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in the past

Has very quickly become my go-to "I have fifteen minutes, lets gaming" game. The matches are just the right length for a pick-up-and-play session and the combat has just the right level of depth to reward smart-not-hard play.

The initial tutorial feels incredibly intimidating, but it's pleasantly surprising how quickly the combat triangle begins to make sense; it's a very intuitive and execution-light version of the fighting game attack-throw-overhead wheel, with a bit of Counter-Strike knife duelling thrown in for good measure. The beauty of the system is that while it rewards solid execution and micro-tactical decision-making, the game is still more than happy to reward you for stepping outside the tryhard metagame to hurl a broom from 100 yards away or drop a barrel down a bottlenecking staircase like you're a fucking Ye Olde Donkey Kong. When I stood on top of a trebuchet hoping to physics-glitch my way to the front battlements, I was overjoyed to realise the game had fully expected players to do that and played a unique voice line and animation. Just pure dumb multiplayer joy from start to finish.

Not only is the game really fun to control, it's also really fun to just experience and take part in. The developers have fully embraced the stupidity of their quasi-medieval setting and crammed this thing full of himbo heraldry and ironic-macho chit-chat about the indignity of war and middle age(s) life, which ends up giving the whole thing an almost Terry Pratchett vibe. It's hard to get mad about being decapitated when it prompts your opposing number to do a thuggish Eng-er-land football chant about pissing down your neck. And even when you lag at the bottom of the leaderboard, chances are you'll get to see five guys 300mph ragdoll away from a catapult boulder or watch someone's head whizz off like a golf ball when it's struck by a warhammer. Bladdy 'ell my liege/guvna!! More of this "OTT Euro 2020 fanzone gone wrong" vibe, please. Long may it continue. Chivalry is not dead.

(FULL DISCLOSURE: At the end of a quick play match I got a connection error but my XP bar continued to fill for 25(!) ranks, presumably because the XP filling is somehow tied to an animation or the match itself ending. This accidental XP/gold bribe may have influenced my perception of the game. )

Você esta cansado dos tradicionais CS GO, COD e BF? Então te apresento um jogo no mesmo estilo, em que até um noob é uma potencial arma de matar (é só atacar quem já ta sendo atacado), assim como era em uma verdadeira guerra medieval.

Possui 4 classes de guerreiros, que se dividem em 12 subclasses, que podem ser modificadas e aplicadas várias opções de armas desbloqueáveis. Não é pay to win/pay to fast e qualquer arma é extremamente letal independente do nível que você conseguiu ela.

Os pequenos detalhes do jogo são bem legais, as vezes o braço é arrancado e mesmo assim o cara continua vivo durante um tempo (até sangrar e morrer). Quando você mata um inimigo com flechadas (independente do tipo da flecha) ele pode ficar grudado na parede, se estiver muito perto da mesma.

Um jogo que custou muito pra mim enjoar, isso porque joguei apenas sozinho, imagina com os amigos então... pensando bem, acho que vou instalar de novo e encher o saco de alguém pra jogar comigo.

After getting the platinum... I don't know, the game can be chaotic fun but most of the time it's chaotic frustrating.
I did like it, but the more you get into the advanced combat mechanics (aka getting gud) the game becomes more and more unfun. Just turn off your brain and hopefully play against opponents just wanting to have fun.

This game makes me feel bad at games because I generally get obliterated in the absolute chaos of the battlefield in a couple of seconds. It's still a fun time for a little while and when I do manage to pull off some swordplay badassery it's very satisfying.

A modern multiplayer game that is totally no frills. No battle pass, no ranking bullshit, just casual, drop in easy to learn melee warfare.

If youre like me and cant deal with modern FOMO seasonal multiplayer games, this is the game to play.

it's like mordhau without the white supremacy teens

Sometimes, it's amazing, and sometimes, I want to die. I guess that's par for the course with any game like this

love it and how i feel like an indo-aryan in the middle ages just people are pricks in the game

I love this game, but there's only so much of it you can play before you realize there's not much more to do anymore. I've figured out how to kill people with just about every weapon other than the shitty ones that fail to even be fun to use. You can have an amazing time in this game if you take the time to learn its systems, and it's also a game where it's valuable to learn from what's happening around you. I've stolen countless little tricks from duels with better players.

the jab makes me like this more than mordhau but mordhau's mouse-direction-based-swinging feels better imo and you can vault in that game too.

doesnt matter too much tho, still feel like an rts infantry unit in big battles which is awesome

You can kill people with stale bread like it’s made of steel and that’s hilarious

the combat is endlessly fun and the game is thouroughly spattered with funny visual details, voicelines, and general hilarity. one feature i absolutely adore and use all the time outside of duel servers is the shuffle mode which automatically randomly picks a class and weapons every time you respawn, making the game feel fresher and more varied in gameplay style. buy it, it's great for casuals or tryhards, and will not disappoint anyone looking for an actually well-made multiplayer slasher.

It's a well known fact that games become much more enjoyable when incoherent shouting is a core mechanic.

Simple, dumb fun. Enjoyable to pick up for short sessions and bash some heads.

I must confess, this game is actually good.

Being a 500 something hour Mordhau guy, and used to play Age of Chivalry AND Chivalry 1 back in the day, I first played Chivalry 2 years ago when it was in beta with the mindset that it was going to be bad, despite never actually playing it. It felt much more janky than mordhau, and everything just felt so wrong. I stopped playing, deemed chivalry 2 as bad, and moved on.

way later on, I don't play Mordhau nearly as much as I once did, as I'm just burnt out of the animation abuses. I see I can buy Chivalry 2 for like 11 bucks, so I say why not give it another shot, perhaps to rekindle my love for the genre.

Wouldn't you know it, I actually enjoy it a lot more. I've come to the realization that while Mordhau has been geared to be heavily competitive, Chivalry 2 is the exact opposite. Chivalry 2 is the first notable game in this genre designed to be casual and meant for everyone, and you gotta respect that. I've gotten a lot of my friends to join me in playing this, and whereas in Mordhau or Chiv 1 they'd have gotten shit on all day, they actually got a decent amount of kills. I was instantly able to get on top of leader boards with level 500+s, which just goes to show there's a skill cap, which isn't the worst thing in the world.

There are a little bit of wonky animations here and there, but from what I've played there's not much to abuse. Everything is fair, everything is intended, veterans don't stomp new players just because they know exploits, but they beat new players because of experience.

I believe Mordhau and Chivalry 2 both have their places in the genre, but in my current gaming career, I'm more obliged to pick Chivalry 2 for silly Medieval fun over Mordhau, where I have to know every animation every sweat is using or suffer for it.

Plus with crossplay and a little bit of cosmetics to unlock, it feels like a very good package, especially for 11 bucks. I'd suggest giving this game a try over any other game in the genre first, as you'll get shit on the least here, and likely have the most fun.

(X+X) “aaaaasgggghhhaaahhhhhhhhhhhh”

Joguei hoje no dia que saiu no gamepass. E ja joguei umas 6 horas dele fácil. Ele é exatamente o tipo de multiplayer que eu gosto. Sem compromisso, divertido, maluco e que tira sua atençao dos problemas. O futuro aguarda milhares de horas com esse jogo, pode ter certeza disso.

I've been having so much fun with this since it was added to Gamepass, and I likely never would have given it a shot otherwise. I am not usually someone who gets into online multiplayer games, they mostly don't appeal to me, but this is a notable exception. I'm not good enough at most multiplayer games to really compete, but this just really clicks with me for whatever reason and I can usually top my team's scoreboard. Taking on 6 or 7 enemies at once singlehandedly is immensely satisfying when it goes well; by far the best challenge-to-catharsis ratio I've ever experienced in a multiplayer game.

The combat system is complex and robust, and there is a stunning amount of depth to the various moves, defenses, maneuvers, and weapons. It's easily the best feeling first-person melee combat I've found. Seeing these mechanics implemented in a single-player story-driven campaign would kick so much ass if it was written well. Let's make that happen.

Makes me feel like Ash Williams in 1992's hit Horror/Comedy, Army of Darkness.

pas un jeu de pédale ça c pour les mecs aux vrais couilles

Extremamente divertido e fácil de aprender, porém pode ser frustrante no início mas uns 10 minutinhos ali você já saca as mecânicas do jogo e ta arrancando cabeça dos seus inimigos.

Achei o trabalho fenomenal na ambientação de um cenário medieval, as interações com os jogadores aplicam muito na experiência, sério. foi um dos únicos jogos em que eu lutei ao lado de guerreiros e pude sair gritando enquanto batalhava bravamente ao lado dos meus companheiros calvos que também gritavam sem entender.

Unico problema é que como todo multiplayer.. ele se torna um pouco repetitivo e sem nada pra adicionar

I would have never played this if not for game pass and that would have been a damn shame.
Chivalry 2 is insanely fun!

The game begins with a nice tutorial that teaches you the basic level of combat, I wanted to skip the tutorial but for whatever reason the game put me in the tutorial, I'm glad it did. Despite the game just looking like a basic button bashing hack and slasher, it has a very intricate combat system, you can just bash the same couple of buttons and have a LOT of fun, you don't need to master the combat but there is a crazy high skill ceiling because of the different combinations and defensive techniques you can learn and master if you wish.
You're not just limited to your loadouts during combat. You can use a huge variety of things found across the maps, you can throw objects ranging from anvils to bread rolls, even chickens and you can find comedic weapons to use such as brooms. There's also siege weapons and traps to be utilised. You can be really creative with how you take on the enemy, even if it's just for a laugh.

I really enjoy the game modes too, I've always been a fan of multiplayer games which have multiple objective stages that require you to push and breakthrough as a team, super satisfying when you manage to break through with a big push as a team when the timer is almost up.
Defending often feels like you will inevitably lose but that does also make it even more satisfying when you manage to deny the attacking team.

There's quite a lot of customisation too and it's all obtainable through in game currency as far as I can tell.

I'd like to see the game get a lot more love. If it keeps getting support and continually updated the game will remain fun for a very long time. It has lots of potential to grow too!

Unusable controls on console. Literally couldn’t complete the tutorial because the moves are so finicky or possibly just poorly explained.

played this with my cousin and he started saying the n-word
game is not good i wish i didn't drop like 30 dollars for this when the original is so good still

i had a lot of fun at first just enjoying the chaos and violence but once that wears thin its really just an aight game thats sort of repetitive and ok i guess

Not many things can match the pure joy of slamming giant axes into someone's head while they're busy stabbing your team mate in the face.

For agathar