Reviews from

in the past

I love horrible games. I love sifting through the trash piles to find experiences that are, while entirely on accident, breaths of fresh air compared to incredibly regimented high profile game releases. None of that matters when I cannot even get your game to run, why do you have two different confirm buttons????? This game has 2004 PC graphics why the hell is it crashing?? My heart was willing!! Let me in!!

you have to press p to start the game

This is genuinely the best game I’ve ever played. Independent creators just create experiences big studios never could. Dongo has potential to be the next mario or sonic.

This game really shows just how far one can go if they put their mind too something. The rat, or how we like to call him Dongo, defies all expectations of reality and goes above and beyond to achieve him greatest dreams and saving his people from harm. He managed to slay wasps and cockroaches to reach his way to the evil cat that was terrorizing the factory for far too long, but today, the great hero we call Dongo has saved all rodent kind from the evil clutches of the at. And maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday, i think, no i KNOW that Dongo will get the recognition he deserves as the bringer of peace among his people. And until that day, Dongo shall, and will be hailed as a hero in my heart

Dingo Adventure is a masterpiece of a game, truly great art and sound direction. Phenomenal soundtrack surely composed by the best of the best, dare I say this game may be the Dark Souls of Platformers. Every game developer could take inspiration from it.

bought this because dongo's adventure is the funniest name of any game ever. unfortunately every single piece of talent from the people behind this game went into making such a funny name

the final boss was just a little too scary for me, maybe tone it down in the sequel

Ah, the most beautiful view in the world: Sugarloaf Mountain, overlooking Rio de Janeiro, where the most famous restaurant belongs to... a mouse? Meet Marcel Toing, proud owner of restaurant Ratatoing. Chef Toing knows the secret of every great chef: to prepare the most delicious meals you must find the freshest ingredients. To keep a full restaurant and to keep your competition guessing you have to go out on a limb! Do what it takes to stay number one! All while guarding your recipes, keeping them a secret! That's how you beat the competition.

Each week, Marcel and his team get into gear. Prepare for their covert mission: raiding the human's restaurant. For the tastiest treats, use wits, dodge traps, climb counters, and... bribe the cat? Can Marcel and his crew avoid the human traps, defy all danger, overcome the worst challenges, and triumph over even the biggest obstacles?

Ratatoing: where the best cuisine is found! Or stolen? Where secret ingredients are, ahhh... so delectable. A connoisseur's paradise... if you're a mouse!