Reviews from

in the past

As a spider man fan, this game tickles the right part of my brain

this game has insanely fucking fun movement but i really hate when games require you to obtain a certain amount of collectables before letting you play the rest of the game

You know exactly what the entire game will be after the first level, and for a game like this that's a strength.

Who needs a good story when hook swing go weeee (the story is decent tho)

hidden gem first person platformer.

one of the most fun platformers(?) ive played in a while, i have 3 stared all levels

Give me a vr game with these physics i swear to god

I like going super fast and flying though the air like a NINJA!!! Most of my time spent was running in a circle in the hub area to see how fast I can get. Pretty sure I broke the sound barrier… a lot.

O jogo é bem divertido, as fases são legais e todas as mecânicas que dificultam o jogo são desafiadoras e divertidas. O foda é o boss final ser bloqueado por uma dlc. O jogo fica toda hora incitando uma grande batalha final pra não aconecer nada. E quando digo isso é nada mesmo. Sem a dlc o jogo só volta pro "lobby" quando vc finaliza a ultima fase. Mesmo assim é um ótimo jogo e bem divertido.

Pretty good speedrunning-style game. Does one thing and does it well. Not too interested in replaying levels for higher scores though.

fuck this game i hated every second of it

engaging speedrun game with a good amount of challenge and replayability


Cyber Hook is a very cool speedrunner game. Seeing all the cool ways that people clear these levels as fast as possible is really something to see. It's also very simple. You hook, you clear level, the end. Using the hook and other abilities and trying to do them as fast as possible is really fun. Despite having those BS levels where you either do-or-die and having very few songs, this is a great time and I can safely recommend this!

-Gameplay is fast and easy to grasp
-The graphics are very Tron-like
-Competing for your and other's fastest times is exhilarating.

-Very few songs
-Do-or-die levels can die. I didn't like stuff like Hover or Urban Jungle or any level where if you mess up, you die.

Very fun movement but little else

This is one of my favourite games. One of three games I've given five stars and for what the game is, I've spent far too many hours swinging around on here and speedrunning on PC over the past two years.
So, I figured I'd buy the recently released PS4 version so I could play it in bed while also supporting the developers but this version lacks a lot of polish.

As a trophy hunter, I thought this would be the easiest Platinum Trophy I would ever get but nope! One trophy is literally impossible to get as either you can't watch other people's replays or no-one has the game to be able to make them so you can watch them.

Although Marathon Mode isn't in this version, you still have the bit where the lil robot says "you unlocked Marathon Mode" and the camera pans over to where the purple crystal would be and it's just not there haha.

But then there's just a lot of screen-tearing and visual glitches too. Platforms not spawning in or randomly placed invisible blocks that kill you that aren't there in the PC version. Plus, some stuttering and very frequent game crashes.

Probably most annoying though is the "aim assist" (?). I turned motion controls off but after that, it would randomly snap to nothing or the camera would just move around without me doing anything. (EDIT: I've since realised this could've been me just holding the controller in my weird way and accidentally touching the touchpad of the DualSense controller which also moves the camera, but you can't disable this future so it's still dumb and not good for people who hold controllers like I do)
As someone who adores this game, I think it sucks that a lot of people's only exposure to this game is kind of broken. On PC, it's perfect. But this PS4 version being played on PS5, while maintaining that addicting fluid movement with great levels, is under this mess which I hope is resolved.

Dives into the complicated genre of first-person platformers and succeeds. But I'm not sure why I never thought about it again since.

Played the demo and watched my friend play a few games. Incredible platforming that I'll be buying VERY soon

Very fun movement time trial platformer with a grappling hook as the main mehcanic

Cyber Hook is fucking awesome! This is a 3D, first-person platformer all about gaining and maintaining speed. Your hook pulls you toward platforms. You can swing and convert your direction while maintaining momentum, but it's hard, and the game is mostly about moving forward very fast. Cyber Hook only scores players based on game time. It's very minimalist. I dunno. Whatever. It's great.

Cool fast and fun. Probably didn't it enough time but its fun to play if nothing else it catching my attention.

Un jeu qui pousse au speedrun avec un système de mouvement entièrement basé sur l'utilisation du grapin ce qui permet d'aborder les niveaux de nombreuses manières qui nous donnent parfois l'impression ultra-satisfaisante de casser le niveau. La poursuite du meilleur temps est prenante avec notamment l'option de regarder le replay des meilleurs temps réalisé par d'autre joueurs ce qui nous permet de les singer pour tenter de finir le niveau à vitesse grand V. Le jeu attribue un classement national et international en fonction du temps réalisé ce qui exacerbe encore notre esprit de compétition pour nous pousser à rejouer les niveau à la recherche du meilleur chemin, de la meilleur technique pour améliorer notre temps. Si on échoue pas d'écran de game over, on se retrouve directement au point départ, près à replonger dans l'action, parfait quand on est sur un niveau difficile qui nécessite de nombreux essais. On déplore une direction artistique peu inspirée, qui a au moins le mérite de servir le gameplay et de rendre l'édition de niveaux très accessible. Le level design n'est pas très original et les derniers niveaux sont trop difficiles pour moi. Enfin on aurait aimé un peu plus d'ambition avec par exemple des boss, des séquences de combat ou des utilisations plus variées des mécaniques du jeu. Un jeu qui fait peu mais qui le fait avec brio qui ravira les fans de vitesse.

Graphics: 4/5

Story: 0.5/5

Gameplay: 4.9/5

Soundtrack: 3.9/5

Bugs(0= None ; 5= Unplayable): 0

Fun factor: 3.7/5

Characters: 1/5

Final thoughts: 3.7/5 (3.5 backlogged) A pretty good movement game. The game itself is pretty short (4 hours more or less), but it you can download maps from the steam workshop, the story is pretty forgetable and the characters aswell, since the main focus of the game is the gameplay.

Cyber Hook has a very cool looking art style, complimented by fun, fast gameplay that feels unique with every level, as the game tests you with many different scenarios. Theres more than just a grapple hook though. Including things like: Cuphead-style shooting & slow-motion.

Once you have finished the game, you can unlock a marathon mode which allows you to play every one after the after to get the best time. For a game that priced around £12, this game packs a lot in. In the end, this game makes you fell like a badass.

This game feels amazing to play, the speed you can gain through momentum is exhilarating. It doesn't have area or music variety like other games do, but the core gameplay is very strong. I didn't like how it just ends in an anti-climactic way though, and the difficulty curve was a mess.