Reviews from

in the past

fuck dev sisters all my homies hate dev sisters

cute but it gets boring very fast. i am not a fan of games that make you wait forever just to get materials to do important things, i understand they want you to keep checking back but i do not have the time or the energy to care. very cute characters though, i love their designs! ♡

Picked up because my friends are into it and abandoned.

- Beautiful art.
- Funny story if you bother to read it.
- Devsis is pretty generous with their premium currency and you can play the game for free without much of an issue if you don't care about being competitive or buying limited edition decorations.
- Character animations are very fun to watch.

- Resource management is so tedious it made me want to hit things. And it never ends. You're going to be reissuing sugar cube mining jobs until you're dead.
- Most early story battles feel like they're just there to be there. There's no challenge and I've won at least 15 using the auto fight feature. I don't understand why this isn't classified as an AFK game.
- There are so many things to keep track of. 3 or 4 different currencies, several gacha shops for seemingly similar items, cookie stats, cookie special ability stats, cookie toppings and topping stats, etc. I wouldn't have a problem with this if what everything did was stated explicitly.

merci kenjiro tsuda pour ton travail

Still try to play it every now and then but it gets hard to keep up with it a lot of the time and every time I feel I am catching up to the playerbase the pays for their characters the devs add more ways to upgrade said characters that take either hours of grinding or your money so all this to say that its not a priority of mine.

i am an almost day one player (prob started around a month after release) and i could rant for paragraphs about whats wrong w the game (AND THE COMPANY!!) but at the end of the day im weak for the character designs and have been since LINE: cookie run.
id play more if the game wasnt so laggy and had problems w frequent crashing lol

They never let me log back in, screw you DevSisters 😡😡😡

every new update makes me want to uninstall this game

EDIT: this game literally bricked my ipad so. i uninstalled the game one way or another

I literally had a "wait a minute. I hate golf" moment with this game in 2022

Considering this is a spin-off of a game that’s literally about cookies running away from witches in hopes of not getting baked.
This was really surprising.
Character (Cookie?) designs are great, the voice-acting is really well done for no reason at all and the gameplay was really engaging for the most part.
It fell off hard but it was a blast during its early days.

Played this on a whim because I couldn't sleep one night, chosen specifically because its art style is kind of stellar. The character designs and lavish amount of unique animations therein are the perfect concoction to bring Ruby Gloom ass kids into the realm of gambling - welcome to the world of vice and brain rot, children. The first three hours or so is literally just tapping Next on tutorial prompts, which is hilarious considering this game essentially just plays itself. You've seen it all before, base building character upgrading stat treadmill that will only end when you, dear reader, physically perish. Deviously designed quests that reward JUST beneath what you need to meet your next progression requirement, spurring the lizzid brain into Just One More Mission fancy. The bare minimum level of player input combat that runs at like 15fps tops, just spitting upgrade items into units until the numbers cease to mean anything and you're left completely zombified. Mobile games are so good dude.

The dream is that maybe this studio will use what I can safely assume to be their incalculable "fuck you" profits to make a game that uses these designs for something less like a pachinko machine, but maybe i should just get really into cartoon network instead.

I feel like all gacha games eventually fall to the need for constant key jingling and new tedious activities to keep players brainless and open to spending. Despite being one of my favorites of the genre for the aesthetics it offers, Cookie Run is ultimately no different.

When I take a month long break and come back to 20+ popups for an overwhelming amount of new lobotomy-tier activities, it's safe to say that I won't be chomping at the bit to get back into the swing of things.

I'll just keep taking my life sized cardboard cut-out of Affogatto Cookie out to public dinner dates, without worrying about the game. Dropping the 2 hours a day of cookie chores just gives us more time to kiss.

2021 to mid 2022 was a horrible time for me

this game makes my phone heat up like the reactors at chernobyl god damn

The fandom is the absolute worst thing ever and they make me lose braincells but the designs are epic as hell so DAMMIT

If it wasn't a gacha it'd be an almost perfect game. The story's adorable and the art is so lovely too from the cookies themselves to the items to decorate the kingdom. Unfortunately at the end of the day it is a game made to get as much money as possible from kids.

Sometimes I wake up in the morning and wonder what my life would've been like if I never found out about Cookie Run

Look I'm gonna be real for a second. This game is like if Genshin Impact had POC characters, and that really sucks when you realize that this is a game about cookies.
The worst thing about being caught in its gacha trap for two years (I left this game a year ago already) was the fact that the art and world of this game have deeply impacted my autism circuits. Not a joke, this franchise (kingdom especially) has some of my favorite art direction of any mobile game ever, and I am deeply inspired by it. I could never download this game again because of what it does to me but I could never let it go because of how it changed me.

I have a gambling addiction now

A really fun game with a great sense of progression until a brick wall comes out of nowhere stopping all forward progress. The game is challenging but manageable up until this point. This forces players to either grind a lot or pay up to roll for better characters. For a hard stage before this, it would be a very minor grind to overcome it. Past the brick wall, every level takes hours to grind for. Everything up until this point is phenomenal however with great pacing and decent gameplay. The gacha isn't too egregious either.

Disappointed to announce that I'm addicted to the cookie gacha game.

UPDATE: Proud to announce that I'm no longer addicted to the cookie gacha game.

You see they call it the Hollyberry Kingdom because that place is fruity as hell

Cream Puff Cookie I Love You So Much Please I Wish There Were Figurines For This Game So I Can Add You And All Of The Other Cookies Too My Collection You're My Favorite Urgh You Would Look So Cute Next To Kirby

climb in arena -> wait 30 days -> collect money -> gamble

my baby sensory time-wasting mobile game! crashes so much :(