Reviews from

in the past

To be honest, if each level is only going to give a single item, and that item just so happens to be a useless banana, then that's gonna be the worst banana I ever eat.

Last year I started to finally try out some PC Engine games with the first being Bomberman. It was originally the only game I was gonna play at the time though that changed drastically. Despite that though I never played '93. I actually had some plans related to the next game so I wanted to get this one done early.

Bomberman '93 takes what the first game did and gives it some touch ups to the environments. There's still some big maps here like the last game. If you liked the first game you will be enjoying what's in offer here as it does a couple of things to also spice up the gameplay.

You'll travel through 7 planets with 8 stages each. The 8th stage is also where you fight the boss of each planet. You have to defeat every enemy and find the teleporter to the next level. You can grab powerups with the likes of more bombs, more firepower, kicking bombs, going through bombs, going through walls, speed up, invincibility, getting an extra hit, line bombs, freezing enemies and remote bombs. There's also a 1-up but it's rare and some bonus point fruit items. The level design isn't the most inventive as it won't really reach that peak of what makes Single Player Bomberman amazing but it's making some progress.

The game is actually not too challenging especially when you get fully powered up. Your biggest enemy by then will be yourself which sadly can be the case for idiots like myself. The bosses aren't too hard outside of the last two giving me issues but yeah they aren't too frustrating. You also have saves and a password system but be warned you only get 2 continues which I don't get why.

There is also your usual battle mode and its fun. You get to play up to 5 players and there's multiple maps. Sadly it's rather outdated compared to later games but for the time I'm sure it was fun. You can even link with two PC Engine GTs if you want that fun portable battle mode. Also shoutouts to the match where me and the CPU all had the fast curse and we ran around like maniacs, it gave me a good laugh.

The game graphically is an improvement from the first game but it's nothing mind blowing but gets the job done well. I like the effects like the steam on Planet Surf. I also like the big sprites you see for stuff like bosses. The music is also a delight though a lot of these songs are not unique to this game I think but still the spin they put on them are good.

Bomberman '93 is kind of an unfortunate game. It's good and it's got things I like about it but I doubt most people will give it a chance nowadays with many Bomberman games existing. There was a sequel that I will play for it soon. Unlike the next game and the previous game, this game wouldn't really get ports or similar releases on other consoles. So if you want some old fashioned Bomberman then this isn't a bad one to try out.

This game is just Bomberman '90 but with a different coat of paint!

I can't really find a middle ground for this game, on one side it's literally just Bomberman '90 but with a really nice overall in the look department but that's all it really is, no new game mode or anything it's literally just the same game.
Guess I'll go over the major change in this game and to my surprise it's in the single-player mode which is never what most people think about when they think Bomberman. The main difference is the story setup which feels a whole lot like a Megaman game beating up baddies as a final boss for each world.
The gameplay feels the exact same as '90 with the only notable addition being the bomb slide powerup letting you kick the bombs in the direction you please, it's a decent powerup that did come useful for certain specific situations and I hope they keep it for the future installments of the franchise. As I've said before, this game received a massive upgrade in the visual making the stages a lot nicer to look at with cool details on the sides of the screen. They also added quite a few enemies to the list featuring the obvious old ones, the new ones often come with a gimmick like requiring two hits to die or very basic stuff like that, and honestly, it's a nice addition and they are way fairer than the terribly unfair enemies in Bomberman (Arcade) from '91.
But you know what isn't fair? This game! The final two worlds will break your balls it's no longer fucking around, but honestly, the stages are the least painful part, the newly added bosses are the big pain in the ass ruining the newly crafted single-player. So instead of being like how '90 did it with a fairly weak but fair boss, they went in a more creative way with a totally original boss for each world in the style of a platformer game and honestly it would've been cool if they weren't so unfair! Like c'mon this isn't an arcade game you don't have to waste my time with really tedious bosses you don't gain anything from it! It really feels like they have forgotten that Bomberman dies in one hit, sure the boss doesn't have a huge chunk of health but either way, it still means that one mistake will totally fuck you over.
And fuck the final boss it's really, really bad.

Thankfully this game still lets you save and load files as many times as you wish and the online is pretty much the same as it was before, I noticed some of the maps available were actually taken from Bomberman '91 arcade by Irem so it's a bit weird seeing them here.
As much as I'd like to say that this game is an upgrade from Bomberman '90 I think that I still prefer the more primitive yet funner singleplayer from '90 than the weak new features from '93 and especially with how they took two years to pretty much add nothing to the formula of the previous game.

So yes I do think Bomberman '93 is a decent Bomberman experience, but it has yet to top '90.

The story mode is serviceable, and the multiplayer gameplay is pretty much on par with Atomic Punk 2. I think Atomic Punk 2 still takes the cake for best Bomberman visuals up to this point, but both games were great Bomberman experiences.

fun bomberman experience! better than bomberman tg-16 for sure

a bad memory popped into my head while playing this game and if i ever touch it again it will bring back irreversable trauma. good game tho

Not a very engaging single-player bomberman game, powerups are way too scarce and enemies exist to waste your time. This also just flat-out doesn't have the speed powerup from what I understand? Was it not a series standard by this point, or were they just evil?

Multiplayer's good though, as with all Bomberman games are. 5-player via wiimotes & GC was a really vivid and cool memory from visiting my cousins. There's also a nice PC-engine charm here that 94 doesn't have as prominently.

Far too unforgiving and unengaging as someone new to the games.

You can see a lot of what was to come in the Super Bomberman series, but it's not as refined here. A decent enough entry.

An improvement over the original TurboGrafx Bomberman game, even if at the beginning it might not be apparent.

This game follows all the same rules as the previous title, but feels speedier and overall a little better thanks to added power-ups and enemy variety.

I still wouldn't take it over most other Bomberman titles due to the same problem as the previous game had: in most levels you'll be wasting your time searching for the exit after beating the level. If you play well and are able to either save your walk-though-walls powerup or just be efficient, the final level especially will give you minutes at a time of downtime where you bomb tons of walls. I don't get it. I'm fairly sure there are some hidden power-ups in levels that the game won't tell you about upon killing everyone but they are so rare and insignificant that they really should've just made the exit block also flashing upon killing everyone.

Still, unlike the previous game, it's a worthy Bomberman if you're a Bomberfan and haven't played the game.