Reviews from

in the past

i remember when i first started the game, i just sat there for five minutes listening to the lobby theme and being like. yeah, this is gonna be one of those video game songs i hear 3-5 years down the line and just start crying. and i was right :)

a 4.5 star rating might be a little high for this game tbh, but i really love it. the beautiful spritework, over the top attack animations, and funky ass soundtrack makes this game feel super unique, and i really enjoyed unlocking new classes, customizing my units, and constantly finding new ways to grind faster or improve them.

completion of a game like this is daunting, but this game was meant to be 100%ed. the only other time i've felt such an immense satisfaction from completing a game was with disgaea 4 - but even though the platinum on this one was challenging, for the most part it's not bullshit. there's always something new to learn to speed up the process - reincarnation, grinding for evilities, optimizing your trips through the item world... sure, not everything in this game is a win (chara world sucks but than god its not really required) but just playing around with this game's mechanics and improving your units feels great.

the story is pretty bad and none of the main characters stuck with me other than usalia (you probably won't even end up using the others in your playthrough tbh). but if you're into these kinds of games you probably don't care about that stuff anyway. i think if you're looking to get into disgaea, this is a great place to start.

disgaea 5 is my favourite disgaea game of the ones i have played, it clearly is the highest effort game they have made by a large margin with more characters, units, sprites, and animations then any other game, and most characters and units have unique rage mode abilities, and all allies have many team attacks. the story and setting are cool and the game is more fun then ever. disgaea 4, 6, and 7 are all good as well, but 5 is by far my favourite

Making slow progress this year. This was really good, no idea why I dropped it originally. Nippon Ichi make the games faster and more intuitive to control each time around so you can concentrate on smacking enemies around and making the bar fill up to increase the numbers. The mostly silly plot helps with some great (in the Japanese at least) voice performances.

Wonderful introduction to the franchise. Story and characters aren't as strong as something like 4 but it's very very fun nonetheless.

This game is crazy!! I love this type of japanise humor. The characters are so charismatic. The difficulty of the main story is easy, but as usual in the series, you need to farm a lot to complete the late game which I always end up losing interest

charming, challenging, and consumable, disgea 5 was one of the quickest 90 hours I've spent playing a video game.

killia's journey is much like my own

5 years later, I don't remember much about this game other than 1) I liked it a lot and 2) BALOR GAZE!

Disgaea 5 was my first entry into the series. What I expected to be mostly humorous and fun RPG turned into a still fun and often humorous game with wonderful story and development for its characters.

Massive step up from 4 in every way, but still feels like a chore to play through.

Disgaea muito bom dar hit kill

Regrettably the entry I've played the least, but maaan this one has so many smart ideas.