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Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is just a game being a game, and it’s a great one! This standalone DLC of Far Cry 3 is actually my favorite game in the series by far. It's a perfect example of what happens when a company takes a risk to create something unique and different, and it pays off. Think of it like "Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare" or "GTA IV: The Lost and Damned."

Blood Dragon transports you to an alternate reality set in the year 2007, somewhere in the middle of the Pacific. The game exudes a 1980s dystopian retro-futuristic synthwave vibe that is just awesome. The aesthetic is pure neon lights, red skies, and everything that screams retro cool.
The soundtrack is phenomenal, dripping with synthwave beats that perfectly complement the game's atmosphere. The story, while not overly complex, is engaging and perfectly suited to the game's tone. You play as Rex "Power" Colt, a great protagonist who embodies everything over-the-top and badass about 80s action heroes.
The gameplay is a blast. The mechanics feel solid, and the game introduces some wild elements like laser-dinosaurs, cyber-sharks, robo-dogs, and those incredible neon visuals. The reload animations are hilariously overdone in the best way possible.
The tutorial is one of the best parts of the game. Lines like "To look around, look around" , "Running is like walking, only faster" and "Press X to demonstrate your ability to read" are just a taste of the humor that permeates the entire experience.

The only downside to Blood Dragon is its length. It's too short, leaving you wanting more.
If Ubisoft wants to revive the Far Cry series, they need to make Far Cry Blood Dragon 2! This game shows that taking risks can lead to something truly special.

Aesthetic game.
Puro suco da trasheira violenta 80tentista.

I've never made it a secret among my peers that Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is my favorite game in the series. Free from the restrains of accumulating inane amounts of the expected "Ubisoft bloat," Blood Dragon is a far more concise package still filled with the usual collect-a-thon open-world nonsense, but scaled down to a far more palatable size. With a smaller scale and a more juvenile, 80s nostalgia attitude (when that wasn't as annoying as it is today), Blood Dragon was remarkably the freshest entry in a series that was only going downhill from here.

When a "Classic Edition" for Blood Dragon was announced, I was pretty excited to have another excuse to play one of my favorite open-world games. Sadly, the game was restricted behind a season pass paywall for Far Cry 6, a game I wasn't about to buy - especially at launch since Ubi games tank in value faster than the crypto market - however, with the most recent PlayStation sale, I felt $10 was a reasonable asking price for this game.

To say I was wrong over my initial assessments is an understatement. While Blood Dragon is still a good game to this day, this "Classic Edition" port is a total sham and a waste of money. This may have also been the case for the 8th gen port of Far Cry 3 (I haven't played it in years), but Blood Dragon sees no noticeable improvements to the visuals, gameplay, performance, and so on. There shouldn't be any excuse as to why this isn't running at 60FPS at least on a PS4 Pro (I played on PS5 through an external HDD, which technically runs these Pro versions when available). Even if that was unachievable on a Pro, there are ZERO excuses why this shouldn't be running at 60FPS on a PlayStation 5, especially when there are no noticeable visual improvements to the game.

I don't want to scream about lazy devs, especially in a cutthroat company like Ubisoft (that still employs and shuffles around known and admitted sexual abusers within leadership positions in the company), but this is by far the laziest port of a game I've ever seen. The gall to not only release this half-assed port of a game but also hide it behind a season pass for another game for a while, and when you finally release it standalone, to still feel the need to ask for money on such a lazy port of a nearly 10-year-old game is astounding.

To this very day, the best way to play this game will still be on PC, where you can actually get good performance out of it (and of course have KBM support which is usually my preference for FPS games anyway). Don't give your money to Ubisoft even on a good day, but especially for half-assed software like Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon - Classic Edition.

¿Te gustó Far Cry 3? Pues este te follará la mente. Es un ascenso tan constante e intenso a la locura, que la verdadera pena es que no dure el doble. Juegazo al que sólo le puedo poner esa pega, la duración (9,25)

Harmillisen laiska porttaus (30 fps), muuten täyttä rautaa.

This game is incredibly stupid, but has a wonderfully fun aesthetic.

Look at the cover. If you think that cover looks cool you will enjoy this game. If you think that cover looks stupid you should not play it.

DO NOT PLAY THIS ON PS4 --> Unless you can modify dead zones on your controller.

Story (2/3) - Honestly, a fun story that doesn't take itself seriously. It is ridiculous and as American as you can get. The jokes made me laugh quite a bit. Although, it was rather short.

Gameplay (1/4) - This game cannot run. This port is so bad that it made me have to use modified controllers to change the dead zones so I could somewhat aim without input lag. They should be ashamed of themselves for releasing this.

Performance (1/3) - Game ran at 30 fps on newer hardware when Ubisoft could have easily made it run at 60 fps. Voice lines would replay over and over. Sound files for guns would randomly play in the background like a rapid-fire machinegun (requiring a restart to disable). Just horrible all around.

fun not perfect but its just a dlc and it was charming enough to get me to the end

Probably an unpopular opinion but I was disappointed by this one. I've highly enjoyed every Far Cry game I've played since 3 (except Primal) so I expected to be into this one with its aesthetic and neon drenched graphics but I didn't connect with it at all. Thankfully it wasn't very long so I didn't give up too much time that could be spent on other games.

Tue mir ein wenig schwer das Game zu bewerten. Auf der einen Seite ist es unglaublich witzig und dekonstruiert auf clevere Art und Weise die gängigen 80er Jahre Tropes. Auf der anderen Seite merkt man aber, dass es sich mehr oder weniger um einen fancy "Far Cry 3" DLC handelt, der in Sachen Gameplay nicht mal ansatzweise mit dem Main Game mithalten kann. Leider auch schwer repetitiv, so dass ich es am Ende nicht mal durchgespielt habe.

Lo he jugado por los loles, y nada mal, aunque me ha dado un poco pereza esta estética retro-neón. Me sigo quedando mil veces antes con Far Cry 3, pero bueno, la experiencia no ha estado del todo mal.

A good standalone, and its iconicness(pretend thats a real word) is not to be understated. It's got a great atmosphere/aesthetic and the story can be quite hilarious, but unfortunately for me after having 100% completed it (despite two trophies glitching -_-) in the end it just fell a bit samey, which I know everyone says for every Far Cry game but I've felt it the most so far in this one. All there really is to do outside of the short story is collectibles, the same two types of side missions and outposts (garrisons in this). Which is perfectly fine, It's a short standalone i got for like 12 bucks but it holds it back from being anything more than a good experience. Theres also a sad lack of boss fights in the main story and as funny as Rex's one-liners are, there are not enough of them for how often they repeat. All that negativity aside, its a fun distraction for someone wanting a few laughs and to have a good time killing people with lasers. What more could you ask for really?

Trophy Completion - 90%
In Game Completion - 100%
Time Played - 11 hours
Rating - 75/100
Completion #18 of 2022

Can't believe people go crazy for this thing. The humor was pretty good at times, but apart from that there's really nothing going on here. The gameplay feels like you're underwater which is apparently an issue specific to the remaster (great work team) and god damn did it make doing every little thing so painful. Obviously the the story is hammed up generic 80s stuff and it was pretty funny but it's possible to do that AND have me give a shit. I did not give a shit.

When you hear about a stand-alone game with Far Cry’s mechanics and an 80’s neon/action movie aesthetics, I think it’s safe to say you expect a good finished product, or at least a fun one. Well, that’s not what I found with Blood Dragon. It’s world ends up feeling dull and uninspired, some of the missions can be fun, but there’s not many of them and, to be fair, there’s not much of anything else. The mechanics are fine and you have some fun weapons at your disposal, but you end up fighting the same 3 or 4 enemies over and over – not even the titular Blood Dragons bring much joy into it.

Invented the word KINO. Crying, throwing up, can't believe this is my life. The depth of the characters... the complexity of the story, the edginess of the one liners, the rawness of the music... it's all culminating in the only fun Ubisoft game. Sayonara Sushi! Yeehaw!

FC 3: Blood Dragon é um jogo que brinca com os clichês do gênero FPS e consequentemente com sua constância ação, embora em um aspecto geral seja um game curto, ele é bastante divertido e possui uma estética indubitavelmente linda.

It's a shame that my first experience with this fan favourite spin-off was with this recently re-released PS5 port. The personality of the game thankfully still manages to shine through. With its frequent self-referential and borderline fourth wall breaking humour, coupled with the excellent retro-stylistic art style. However, even though it isn't completely unplayable, the fast paced gunplay is nearly tarnished, due to the incredibly clunky movement speed, input lag and choppy framerate, that is outright unacceptable in this generation.

Que este juego naciera como un DLC CUANDO ESTABAN SURGIENDO LOS DLC's es algo impensable y que aún me sorprende. Brutal, un homenaje al synthwave, cyberpunk y la acción ochentera que no se esconde.

The presentation is amazing ,full of great nodes and jokes to the 80s sci-fi media.It didn't do much of anything else ,but for a shorter experience i think is worth to play.The last mission is awesome but it lacks a boss fight ,and the rest of the missions are a bit repetitive.

- solo 7 missioni + mappa open con i soliti stupidi avamposti
- gunplay poco soddisfacente e feeling delle armi pessimo
- moltissime sezioni autoscroller
- si salva solo l’estetica e le citazioni alla cultura anni 80-90

q tan controversial es q diga que es uno d los mekores