Reviews from

in the past

The perfect game for people who love the idea of speed running but don't have the time or patience to commit to it on a massive scale. Clearing a PB and learning how to move through an area as fast as possible always seemed fun to me, and I loved watching streamers do what I couldn't.

Cyber Hook presents a similar feeling in 30~ second areas rather than a 2-8 hour game. Learning the game's physics and how to make the most of its speed and gravity is at the core of what makes it fun, and as you strive for top plays, you realize how thoughtful the placements of each hook point and platform is to accommodate absurd plays.

I love the puzzle-esque sensation of figuring out optimized ways to move forward, and all the diverse paths one can take to do so. I spent the last week going back and forth with a friend, spending hours at a time just to get a millisecond faster than him in a single level. Definitely the most competitive I've been in a game in years.

Great game, I'm helplessly addicted.

the hook makes me go fast :)

Spider-Man if he was a shut-in redditor in 2018 (this is a compliment unfortunately)

A little wonky to get into, but twitchy platforming games like this are always fun. Didn't care much for the aesthetic and some of the level design choices were a bit too brutal. The story wasn't really needed and just reminded that there wasn't a secondary hook(laugh track) to anything going on, just the basic game and score chasing. Id encourage anyone who needs more neon white or seum to check those ones out, then maybe stop by cyber hook once your cup drains a bit

Pretty fun speedrunning game with alot of opportunities to be expressive and gain speed with wide open stages.. until you get to the last level, where everything is instakill enclosed corridors you just barely touch. Also what feels like the "proper" grapple hook length is only usable in slow motion.. for some reason.

cool fast, annoying later levels
also the story just didnt tell itself lol

Seems fun enough but may have just not been in the mood when I tried this game

With fun levels and tight controls, Cyber Hook is one of the better games of its genre.

cyber hook is just a solid, fun grappling game. thats kinda it.

the last world kinda sucks, and the story really just... shouldn't be there, but it's nothing too bad. just kind of a physics experiment expanded into a full game.

Great speedrun game with a good aesthetic and some fun to optimize gameplay.

a hidden gem that you need to try

really charming mechanics but thats all i can really say

What!! We need 10k players to finish this Unitycore game to get an ending! That's inconvenient, but I believe you guys can do it.

Its like Portal but with a hook. What a take, I know. It has just the vibes of an Unity game and you speedrun and speedrun and thats it actually you speedrun levels. Like the good arcade days, each level has a player ranking, though it just polls from all players and you dont know who girlbossed the level. I got as close as the 651th rank on a level idr which but that's today's flex.

Those shorter levels on the final maps are gruesome and you actually need to retry 50 times just to finish. I don't really see the point because everyone's score is gonna be too similar. I prefer very open levels where you can just Tarzan time and uga bunga and-

Where it Shines:
Physics - 9/10
Synthwave Theme - 10/10
Fast and Furious - 8/10
The Good:
The game really is fun to speedrun and swing around. It can be a bit clunky sometimes, but once you get the hang of it, it really feels like you're spider man in the grid.
The Bad:
It's kind of a more of the same game. After playing an hour of it I felt like I had seen all it had to offer.
I would love it if this game wasn't just cyber hooking, but rather a game that included cyber hooking as a major movement mechanic. As it stands, it just didn't have enough to hold my attention. It's not a bad game, just not for me. Still worth checking out.

****note on my ratings:
half ⭐: hot trash garbage
⭐: below average, needs work
⭐⭐: average
⭐⭐⭐: pretty good
⭐⭐⭐⭐: excellent
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: all time favourite
half star ratings between those mean it's slightly better or worse than stated in this list.

the movement feels REALLY GOOD and the levels not only encourage you to use it to its full potential, but also have a variety of routes and shortcuts that make sure no level is linear. super fun, i'd totally recommend it if you like fluid high-speed movement and score attack!!

I think i beat this game? at least the steam achievement popped up, but it really didn't feel like it. Fun little game, get it on a sale

Genious idea, exellent execution. I did not get into the speedrunning side of things but just playing through the story mode was very fun. A steal for the price.

It's honestly really disappointing how I just enjoyed this game less and less as I got further into it. The game's mechanics are on point - the sense of speed is very much here, and it's easy to feel like a badass hooking and swinging around. But it gets insanely bogged down by the inconsistent level design. The first levels are wide open arrangements of platforms in the air that demand you think outside the box and head off a beaten path in order to get the best time possible - something that genuinely got me excited for the rest of the game, improving times through experimentation like that with such a useful moveset? Hell yeah.

Then, as the game goes on, levels shift towards being more closed in "boxes" that prioritize precision over speed. In a game that, with it's time-based scoring and rankings, tells you speed is important. This isn't "the levels get harder" - the difficulty spike is extremely noticable, and you go from replaying levels to improve your time to replaying levels because you have to hook yourself through a tunnel just big enough to fit through. It leaves you with zero drive to play them again to improve your time.

While this is the biggest issue for me because of how genuinely great the controls are, there are other things I'm not a fan of here. The aesthetics are great, but then you realize that all levels use the exact same background and block designs. It never gets switched up - aside from the DLC that is. There's also the story. I get it, this game isn't supposed to really have much of a story, it's "you go fast". But I would have rather it didn't have any at all instead of what it has. The story is another thing that gets worse as time goes on - you start with this command line intro and you get dropped into a cybernetic world and meet the tutorial character. Cool. In between levels there are some brief dialogue cutscenes that are neat. Then by the end of the game, the antagonist is...just kind of ignored. There wasn't even a credits roll. The story only truly concludes in the DLC, which even then the conclusion there feels off but that's its own review.

It's not all bad though. Aside from the positives I already mentioned, the music is amazing. And the visual style, while repetitive, is still pretty good. And when the game lets you feel like a badass, you sure as hell feel like one.

Anyway, in conclusion this game has an incredibly strong start but progressively takes a sharp dive downhill. It's got a great foundation, but the mileage varies a lot with how it's built on.

endgame was so hard i wanted to kill myself bbut then again beating the levels made me hard so i wanted to bust in my hands and lather it in my head until i shampooed it off and go bbabck to repeat the cycle good game tho

Pretty fun, wish the author times were balanced a bit better

As a spider man fan, this game tickles the right part of my brain

Great concept! The mechanics work well together, but as a game, I have to say that it's quite underwhelming. There are so many levels that aren't fun to play. The game becomes a sort of precision platforming hell where you'll die in one hit and you need to try again and again. Let's get this straight, Cyber Hook is at its best when it's focused on going fast.

The game doesn't play towards its strengths and so many levels are such an absolute chore to play through. Along with that, the game literally has no conclusion unless you buy the supposedly glitchy DLC. That is a very bad practice that I cannot support in good faith. I spent time beating this game and they don't even roll the credits after beating the last level. (Which sucked)

Ultimately, I'm disappointed. I'm sure the game kicks ass when playing the good levels, but after a while, those crappy levels keep showing up and its a real buzz killer.

Mechanically really sound, but I'm gonna stand with what a lot of other people said.

The game essentially cuts its story in half, requiring that you play the DLC to see the ending, and that ending is really lackluster. The boss fight in that DLC is exactly what I wanted, except 100x more buggy and drawn out, which made it awful. The story is really badly written even without the split and bad boss fight, so just know that while there is a plot, you play this game for the game, not anything remotely well written.

I played this game on steam, and on that version the achievements are extremely annoying and badly made, sometimes triggering much earlier than they should or the one that requires that you to fly for 100k kilometers or something like that, needing to have either ~50hr of playtime or leave your computer for 5hr on a workshop map.

Most levels are really well made, but there's a lot of really easy or uninteresting ones. Not necessarily a bad thing though, they act as kind of a palette cleanser.

As I said at the start, the game is really good mechanically, all the abilities work well together and are generally smooth, allowing for some fun precision through the good levels.

The marathon mode was a nice challenge and is a really well implemented and fun idea.

The steam version has workshop support that allows users to make custom maps, which were really nice to play on.

Overall I think the game is alright, the drawbacks are pretty big drawbacks but this game isn't bad by any measure, and for people who like good movement in games regardless of anything else, try it at least.

engaging speedrun game with a good amount of challenge and replayability

Pretty good speedrunning-style game. Does one thing and does it well. Not too interested in replaying levels for higher scores though.

Cyber Hook has a very cool looking art style, complimented by fun, fast gameplay that feels unique with every level, as the game tests you with many different scenarios. Theres more than just a grapple hook though. Including things like: Cuphead-style shooting & slow-motion.

Once you have finished the game, you can unlock a marathon mode which allows you to play every one after the after to get the best time. For a game that priced around £12, this game packs a lot in. In the end, this game makes you fell like a badass.