Reviews from

in the past


It's the only word that comes to my mind when describing this game. Is it actually perfect? Fuck no lmao, the game is riddled with all kinds of bugs and crashes. Yet why is this game so perfect in my eyes that despite all the bugs, despite all the times I was stuck in a loading screen and was forced to lose progress, why do I love this game so damn much? The answer dare I say is actually pretty simple. It's the dedication and passion of Obsidian for this game that lets me see past the loading screens past the crashes past everything. Yes that line was cringy but I don't really care there needs to be shown some respect for the developers and what they have created, a game where you are completely free to do what you want, be who you want and go where you want. This game honestly hits it right out of the park, all the way from the game giving you the tools to accomplish being who you want to also granting you various choices in quests that will leave you second guessing testing how you or the character you have created would act in a situation like that and the game almost always will end up leaving you with that feeling of uneasiness, that feeling of not being sure if you did the right (or wrong) thing, I absolutely adore stuff like that.

The characters are also well made making for some fun interactions just by seeing the type of people living in this post apocalyptic wasteland just trying to live their every day lives to the best of their abilities.
The companions are a treat, they all have their own backstories personalities, likes and dislikes and will even give you quests to further progress their own story its brilliant, its beautiful no longer are you trusty companions just that one npc carrying your stuff, you actually start to care for them.

The factions are all really good (although Caesars legion is prob my least favourite of all of them) each one of them having their advantages for if you choose them to be the best choice for the mojave, while also possessing just as many disadvantages.

The DLC are also all amazing all of the containing their own story that just leads up to one of the best final confrontations in a videogame period. However I believe I'll go in depth about those perhaps another day

Final rating:
Masterpiece / 10

Second playthrough.
The first time I played New Vegas back in 2016, I thought it was a janky, uninteresting piece of trash so I uninstalled it. I was pretty young and dumb back then. This game is indeed, very janky when it comes to gameplay. But mods fix that just fine.
When the word "role-playing game" comes to my mind, Fallout New Vegas is the most prominent title that I remember. In every sense of the word, this game is an RPG and an absolute masterclass at that. The character writing, the main narrative, side stories, environmental storytelling and many more aspects of this absolute gem of a game are executed perfectly.

Wow, I can't believe I have this listed as my favorite game of all time, what an idiot I am.

This game is so full of bugs, jank, the gameplay is super basic and bad and like, it's awful and overrated.

Truly the gameplay ruins everything about the experience and the plot isn't good either, I won't explain why but it's just bad and you should think it's bad too because I said it is.

The DLC sucks except for Dead Money, which objectively has the best gameplay section in the entire game and is totally r/epicchungus.

God didn't make me to play baddy bad video games, and this review is the end all be all baseline of opinions.

Anyways, check the date when this finished.

I really need to replay this, because I just didn't really enjoy this game.
I liked it less than Fallout 3 and even 4, even though I was so excited AND I'm trans so I should automatically have a +5 enjoyment buff when playing New Vegas :o

Sir, you're not based and Legion-pilled. You're on the no-fly list

Obsidian did the impossible and turned out one the best rpgs of all time in less than a year. Unlike Bethesdas retcon butchery, that goes on till this day, New Vegas respects its source in both narative and gameplay intention. Yes, it takes a bit of work to get this running on PC, cause its about as polished as a white BMW in a muddy landslide but its more than worth it

Still the greatest Fallout game ever made.


The first play through of this game is amazing, with an unmatched sense if discovery for this incredible world. Actions truly have consequences, and in this game your actions can be whatever you want.

old world blues was the best dlc

New Vegas isn't a perfect game by any means, but it's one of my favorites. There's a lot to unpack in a game like this, considering how long a completionist save would last, especially with all of the story expansions. Despite its technical issues and dated engine, the game design, narrative, and roleplaying structure on display in this game are on another level. The base game has amazing quests and characters that touch on a huge amount of themes, yet also all represent a center theme of being unable to let go from the past. The DLC only expands on this theme and arguably improves upon the base game in terms of dialogue and storytelling. The consistency of New Vegas' content, across both the base game and ultimate edition, is second to none for me.

I'm just going to copy my Steam review.

I decided to redo my review on New Vegas because the one I posted about a year ago now was just a haha funny and plus I finally got to play the DLC. Enjoy this unorganized mess that I am somehow calling a review that is actually just my insane ramblings on a very old game.

This game is amazing. This is the first game i've gotten over 100 hours in on steam, and there is very good reason for that. Even just vanilla there's so much depth and things to do but with the DLC it adds an extremely captivating narrative

Anything from its design philosophy to the execution of like 95% of things in the game is something that every RPG can learn something from, I believe this is the absolute gold standard of the genre, I cannot be convinced otherwise. simply from how you start in Goodsprings and how you're taught how the game is going to work to how it eases you into exploring this -not massive by any means for todays standards but still pretty large when everything has a story to it- unlike something like Skyrim where your exploration isn't rewarded by much other than a new opportunity to do the same random dungeon you just did 20 minutes ago, there is a story to most if not all locations in this map, inferred through the environment of it or told through terminals or anything, really. It's outstanding how no 1 place feels boring, for me at least. And sure, there are more than a few quests that are tedious or not engaging, but I would argue that is far from the majority.

another thing I love so much about New Vegas is that, your choices do matter. Not in the way that it's all but an illusion just to make you feel like that, no absolutely not. You will lose companions if you side with the faction they don't like, or you can be shot on sight if a faction doesn't like you, or you can decide the fate of an entire town and that will affect how that town works for the rest of the game, a lot of situations that you are presented with can and will have some sort of visible outcome.

As well as that I love New Vegas's characters. There are few characters in games or, hell, fiction at all that are as memorable or fun to interact with or listen to the lore of than the likes of Joshua Graham, Ulysses, Caesar, Dean Domino and Dog, Mr. House, and that's just the main characters I can think of off the top of my head. I don't know about you but they are sure as hell a lot more memorable than the Jarl of Whiterun or the Greybeards and even Paarthurnax in Skyrim or Nick valentine, Kellogg and whoever else was in fallout 4's cast (I actually just forgot lmao). Joshua Graham's story and character for instance is not one that I will be forgetting anytime soon, neither will Caesar, or Mr. House, or Ulysses and everyone else I mentioned. But even besides them, there are so many characters on the side that may not be just as interesting but still have so much value to them.

My one real gripe about New Vegas is how it handles its politics. Now, I am not saying in any stretch that it isn't also basically the gold standard for how it handles politics, I think it absolutely is. But I can't say that it isn't also a bit dangerous too. The only real drawback to not having an obvious good guy or bad guy from my point of view is that someone could very easily be influenced by, say the legion and suddenly think that under the right conditions, maybe r*ping and enslaving entire groups of people might be okay because of the safety of the overarching military or something. Now, I do also understand that a good counter-argument to that view is that most people who play this game will have somewhat of an ability to understand political theory. But, my response to that would be to simply point at the seemingly large group of 14-20 year old boys who seem infatuated with the idea that things like metal gear solid are just cool badass games and not political at all, because then that would be SJW propaganda, or something or other. Look, whatever the case may be, it's just a thought to consider i haven't seen it myself but I wouldn't be surprised if there's people who playedNnew Vegas and then had their ideals that closely align with the legion bolstered even more, and didn't actually take part in political analysis, like how the game strongly suggests you should.

Anyways, I could go on and on about this game forever but for now I think I'll stop there, this wasn't really long -I think- but if you read until here then thanks and have a good day, also play this if you haven't

Not much more can be said about how incredible the game is.. As a fan of the first Fallout game, I think it both does it justice and exceeds its legacy by a wide margin. All of the characters and writing are definitively human and complex. The aesthetics, level and world design all cohesive. The world feels lived in and responsive to a persons individual way of playing. The replayability, gunplay, pure wealth of choices make this a game that isn't easily forgotten. I highly recommend it to trans cowgirls.

It’s taken a lot out of me to write a review of this game. Been a favourite game of mine for years, and every time something in my life happens — good and bad — I think back to this game. This is a long review, so bear with me. This is just me speaking from my heart, at 2am, after crying for a few hours. This won’t be an average review by any means.

It’s been a tough week for me. Tough year, even. It barely even started. I’ve had lots of losses and lots of personal realizations recently. And it’s been tough to deal with.

Is it stupid to think of a game like Fallout: New Vegas? Yeah. Maybe it is. But when I say this game changed my perspective on life, I mean it.

This whole game is about letting go which is something I have a hard time dealing with. Letting go of friends, of viewpoints, of habits… it’s never been easy. Especially when it’s something close to you.

But something that always comes back up is the theme of letting go to what you hold dear. Every single time I think it’s this foreign concept that I’ll never master, I remember playing FNV. I remember playing the dlc, I remember finishing the main story, and realizing that I let go of so much. By completing my main save, I let go of my character. By doing the dlc, I let go (in game) of old concepts and beliefs.

It’s poetic. To let go of a core part of yourself isn’t easy. It’s something I hate doing even though it’s inevitable. But this game — and the lessons it taught me — has almost guided me through this process, like a helping hand.

For months I wanted to write a review of this game. I never knew how, nor did I know what I could write about that hasn’t been said already. “Good game, great writing, bad graphics, famous mechanics,” etc. gets stale. I never saw someone talking about the core lesson that it taught me and has taught the biggest fans of this game.

Recently I’ve had to let go of a lot of timings I held dear. I won’t say specifics, obviously. This is a largely anonymous review. You don’t know my name, nor do I know yours. You’ll never think about me again. But one thing I hope people take away is that, if the theme didn’t sink in, play it again. If you’re having a hard time coping with grief, play this game. It’s a soothing hug, a guiding hand, a gentle voice — all reassuring you that it’s okay that the process hurts, it’s inevitable but it passes with time.

Nobody’s going to read this. But I’m finally ready to write this review of the game. It’s been sitting in the back of my mind for a while. I could never find the words to put how this game has helped me down on paper. But I finally did it. Everything clicked. I finally found out how to write it all down. I can move on from this, too, even if it’s minor. This will be a hard week but I’ll move on.

If anyone is reading this and is struggling too, time will pass and carry you with it. Everyone has the capacity to let go and move on. It just takes gentle guidance.

So damn good it hurts. Leagues better than the other fallout games. Whenever I see Obsideon I just know it will be a banger. Play their recent RPG Pentiment, it's fucking great.

Fallout New Vegas, from the bounds of my thoughts to rating games, does something no else does. Because if you take away the PC buggy-ness due to age, you have one of the best games ever produced. A game filled with so much fun, life, and creativity, that even while playing in 2023, it still holds up. Beyond even that of games release in the past five years. A must play for everyone; and something that is more then earned its worth to sit on my best games of all time list.

Foi o primeiro Fallout que realmente JOGUEI, e foi muito bom. O jogo é bem nos moldes dos jogos da Bethesda, o que eu gosto, onde você vai fazer as secundárias que às vezes são mais legais que a história principal. Possuindo uma gunplay muito boa e o uso do sistema VATS, o jogo é muito divertido de se jogar. O sistema de reputação também é algo que faz o jogo ser diferente, onde você não pode agradar todo mundo e precisa escolher com cautela seus aliados. Porém possui problemas que são muito significativos para ser um jogo perfeito

Bem legal, fiz muitas sidequests e o universo é muito bem construído. A história é melhor que a do Skyrim (o único da Bethesda que joguei) por exemplo, dando muito mais escolhas para você fazer, que REALMENTE mudam como o jogo é. A conclusão dela é boa e adorei o epílogo que aparece após você terminar o jogo, onde mostra o que aconteceu com cada pessoa/facção que você ajudou, mostrando que você REALMENTE mudou algo na vida daquelas pessoas.
Achei que faltou um pouco mais na questão social, pois você cria diversos laços, mas aquilo não avança; se você conseguisse ter um romance com certos personagens seria incrível para você sentir aquele personagem mais real.
Senti também que faltava alguma coisa ao completar algumas missões, alguma progressão ou mudança de alguma cidade, as quests pareciam que terminavam no meio.

O jogo é bem divertido. Porém não envelheceu tão bem, tendo diversos problemas que hoje em dia foram resolvidos, principalmente o tracking de missões. Além disso, eu precisei baixar alguns mods para o jogo ficar mais confortável de jogar, pois as mecânicas usadas na época envelheceram extremamente mal. A gunplay é divertida e a construção de build é onde o jogo brilha, onde eu me sentia jogando um RPG de mesa, onde você precisa colocar ponto por ponto, e o que você escolhe te ajuda muito em alguns casos. A exploração do mapa é legal e o jogo no começo é bem difícil.

Trilha Sonora
Meu Deus, a trilha sonora desse jogo é fenomenal. Usar a rádio para escutar as músicas deixa elas um pouco mais especiais e te deixam mais imersos no universo do jogo.

Pontos positivos e negativos
+Trilha sonora fenomenal
+Historia boa
+Boas sidequests
+Gunplay muito divertida
+Sistema VATS
+Muito legal mostrar a conclusão de tudo após o final do jogo
-Precisa de mods para ser jogável no pc hoje em dia
-Não envelheceu muito bem
-Algumas quests pareciam incompletas

Fallout New Vegas é ótimo. Possuindo uma história bem escrita, trilha sonora fenomenal, boas sidequests e gunplay divertida, o jogo chega a ser quase perfeito, mas não tenho como negar que parecia que precisava de mais conteúdo em algumas sidequests e que o jogo envelheceu bem mal, necessitando de diversos mods para EU me sentir confortável jogando, além de precisar baixar um para conseguir abrir o jogo em Windows mais novos. Nota 8/10.

This review contains spoilers

Esse jogo é o verdadeiro culpado pela maioria da fanbase de Fallout achar que os outros jogos da franquia não estão nesse nível (e de fato não estão mesmo), e isso já fala muito sobre o quão incrível esse jogo é, duvido que esse não seja o pico de qualidade de Fallout em praticamente tudo que a Bethesda já tentou fazer antes (e depois) e com todas as expansões que já vem nessa versão, fica ainda mais daora de jogar, e dão um valor replay bem interessante que eu nunca tinha achado convincente o suficiente antes pra jogar e zerar mais de uma vez, pelo menos não nesse nível em nenhum em nenhum outro Fallout, e as expansões de Lonesome Road e Old World Blues... São simplesmente absurdas de tão bem feitas, essas expansões não precisavam ser tão boas. "It's me again, Mr. New Vegas, reminding you that you're nobody 'til somebody loves you. And that somebody is me. I love you."

Really goes to show how much of a mess people are willing to go through if this game is as immaculate as it is broken.
So many crashes and bugs and jank, yet this is still one of the best RPGs. You have so much choice in role playing and character builds, yet it's also very accessible with it being a standard first person shooter. Certainly isn't one of the finest shooters but lobbing mini nukes just never gets boring (explosive builds are best)
The world and story really sell this game. Few to no characters and factions feel one note. Replaying the game and going through different story routes makes you see so much of the world in a new light. Several revelations being quite hidden or not said out loud, but it's never obnoxious to the point of "I have no idea what's going on". The layers of motivation and political intrigue is on another level, one that you can experience at your own pace. The fact you can kill literally every NPC and never get a dead game is admirable. Well, they do cheat by having one unkillable character but that's way fewer then so many other RPGs.
The DLC really wraps this game beautifully with a over arching narrative that only becomes apparent at the the final DLC but has always been there from the start. That, and each location being very unique makes every DLC memorable with its unique themes and atmosphere.
This game feels a like long ongoing role playing session, messy as hell with bizzare events yet full of passion that somehow ends with it all coming together.

"It's me again, Mr. New Vegas, reminding you that you're nobody 'til somebody loves you. And that somebody is me. I love you."

Esse jogo consertou absurdamente tudo de errado com Fallout 3, ele tem uma história espetacular, ótimo sistema de RP, os companions são incríveis, e há facçãoes novas pois os devs estavam com novas ideias, como a eterna luta entre NCR e Legião de Cesar. Além do mundo interessante os Personagens bem escritos e um mundo bem construído e com isso em menos de 1 ano e 6 meses a Obsidian que era um baita estúdio com os games de RPG como Knights of old Republic 2 e Icewind dale 2, fez o melhor jogo de todos os tempos nós termos objetivos isso não é um jogo é um doutorado de Game design bem feito e o Final é incrível tudo na verdade é.

This game is god tier in role play games. It gives you freedom to be anything. I personally played as a sane scientific expert in Plasma that helped everyone in the Mojave. The second playthrough was an insane melee psychopath that joined the files of Caesar.

It isn't a FPS game, it's an FPS-RPG game. So it's not Call of Duty with numbers. And no, it's not Destiny either. But you may already have known that.

Factions are present. What the hell is a faction in this game? Well, it's a group with a certain ideology they follow. You can choose what to do with them. Ally with them, do some missions, gain their respect. Kill everyone, it's your choice.

Just play it, stop reading. Be the diplomatic Messiah the Mojave always needed or be the Boogeyman that puts the end to all conflicts, because they're all dead!

The DLC's are great too, some better than others but overall good. My favorites were Honest Hearts and Lonesome Road, both take two wild approaches to it's story and gameplay.

Replayed the game and finally played the DLC. One of the greatest of all time. If you're reading this cut off all contact with the outside world and play this forever. It's worth it.

It don't get any better than this.

this is my favourite video game of all time. since first completing the game in an extremely bare bones, A to B main questline speed-thru in 2020 (working for MR HOUSE? WHY?) i've 100ed% this bad boy at least five times using a myriad of different character quirks, builds and faction affinities. you'd think i'd be bored of it by now, but yet every few months i find myself coming back, unable to resist the escapism that comes with feeling like a political mastermind-rough around the edges gunslinger-deranged mailman hybrid revolutionising the political landscape of a recovering post-war 23rd century society and ushering in a new era, devoid of misguided nostalgia for the past.
also you can give yourself like really high luck and just rob every casino under the sun which is based and awesome

Took me several retries but game finally clicked after I finished Fallout 3 first. Coming from that game, you'll slide right in as there are only slight changes/improvements to gameplay. Desert and cowboys setting isn't really my jam, but glad that there's more variety in the environment as you progress with main game and in the DLCs. There are also multiple endings in base game and DLCs that encourage multiple playthrough (or reload your save game if you're hurrying). Got the "bad" ending trying to please all factions. Will definitely play again someday to try the other faction endings and shoot for other achievements. My biggest complaints so far is that it crashed a lot - even in the middle of combat.

meu notebook foi de base nn deu tempo de zerar