parezca fácil después te golpeas con un wall level sin previo aviso.
pero al final no es mal juego... muchas veces hasta es motivador, realmente es el mejor juego gatcha...

porn industry monopoly in violation of antitrust

Funny, I finished Volume F on the day the first episode aired for the anime.

It is still kinda crazy to me that this game could have ended at Volume F. There is much to take from the themes and music, characters and the world building, I love it all. I thoroughly enjoyed all the stories and how they all lead to one satisfying conclusion. Obviously, there is way more on the horizon, but I will be continuing to support this game and see where it goes with it's stories and characters.