Reviews from

in the past

Game is fine, but it's plagued with technical problems. Tries to capture the magic of PS2-era 3D platformers, but never does anything interesting enough to break out of the shadows of the greats.

It's a pretty decent 3D Platformer. It doesn't do anything new and it's ridiculously easy, but it has it's charm.

This is a charming little game with some very cute level design, and while it doesn't really do anything wrong, it doesn't do much to stand out either. Still a good time for a 3D platformer fan looking to burn a few hours, though.

I really couldn't recommend Effie. The world seems mostly empty and uninspired, the writing is... bad. Go here, collect McGuffin, kill witch, repeat. The boss fights are uninspiring and repetitive, at least from what I've played, and the combat is worse. The combat is just mash light/heavy until all enemies are dead, but I guess you can throw in one other, objectively inferior bonus move if you feel like it. The surfing mechanic shown in trailers was the main draw for me, but it's disabled everywhere except the overworld, which is empty save for sparse time trials and small unrewarding outposts. The narrator speaking over all actions gets old really fast as well. Every chest, and nearly every collectible is paired with ONE voiceline. Said voiceline also does not make sense for the context of the action. Lots of stuff in the game is reused just as much as the voicelines too, and the game just feels unpolished overall.

Aventurilla que recuerda mucho a los juegos de plataformas en 3D de hace muchos años. Comparte sus mismas virtudes, como un buen salto, detallitos por doquier, una historia simplona para tirar para adelante.... Pero también sus defectos, como pocos tipos de enemigos, demasiadas cosas en pantalla flotando para recoger, y un combate mediocre. Si te gustaban los juegos así, o quieres introducírselos a alguien mas pequeño pero teniendo buenos gráficos, recomendado.

This game is rough and a bit empty, but I still had a good time with it while it lasted. I wouldn't have even known what it was or that it existed if it wasn't for Limited Run Games putting out a physical copy so I'm thankful for that. Ultimately, I will say the game is mostly forgettable and I don't foresee a second playthrough in my future.

I just think it’s neat. Harkens back to jak and daxter or ratchet and clank in its vibes to me

short, enjoyable 3D indie platformer with nice visuals (low polygon count + simple texturing + fancy UE4 lighting is a combination more games should use) and solid level design. worth playing for 3D platforming fans even if it requires putting up with a fair bit of jank attributable to its low budget and small team (some questionable checkpoints, a few unclear level objectives, English voice acting that doesn't match the subtitles, etc).

not to be confused with Elli, a similarly named but entirely different indie 3D platformer with a somewhat similar art style that came out a bit later in 2020. I liked this one better, though

Completed with platinum trophy earned. Effie is a bright, colourful 3D platformer that first came to my attention from an impressive trailer, and for the most part live up to its promise, without being an overly memorable experience. Level design is generally decent, with some satisfying secrets to seek out. However, there's quite a limited variety of enemies throughout the game and overall each area, while being decently-sized, feels quite empty. Controls are solid and combat, for what's here, works well enough, but it's really quite simplistic. A few special moves that are learned later in the game build on this a little, but not enough to make for a particularly compelling mechanic. There's enjoyment to be had here, but if you're willing to look to games that are a little older, there are better examples of the genre that I'd recommend first.

When I got this game, the Steam description claimed it was inspired by Ratchet And Clank. Frankly, I don't see it. I found this game aggressively mediocre and with writing that I found bad even by video game standards. There's a moral that comes at the end that I didn't feel had been set up by the previous story events AT ALL. But the hoverboarding is kind of neat, I guess.

Pretty fun game to kill some time!

A bunch of slapping around with a shield and "fighting" the big bad, all because the protag was lazy.

Gave this a try since my game aggregator labeled it as a puzzle game, but it was one of the most generic games I've touched. It feels like a somewhat polished student project. technically fine, but doesn't do anything that well. It had some decent visual style, but only slightly. Everything else about it is perfectly generic and it's like you filtered out all of the individual things that makes something like Zelda (or any of its other influences that it states on its product description) great, and put in its placeholders while the finer details were being figured out. I played past the point i could stomach it and it felt like there was a ton of game left, I just decided to cut it off. Really nothing about it is egregiously bad, just not inspired.