Reviews from

in the past

When I started this DLC I thought for sure I’d never beat it: the first encounters crushed me harder than anything in the (already difficult) base-game, but I brute forced it. By the time I reached end of the first trial in the swamp, I was so overwhelmed I put it down for months.

But I picked it up again,
and I learned to dance.

Nice little expansion for Eternal, story is still as confusing as the normal game and wish it was more like 2016 and wasn't there but that gameplay is as good as ever

“This game is too hard 🥺”

Ok make it harder

Real men played before the patch that made this dlc easier

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the slayer gates in this DLC make me feel like the coolest person alive (i am)

This is how you make a DLC. every single aspect enhanced and with a twist, i like being happy

This first part of the DLC was sooooooooo bad. Wins points for still having the good base gameplay but the DLC wanted to be hard so it makes gimmick enemies that can only be hurt by certain weapons and makes 30 minute fight encounters.

Pues al igual que el juego base me ha gustado mucho, concretamente porque es exactamente igual. Es tanto su virtud porque sigue teniendo todo lo bueno de eternal, como su defecto, ya que echo de menos alguna cosa nueva.

Solo añade 3 enemigos nuevos, uno chulo , otro intranscendente y por ultimo otro bastante malo. Basa su existencia en convertir a enemigos regulares en esponjas de balas, justo lo contrario que lleva a haciendo el juego hasta este punto. También me ha dado la sensación que hay demasiados enemigos por combate, satura un poco.

A nivel estético sigue al nivel, siendo increíbles. La banda sonora cumple bastante bien aunque se nota que no es mick gordon, pero sabe transmitir la misma sensación que la original.

pretty solid expansion, the new levels are great, they look fantastic and have some really fun encounters

bit light on new mechanics, really its just the support rune and a few new enemies
speaking of enemies, oh my god these new ones suck
their weaknesses are just kind of not fun to deal with

Beat the living shit out of me and made me learn to Quick switch, the level of challenge this offers compared to base game is insane and my god it was truly Fun and something Special. 10/10 would Kill demons again

this dlc is easier to play on pc than on nintendo switch. who wouldve thunk it?

okay, now this is a great dlc

Expands on almost everything the base game has to offer, by building on the combat loop we all know and love. Difficulty is ramped up with more challenging arenas, encounters, and the new Spirit, which buffs demons it possess and must be prioritized once killed unless it does it again. The lore was introduced well and mostly makes sense, but will still send you searching for a wiki to make sense of what is going on. The two boss fights were high energy and chaotic, and seemed much more true to the game than the ones in the base game.

Basically, it's more Doom! What's not to like?

DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods - Part One is the first DLC expansion to the first-person shooter Doom Eternal developed by Id released in 2020. A very short yet difficult expansion to the base game that manages to ramp up the difficulty and adds some new enemy types and locations with very few flaws and complaints.

The Ancient Gods - Part One manages to expand on the game in several ways with the level design and encounter design being some of the hardest in the game as if the difficulty kept scaling up after the final level of Doom Eternal base game. The new enemy types also make you rethink on how to fight certain demons and feels more punishing than before if you screw up. Platforming albeit simple is still pretty nice here and still feels like a good reprieve from the usual encounters.

Sadly there are some things that get downgraded here starting with the music which is no longer composed by Mick Gordon and you can really notice the downgrade since it didn't feel as impact as the previous soundtrack and felt more like background music as opposed to the music being a full part of the experience. There are some encounters here that felt not difficult but tedious but these encounters far and few between. The story here is sort of give or take and attempts to tie up some loose ends but it comes off a bit convoluted.

This DLC overall is a decent expansion albeit short and in the end of the day, it's more Doom Eternal which I think few would be against. I only paid 5 bucks for this DLC and I think that's a good price for it so wait for a sale for this one unless you really want more Doom Eternal and have the base game already. The challenge is very welcome and also recommended thematic and gameplay wise to play it after beating Doom Eternal where you should have mastered some of the elements of the gameplay loop.

I know that the increased enemy count is a common complaint for this DLC, but frankly I didn't mind it too much.

The DLC loses points for having a swap level, but it gains them back by including and oil rig level.

Everything that made the base campaign excellent is ramped up to 11 here, and the adrenaline you'll experience is seldom found in other titles.

A solid expansion to an amazing game.
TAG1 wants to piss you off.
It wants you to throw your keyboard at the screen in frustration but in a good way.
The increased difficulty thanks to the addition of some (annoying) demons makes this a must have for someone looking to go insane thank god i played this on hurt me plenty i died like 3 times but still

When you think the base game is good, and this rolls around. 7 stars!

Honestly found way too much, it feels like it was designed to be hard and that's it. Some of the encounters in this were so miserable I could not believe that it passed testing, maybe it's a skill issue but this was overkill for no reason.

The Ancient Gods Pt. 1 is an expression of absolute confidence in id Software and its commitment to the fans.

They didn't back down from the game journalists or people who can't face a simple challenge in life or try to improve themselves. The negative reviews prove my point.

Everything in the DLC is double-down and it's not for new players. Combat arenas are more chaotic than ever. There is a significant increase in pressure units and fodder demons. My first playthrough was on Nightmare difficulty and it was more challenging than the main game on Ultra-Nightmare.

id Software couldn't have chosen better composers than Andrew Hulshut and David Levy. They did a fantastic job. I enjoyed their work more than Mick's Gordon.

Something that often gets overlooked is the fantastic job done by Emerson Tung - the creator of most characters, environments, languages and the whole Maykr lore. DOOM has never been a series about stories or lore. But this whole new DOOM universe they have been building is very well thought out and unique.

Finished DOOM eternal Ancient God Part 1 DLC, gotta say as a die hard DOOM ETERNAL fan kind of a letdown at the start, 1st chapter/level out of 3 total was horrible to say the least, OG DOOM eternal had perfect gameplay pacing/balancing, the right amount of exploration, platforming and combat sections, But this 1st level through all of it out of the window, it's just fighting multiple waves of enemies in a same arena twice or thrice, the level was way shorter and only dragged out by repeated combat section to the point where it loses all its adrenaline rush, but the next two levels were good, to say the least, the levels were big enough good platforming and combat scenarios, sadly not as pitch-perfect as the base game,
the new addition to this DLC was some new enemy types, one of them soul possessing demon which kinda of annoying rather than amazing.
The last boss fights 2nd phase was also annoying as it used the same soul-possessing type of enemies.
Also the ost is good get the job done but it ain't on the level of MICK GORDON.
OVERALL Kind of a let down would say 7/10.
GOOD cliffhanger tho

Very epic dlc, I have to say some or the new enemies are very annoying so I played it on easy mode and still struggled (especially those damn spirits) otherwise that ending is an amazing reveal.

This really wasn't that hard, guys. I played through this right after my first playthrough of the base game, both on Ultra-Violence and it's really not that much harder than the base game. Got through the first two levels without a single death, and only died to the final boss on the last level because I got too careless. So many of the negative Steam reviews are so obviously just people having a skill issue that it's hilarious, they're a good read.
A definite recommend for any fan of Doom Eternal who wants a bit of extra challenge.

Tougher than the main game to the point where the former looks easy. Nice surprise at the end.

I feel mixed on this, I might have to replay it to see how I feel, but throughout most of it (especially the 2nd level and the final boss) I was extremely frustrated due to the difficulty. Keep in mind, I beat the entirety of the base game 100% on Ultra-Violence twice. It just reaches a point where it doesn't feel quite as fun, mainly due to the scenarios they set up for you and the lack of real new enemies.

DOOM Eternal's first expansion is quite possibly one of the hardest bits of video gaming you will endure. Although there's not much new in terms of enemies, mechanics, nor anything all too breathtaking in level design, the sheer challenge of this expansion will bring experienced DOOM players to their knees.

There's not much to really complain about with The Ancient Gods besides a lack of original enemies, weapons, or anything else. A new "support rune" system is implemented that's really nice, the new slayer gates are absolutely bonkers (especially gate 2 post patch), and the new story details of this expansion are pretty cool.

Not that great of an expansion upon a fantastic game. As the settings are pretty cool, the levels themselves feel kinda like B-sides of the base game and as much as it makes me seem like a Mick Gordon stan, the music just really doesn't cut it.

The final boss is also complete trash for such an important character.