Reviews from

in the past

CWs for Chrono Cross: child abuse, sexual harassment, burning alive, mind control.

Maybe the boldest and most tender RPG produced at Square pre- and post-merger, Chrono Cross is a pastoral re-phrasing of Chrono Trigger's thesis on the will of the individual. Where Trigger gives you buckets of endings to fulfil the endless possibility of time travel and the player's will as represented by our avatar Crono, Chrono Cross says you must live in society. Every day may feel like you're working with systems beyond your individual control which you don't yet understand, but the people you surround yourself with, how you order the tasks set before you, and who you share collective memory with create a bold and irreplaceable picture of life. Simply designing a vibrant world and filling it with life in animation and visionary approaches to pre-rendered backgrounds grants Chrono Cross a precious vitality I've always wished could poke through in Trigger.

The combat system is a little dinky and it's unbelievable that this game still runs like dog shit on its modern ports, but most video games to this day wish they could land their fantasy allegory for modern society like this game does so effortlessly. There's not really that much nuance because it just doesn't need it! Living in society has boundaries and structures that can hurt and help us and it's in our power to band together and do something about the ones that harm, send tweet.

This is one of the videogames of all time

This is a special game. I’ll try to put more words to it later but there is no other game quite like this. I felt warm inside for weeks after playing it

JRPGs don't get any better than this

Chrono Cross foi o meu primeiro jrpg da vida,eu nunca tive ps1,na epoca q eu joguei ele pela primeira vez,foi na casa de um amigo meu q tbm nao tinha ps1,o ps1 era um outro colega nosso e a gente nunca conseguiu terminar,pq ele mudou e levou o ps1 junto.
Hoje depois de anos eu finalmente terminei(e ainda peguei a good ending) e foi uma experiencia incrivel.

Everything about this game is art, the music, dialogue, background and message of the story.

better than chrono trigger solely because of da vibez™

Chrono Cross simply has one of the most convoluted plots of all time.

I distinctly recall playing this game as a child and not understanding what was going on beyond the weird dimensional travel and body swapping.

After playing it again as an adult, I can tell why I don't remember any of the story details.

People love to hate on this game for not being exactly Chrono Trigger, but honestly? This is my favorite sequel ever. It carries over the story of Trigger in such a fantastic and unique way that i haven't seen anywhere else, and it's own story is incredible. Don't let people's opinions on this game drag it down, give it a shot for yourself. It's fantastic.

When I started replaying this game, I was impressed by how good it was. I couldn't figure out why I put it down. The start was so strong, already exploring mature themes with interesting writing. These characters talking about time and regret and what could've been hit so much harder as an adult who can feel life rapidly passing me by. Ironically, that feeling is what would push me towards putting it down. The game starts so strong and then just meanders for hours and hours and hours. It's charming, with unique characters and a beautiful world. The soundtrack will remain one of the greatest of all time. I can totally understand why it's one of the best games to some people. It's just so unrefined. There is A LOT of chaff you have to chew through to get to the cream of the crop. For me, it just wasn't worth it. I couldn't justify what felt like a waste of time with not enough payoff.

Absolute masterpiece. Unfairly criticized. I could bet all my moneys... if it has been originaly released on a nintendo console, it would have been universally acclaimed

If people don't like this, I can respect that. With the story content and the simple combat, it can by all purposes come off as bad. The world, the music, and even the character for the most part, came off well. Heck, I like the story. Not world changing but don't dismiss it because of the naysayers

One of the worst endings in JRPG History. Its only reason for existing is the creator being upset they didn't give his waifu an epilogue in Trigger. Beloved because most fans of it started with this one.

It's a decent game until it tries to connect to Trigger, then completely goes downhill on the last act. The prototype version (Radical Dreamers) was better written and more cohesive than the final product, which isn't surprising considering most of this game wasn't planned.

A game I really cherish, but at the same time I can't deny the game's flaws in having a party member roster of 45 characters. This game has some really powerful story moments and great translation, and while a bunch of the characters are just fillers, the ones that matters are really great. Chrono Cross is something else than Chrono Trigger, both for better and worse

It has plenty of it's own issues before it starts mangling the plot of Trigger. The soundtrack is absolutely phenomenal, though.

I do intend to give it another chance when the remaster comes out.

É uma bagunça completa. E em todos os sentidos, gameplay, a arte, os personagens, a história, é tudo bagunçado e convoluto nada como o primeiro jogo, do qual empresta apenas nomes.

Mas... por algum motivo, é cativante, nostálgico... tem um sentimento do qual eu não consigo explicar até hoje,e não sou só eu, já vi milhares de testemunhos como o meu.

É como encarar uma foto antiga de um ente querido que se foi, mas não reconhecer seu rosto, tem uma melancolia recorrente que persegue toda a jornada, mesmo nos momentos alegres e tranquilos. Uma estranheza pos-mortem. Um funeral em meio a festa, nada faz sentido logicamente, mas você sente que faz sentido (mesmo não fazendo). Bem, meu cérebro não gostou mas meu coração gostou eu acho? Não recomendo (recomendo sim).

Va ser gracioso que tenga un rerelease o "remake" antes que CT

é o tipo de jogo que eu não quero rejogar pra perder parte da minha memória afetiva.
eu lembro exatamente ONDE e QUANDO eu joguei isso.
era uma tardezinha nublada na roça onde minha vó morava, e um primo que tinha ps1 trouxe uma cesta de jogos pirateados e a gente começou a testar um por um. passamos por spyro, resident evil 2, crash bandicoot, silent hill, sheep raider, gran turismo e eventualmente chrono cross.
não entendemos nada do jogo, mas aquele jogo, aquela introdução linda ficou na minha memória.
anos depois fui jogar o jogo com meus 12 anos, já entendendo o plot, e adorei, assim como adorei como chrono trigger.
eu sei que tem imperfeições e provavelmente eu acharia mediano se jogasse hoje, mas na época significou muito pra mim!

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what a beautiful game, would give 5 star if not for the life song wich is ridiculously hard to discover without a guide, but hey, it can be an amazing experience for some people. overall such a solid jrpg. that game will leave a scar and a post game emptiness in my chest.

Ridiculously underrated game, simply because of its predecessor. Unique battle system, great music, great environments and interesting story.

Best JRPG of all time in my books

Earned my PhD figuring this one out

My childhood encased in a game that I can never really forget. Chrono Cross is one of my favorite games of all.

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We need to address something first and foremost. What is the deal with 90s JRPGs and third acts? Chrono Cross suffers the same third act storytelling misstep as Final Fantasy IX, which is tragic because both games have some of my favorite first acts. Both games have a beautiful and whimsical fairy-tale-esque world that they spend time lovingly building from the first moment. Intriguing villains, charming allies, and something I call "just plain magical". All of these wonderful things are abandoned and completely undermined by the end for what feels like "getting crazy with it for the sake of getting crazy with it".

I have to admit something...It may say that I finished the game here but only because YouTube exists. It's not just narrative that suffers in the third act--gameplay becomes a slog as well. I got to what I felt was surely the final boss of the game, only to find out that there was an entire level and set of bosses beyond that. I guess the ultimate point that I'm trying to get at here is that 90s JRPGs suffer from content "padding".

OKAY. With that out of the way, let me tell you the incredible things about this game.

Gameplay is original and exciting. It feels more real-time than the ATB system despite the fact that it is statically turn-based. I also like the elements system. In fact, I think that these gameplay systems may be my favorite among all turn-based RPGs. Being able to do a melee attack multiple times AND falling back to use a spell in the same turn feels really fun and fluid.

Mitsuda's score is transcendental as usual.

The 40+ player characters seemed like a silly gimmick at first but ended up being pretty charming with more hits than misses. I really did enjoy a lot of the fun vignettes.

And for all of it's faults of storytelling in the final act, the story and writing overall are genuinely beautiful, though a bit heavy-handed with the philosophical stuff.

Chrono Cross, I enjoyed you so much and it pained me that I had to finish you on YouTube. I hope one day you can forgive me.

Super nostalgic for me. That music is sublime.

I swear every single time this game tried to go all "HUMAN BAD, NATURE GOOD" cracked me up, not because I disagree with environmentalism or anything, I just think they did this in an incredibly silly and heavy-handed way here. It's weird because Chrono Cross was released by the same company that made Final Fantasy VII, that game also had environmentalist themes except they were much better handled and more relevant to the plot compared to Chrono Cross' story being this convoluted mess that tries to be a lot of different things but doesn't excel at any of them in particular.

That being said, I do think there are some good isolated moments in the story, the battle system is fun and the sheer atmosphere evoked by the gorgeous art coupled with one of the most beautiful video game soundtracks of all time make this worth playing at the end of the day.