Reviews from

in the past


Chrono Cross is honestly, genuinely, one of the best games I have ever played. I spent 40 hours on this game, double what it would take to finish its predecessor, Chrono Trigger, and yet it FEELS like they're the same length. The battle system is simple, but pretty fun, has a plethora of enjoyable characters to have in your party. The story is incredible and the OST is one of the greatest of all time. This game has one of the most memorable, well designed worlds I've ever experienced in a video game, to the point that even some locations, despite only being there for 5 minutes, have designs so easily memorable that I feel I could draw a map of nearly any area of the game and have it be at least mostly accurate. This game is incredible and you should do yourself a favor by playing it

Conheci Chrono Cross ainda na infância, vendo o meu irmão mais velho jogar. E a partir daí, surgiu uma paixão incessante por esse game que iria durar por toda a minha vida. Tudo nesse jogo é perfeito: sua história, seus personagens, seu sistema de batalha, e principalmente sua trilha sonora, com Yasunori Mitsuda mantendo o nível espetacular que já havia apresentado em Chrono Trigger. É simplesmente o meu jogo favorito de todos os tempos, uma das coisas mais importantes a ter acontecido em toda a minha vida!

Not that great, actually. Beat it, but it felt needlessly drawn out. Really should have focused on a core cast of characters. Not all that great of a sequel to Chrono Trigger.

long and boring slog with a few highs here and there

flawed but in the best way possible... ending made me cry i'll say it

I never understood how to get out of the village


An great idea, however there are a few points that should be considered when talking about this game:

1. This game has an outstandish soundtrack, that make you feel extremely linked to the game's imersion and narrative.

2. Killing the previous chars, chars that destroyed the strongest beast in this universe, does not make sense, how could the idiot DALTON, killed chrono? Ridiculous.

3. Lynx is the name, of one of the most disgusting creatures in this game, an IA, that could make the world goes to the ruin. (also a name of a guy that i know)

Such a weird ps1 classic.
Loved it though

My first Chrono rpg, enjoyed it immensely. I wouldn't say it's a 5 but a solid 4 in my eyes, I know many say trigger is much better and I don't deny that. Plan on playing this one again on the pc.

One of my favorite JRPGs with a lot of uniqueness wrapped up in one package. As something related to Chrono Trigger, it does quite a bit to separate itself as it focuses on dimensional rifts rather than the passage of time which I found far more appealing. The writing and localization is pretty dry but doesn't stop it from having some great impactful (and hilariously dissonant) moments that feel like they matter in the long run.

Really the only reason I even ding this game a half star is its endgame is, as I hate to say it, very rushed and poorly thought out compared to much of what the game has to show before. It hastily tries to wrap up its plot and tie into Chrono Trigger in a very haphazard way which it honestly didn't need to. Had they kept more focus with its connection to the prototype of this game, Radical Dreamers, I feel this would've been a slam dunk. However, I digress as that's not the case.

Still if you want a trip on the more bizarre side of JRPGs with a colorful cast, gorgeous visuals, unique mechanics, and a soundtrack that'll knock your socks off, this is a game I would absolutely recommend.

- Interesting world and plot, but sadly felt a bit too long at times.
- The battle mechanics is interesting and actually easy to navigate around after understanding it.
- Game could've been shorter and that would provide a more succinct experience.

Good standalone game, got a bad rap for being a "sequel" to Chrono Trigger even though it really wasn't.

battles ended up feeling like a slog
great ost though

Este jogo é incrível! Eu joguei ele já adulto, nunca tinha se quer conhecido quando era criança, por tanto não tive o fator "nostalgia" e ainda assim, me emocionei e me diverti absurdos com o jogo.

Detalhe, eu não gosto de RPG de turnos.

If a game deserved a remake... this game is Chrono Cross for sure

And then, in the ending, it's just TEXT DUMPS? You get several characters telling you walls of text because the game was UNFINISHED? HOW COULD THEY LET THIS HAPPEN

Me causa ansiedade a quantidade de caminhos e personagens!

An absolutely phenomenal game that unfortunately is tangentially related to a beloved classic, thus getting backlash for not being the perfect sequel.

A worthy spinoff of the chrono series. Great story and gameplay, the replay value is also insane

Obra de arte e merece um remake...

I'm more of a Chrono Trigger guy myself, but I've tried to enjoy this game. I attempted to sit down and play this game 3 separate times throughout the years... but each attempt always ends with me putting the game down. There's just something about the battle system and the main battle theme that puts me off. The rest of its soundtrack is absolutely incredible though!

With the recent Chrono Cross remastered release on the PS4, maybe I'll give it another go. 4th time being the charm?

Gameplay: Very good
Story: It's an story is very deep and although it has several references to Chrono Trigger, it does its best to detach itself from that game in order to be a game of its own
Music: Really good
Replayable: If you want to take out the other endings and the ex-dungeon
Streamed: Yes although I am currently streaming it

É legal, mas não é um Chrono Cross dá vida

I really wanted to like this game but I couldn’t. Way too many lacklustre characters and felt the story dragged on.
Interesting combat mechanics but that’s about it for me.

I still need to finish this game. An insane sequel to Chrono Trigger. It feels completely disconnected from Trigger until, 2/3rds of the way through the game, it becomes explicitly connected to the events and characters of that game in a way that feels like the developers deliberately wanted to upset people. You know that character from Chrono Trigger you love? Something really bad probably happened to them.

On the other hand, the game is gorgeous, has one of the best game soundtracks ever made, and has a pretty fun combat system. It's also got something like 40 recruitable party members, which is simultaneously impressive and insane. It leads to the vast majority of your party members having no impact on the plot, but the variety is kind of fun at least.

imitaçao barata de chrono trigger