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The game runs so badly that it's the first thing to come to mind about it. Doesn't even look that great despite sacrificing any hopes for decent performance.
The combat is slow, simple, and not particularly satisfying.
Level design is fine, but the incredibly slow movement speed makes it feel boring despite it having lots of detail.
To encourage exploration, the game has a ton of resources hidden in lockers, drawers, and boxes laying around. Too bad the ammo limit is literally one spare magazine per gun - the main character can carry a pistol, smg, sniper rifle and shotgun on her, but not two magazines for any of these weapons. It doesn't make sense and it doesn't make gameplay better.
The only reason I had to stick around was the story. The voice acting grew on me, and I thought the setup for the story had potential to be interesting, but the story ended before it really began, and it spent most of the runtime simply faffing about, not exploring any character or the world that much. There were little interactions that I found cute, but that was during banter, not actual character moments.

Cool idea, plagued by terrible issues.
- There's either no feedback to typing correct letters, or it's so quiet that I couldn't hear it at all.
- Mistyping is handled in the most frustrating way possible - it deletes one correct letter. It's literally the most frustrating way to handle this that I can think of.
- The text you need to type is all the way at the bottom edge of the screen, written in a hard to read font.
- Typing gets interrupted constantly, and the text you need to type disappears while you cannot type.
- Moving with arrow keys makes the game unplayable, unless you can instantly move your hand between the arrow keys and home row without looking.
You can use Shift + WASD, but on most keyboards that doesn't allow you to run diagonally due to the keys you need to press simultaneously.
- You can't change any settings without quitting all the way back to the main menu.
- Everything takes too long. Every menu has you wait for an animation, every story sequence has unskippable animations, skipping a story sequence can take almost a full minute, checkpoints are placed before the story sequence leading up to the boss and not the boss fight itself.
Could be enjoyable if I didn't have the issue with movement, but I'm not sure considering how awful the other problems are.

Chill metroidvania.

Combat is fine, mostly there to break up exploration. You're very mobile, but the controls aren't super precise. Most enemies are a bit boring, but the bosses are fun to fight with a couple of exceptions. The moveset upgrades you get as you progress don't increase the complexity of combat, the abilities are mainly for traversal.

Level design is very simple as well, but has substantial variety between areas. There's some wasted space and rooms that could get cut down without sacrificing much, but altering those layouts would've probably messed with the game's gimmick of connecting entire levels together into one big map over time. Enemies should've repeated less between areas though.

I can't think of any issues with the other systems. QoL is fine, the upgrade system is inoffensive, the overworld flying sections are brief and pretty good, the game takes a very generous approach to checkpoints in that dying doesn't erase your progress and only relocates you to the last save point.

The presentation is very cute and the music is very good - some of it will probably end up on my sleeping aid playlist beside Ghost Song's OST.