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Ancient Gods II continues the unfortunate legacy of Ancient Gods I's Spirits: enemies that literally take away from the game, rather than add to it. Cursed Prowlers, Buff Zombies, and even more Spirits all take away player tools rather than actually requiring new skills, making players interact sub-optimally to deal with them. It's like id saw that everyone was having too much fun and decided the toys needed to be taken away. I haven't actually finished the final boss, but phase 1 is just a less interactive marauder fight, which is par for the course of this expansion.

But it's Doom Eternal so, ya know, it's still good.

UPDATE: I did finish the final boss. It sucked. Ending cutscene was sweet though.

“You made the last expansion even harder 😡”

Ok fine you crybabies

Id Software continues their time honored tradition of giving the Doom reboot games the most unsatisfying ending possible

Pretty good, hammer was fun to use. It did feel a bit rushed though and the final boss was disappointing. Though I probably had more fun with it than TAG1 due to the slight decrease in difficulty.

Not quite as good as the base campaign or TAG1, but still a fun time nonetheless.

God this was so fucking disappointing. Starts off well enough with more fantastic work from Hulshult but god the final level sucks complete ass. Obnoxious rooms that showcase Eternals worst aspects coupled with a complete DOGSHIT final boss cement Ancient Gods Part Two as a completely underwhelming experience especially compared to the relatively safe but fun first part. Shame since Doom Eternal is still a phenomenal experience from beginning to end (Battlemode is whatever).


Not as insane as TAG1 despite being second, could’ve been a lot more than it was but it’s fine.

ancient gods part 1 better, this didnt really evolve the games difficulty the same way


It's so strange, what I loved about part one is that it feels like it's just more of the base game and that's why it works, but here it feels like the level design gets a little half-assed at times (and great at others), and the last quarter left me feeling a little unsatisfied, but it's still great!

Much better than the Part 1 counterpart. Loved the massive war final level, boss and story were a lil bleh.

try to not get it on console. its riddled with weird errors that wont let you access/play it even after fully paying for it. but this and the first game and the base game are amazing

compared to part 1 eh but still good

What in the actual FUCK is the final boss.

No llega al nivel del juego base, pero sin duda es mucho mejor DLC que el primero. Más épico, mejor diseñado y con la dificultad mucho más ajustada y un jefe final bastante satisfactorio para lo que suele ser esta saga.

Me ha gustado mucho y, aunque se nota que han tenido que recortar un poco en algún sitio por sacarlo rápido, les ha quedado un DLC muy resultón que cierra bastante bien el que podría ser mi FPS favorito de todos los tiempos.


While it's not as good as the base game, it is undoubtedly better than the first DLC. More epic, better designed and with much more adjusted difficulty and a quite satisfactory boss, compared to the rest of the series.

I enjoyed it quite a lot and, even though it feels a bit rushed in some areas, it's a pretty great DLC that gives a great ending to what could be my favorite FPS of all time.

Why the hell are people complaining about the final boss. It's clearly the lesser of 2 evils. The real tragedy is the fact that they thought that changing the menu music was a good idea.

- The moment to moment gameplay is just as addictive as Doom has ever been.
- There are a bunch of new enemies to keep you on your toes. I'm not the biggest fan of most of the new enemies however I think that they are better than the ones added in part 1.
- The floating thing that you can hook to is something that should have been here since the beginning. It really helps the platforming and movement.
- I personally really like the hammer. It's way better than the crucible.
- The environments might be some of the best the series has seen so far. The last level especially is so cool and detailed.
- New items and backgrounds for customising the menu
- IDs attempt at replicating Endgame was blatantly obvious, yet still pretty decent.

- The final boss is 5 phases too long.
- Both DLCs are way too expensive. It should have been £16 for both.

Overall, I'm not sure if I prefer this or the first DLC. I loved both and while I understand some of the hate, the pros most certainly outweigh the cons.

I was mostly satisfied that they'd sorted the real bullshit from part one's encounter design, until that last slog of a final boss. "what if you fought a super marauder with 5 health bars who healed every time he hit you and you could only get damage in once when he decides to do the one attack with an opening" fuck off I want to rip and tear

I love this DLC's add-ons like the hammer and levels, however it should have been way harder. The master levels give you the definitive experience.

Davoth should have been more.

Played through with 99% completion.
One item glitched out and of course I couldn't replay this one mission because of the Extra Life mode disables it for some reason. sigh

Will play it someday later, in a year or two.

A slightly less good experience than TAG1 due to a certain lack of.... creativity in the gameplay department i suppose?
TAG1 had lots of wacky combat scenarios and it felt like the designers weren't afraid of pushing the limits of what could be done on an expansion released to the unsuspecting public.
Meanwhile TAG2..... eh
But it's still Doom Eternal at the end of the day, and i feel like it's impossible to fuck up the combat loop due to how refined and perfected it is.
it has a cool hammer tho
and the final boss sucks dick

This review contains spoilers

This DLC is a disappointment.
The first DLC made me want the game's second DLC, but it was a mistake. It's not even a challenge. It's just annoying.

The enemies aren't stronger at all, they're even weaker than the first DLC; had to crank the difficulty up to compensate for it. The map design is annoying as fuck. There was a part where you could accidentally grab monkey bars twice and bump your head in the process.
There was no space to use the BFG. There was no time to use the Unmaykr. The hammer felt like a cheap excuse, and the enemy/map design did not compliment its use in any way.

I pushed through it all, saying "well, at least more DOOM content". The final boss is a disgrace to the franchise, even more so as an ender for one. It's full RNG and not even the fun way. There is a 66% chance (if your positioning perfectly) that he will NOT do the only move where he is vulnerable, the fight is really easy (in the first couple of healtbars you can literally stand in one place and just aim), but he is really tanky.

At the time of writing this, I did not beat the boss, after dancing for about an hour or half, I fucking quit (If I calm down maybe I'll get back to it). he heals every time he hits you, his timing is all fucked up, there is no rhythm to the fight every and all moves are RNG, while some of the hitboxes are fucking bad.

TL;DR: A little disappointed seeing the first DLC, and a LOT disappointed seeing the final boss. I wanted to give 9/10 or 8/10 for this DLC, I shit you not I got bored in this fight, then hooked again when the moveset changed, then bored again, and after what felt like ages I just hit the "exit to desktop" button: 4/10(as a DLC, the game is awesome)

Again, very annoying to play in a lot of parts. The final boss is very cool though and the story would be nice if I was able to understand any of it

The base game is fun but both of these DLCs have some of the most rancid gamefeel I've ever experienced in an FPS. The World Spear Master Level, however, owns

Felt a bit too Marvel for me at the end with the endgame reference, and subpar final boss that was supposed to be the final note in the series. Of course, mods fix it, but why should I have to?

Really Good
9,5/10 - Length
6,5/10 - Price
6,5/10 - Performance/Bugs
9,0/10 - Gameplay
8,0/10 - Story/Experience

Score = 7,9/10

the meme beam is annoying and being forced to use it should be considered a crime against game design.

The series completely loses its way in this latest dlc. Some things are better left unknown. Good level design though.