Reviews from

in the past

Un FPS con delle buone idee che prende a modello un po' l'esperienza di Doom Eternal, tra platforming e utilizzo delle armi a propria disposizione. Tuttavia, causa qualità del level design a mio parere molto mediocre e l'eccessiva facilità, non vale tanto la pena giocarlo

The platforming was awful but overall I had a good time with this game.

really fun, just a bit tedious in the middle. Great enemy variety and awesome weapons.

This just wasn't for me I think. The style is cute and the jokes are kind of quirky, but it's missing that combat depth that I really crave from these shooters. Switching between weapons for different enemy types seemed like a cool idea initially but as the game went on I felt that it got a bit stale. The jokes also were kind of hit or miss for me and it seems like a lot of the game relies on you be entertained by the humor.

I wouldn't call it a bad game, it's well made and has some cool ideas, I just don't find it holding my attention enough for me to come back to it.

how can you have a bunch of cool ideas and strong sense of identity and style, and then ruin it by uninspired level design and dumbest enemy placement (i.e just throwing every single enemy in the small cramped room without thinking)
i wish i liked it more

(btw, game doesn't tell you this, but when you dead, you can press "T" for instant respawn for free)

The first 30 minutes are funny as hell, you just don't know that is going on and it feels great. But after that, it just feels kinda shallow, so you stop playing before coming even close to completing it.

The same game where you can correct people who wear socks over sandals without remorse. Brilliant first person shooter.

Та самая игра, где можно без угрызения совести исправлять людей носящие носки поверх сандален. Гениальный шутер от первого лица.

not too out there, but deserves to be. i want des carnally

Pretty shit.

First of all, the performance is awful. Shockingly bad if you consider how basic the game's visuals and levels are - it just keeps stuttering and dropping the framerate whenever anything happens.

Secondly, the enemy designs are bad. Most of them have attacks that cannot be avoided, either because they move towards you too fast to move out of the way, or they literally hit you through walls, or there are just too many enemies spawned in at once to allow you to even attempt dodging everything that's being thrown at you, while most combat arenas have absolutely zero cover.

The weapons feel weak, at least on the highest difficulty, and they're fairly inconsistent. Sometimes they just don't deal damage from a certain angle or too close a distance, the melee attack's interactions with one late game enemy type is also pretty confusing.

Each enemy can only be dealt with in one way. It might seem like the Doom Eternal thing of enemies having weaknesses, but this extremely rigid version of it isn't anywhere near as fun.
Outside of a single exception, you don't get new ways of dealing with previously encountered enemies as you go through the game. It makes the combat feel repetitive, and fights against several enemy types slow, as you go down the checklist of things to do, one at a time.

The combat's just not fun, and that's the only thing the game contains aside from some complimentary secret hunting. The last boss is exceptionally frustrating as well, ensuring that I will remember this game in the worst possible way.