Reviews from

in the past

i think it's abhorrent that this thing ultimately wants you to smash the bird with a rock. this bird who might be dying, but otherwise appears to be at peace. i've had birds as pets, and even held sick and dying birds in my hands, and i would have never, ever thought to do something as violent as crush them with rocks and sticks.

"getting help isn't making me weak, but refusing it is" says the text bubble, as if these are the bird's final thoughts. i just find it strange and clumsy. who is supposed to benefit from this?

i removed the stick and the rock from my sight and then placed each flower in a crescent around the little bird's face. compassion comes as simply as being there, requiring no bloody "act of mercy" beyond sharing in one's suffering, hoping to bring comfort by doing so. obviously, there are situations where granting a living creature release is the right thing to do, but that all seems outside the scope of this thing. closed the window feeling a mixture of heartache and disgust. i miss my birds.

reminds me of the fish scene from Inbetweeners

This game literally changed me, so short but so insightful

It's one of the shortest games I ever played but it was beautiful.

Ok, talvez seja cruel e estranha a metáfora que o criador decidiu usar pra transmitir sua mensagem, mas por isso mesmo é muito efetiva e significante. E não é como se o jogo te obrigasse a fazer alguma coisa, você pode muito bem apenas adornar a Andorinha com flores e deixar o jogo por isso mesmo, mas a minha experiência foi sobre estar ali para resistir as dores juntos, até entender o verdadeiro significado de compaixão.

vaya putísima basura, espero que el creador de esto no tenga que hablar con alguien en un episodio depresivo. Dice esto en los comentarios de "Sometimes what feels better or nicer for you is not the best for the person that is suffering and that you're trying to help, and when I made this game I tried to convey this bitter realization with a visyal metaphor that felt crushing in the same way. I get what you mean though, the violence card can easily feel cheap- But I still stand for it, since a well chosen image can convey more and make things feel more visceral than all the words I could ever think to put together." Pero no creo que la puta solución a los problemas que se dicen sea reventarle la cabeza con una piedra y que no haya ninguna otra cosa, es demasiado cruel para el mensaje que se supone que quiere dar.

I don't know how to feel about this.

EDIT: Ok, now I do. I think the low scores of this game are because people relate its message with depression and suicide, I know I did. But actually is about euthanasia. The bird is past a point of no return, it's going to die and as hard as it is to relieve it from pain, it's the best thing to do for it. Sometimes we just have to let go and accept the fact that being dead is not the worst thing that can happen to a living being and liberating someone from that kind of pain is the better, selfless thing to do.