Reviews from

in the past

it hit me so hard i turned into joker and started laughing like a crazy psycopath halfway through

i think the game as a whole is great but my favourite route ended up being heavens feel as the main focuses of that route ( sakura and kirei) are two characters that i think are exceptionally well written and i cannot emphasize how ridiculously amazing emiya is, not just in this route but in EVERY single route and is arguably the most consistently well written character in the fucking game. This game tackles its themes of heroism and justice amazingly and as someone extremely close minded about Fate this game made me genuinly believe the thing responsible for FGO is fucking beautiful god bless sakura matuo and emiya shirou

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i spent the entirety of fate/stay night finding kotomine's default standing sprite extremely funny, so when he showed up out of nowhere at the very end i fucking lost it laughing

One of the worst visual novels yet

this one definitely has the most going on and is probably the coolest but wow i dislike sakura so much

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Love the Sakura/Ilya/Kirei/Rider route

why did i read this, why i tied my life to this series anyway i am the bone of my sword

I want to make this a 5* because of the Ending and Sparks Liner High alone but there's stuff I don't like about it now that I'm older

I am a stickler for good writing like an UTTER stickler. Its why starfield just didnt hit with ne despite liking the graphics and gameplay. This games story tho was actually pretty good. I am of the opinion that most anime stories are poopy but this one shocked me. Well done!

Good pussy really changes a mf

I finally finished the 3rd and last route of Fate/Stay Night. It honestly felt the longest route and definitely the darkest one thus far while also having probably the best slice of life and comedy scenes than anything that came before it.

After 2 routes of barely doing anything Sakura gets the spotlight she's is a great character i would love to go into detail but i believe that should be kept for the player to find out on their own she was great and i don't want to spoil anything about her. Every character that didn't get a chance to shine in the previous 2 routes get the spotlight in this route and they're all so amazing and were written brilliantly every scene with any of them was amazing.

Shirou and Rin must also be mentioned cause they both somehow managed to rival their characters from the previous something which i thought wouldn't be possible but man I'm so glad i was proven wrong they were both so cool and well written showing their characters in a new perspective they were a joy to watch.

This route was honestly amazing from giving the remaining characters they spotlight they deserved and utilizing them to their fullest and using the previous characters in a new perspective while also exploring some dark themes made this route addicting to read just to see how the events would unfold (rip my sleep schedule) while also utilizing everything that came before it and adding new stuff at the same time tying this whole game together in such a beautiful way.

Final Rating: /1000

this is what facebook looks like on a daily basis

this shit is on a another plane of the existence compared to the others routes it's crazy

[Por que meu corpo está todo cortado?]

Fuja... de que?

Corra.. Por que?

Por que eu tenho que sentir medo? Por que eu tenho que sentir dor? Por que eu tenho que sofrer assim?

Sakura facilmente uma das melhores personagens já feitas, essa rota é de longe a rota mais PESADA de fate, a rota da saber fala sobre o passado, a rota da rin fala sobre o futuro, e a rota da sakura(Heaven's feel) fala sobre o presente.

você mudaria quem você é Pela pessoa que você ama?

Shirou é forçado a fazer uma escolha e o jogador é colocado na mesma posição, proteger sakura significa trair os ideais que ele tanto protegeu de ser um herói, trair o mundo para salvar quem ele ama, oois protegendo a sakura ele estará sacrificando milhares de pessoas...

Ou matar sakura e abandonar o mundo, seguindo o TRUE ending da rota, nós traimos os ideais para protegermos a sakura, e TUDO oque foi construindo nas outras rotas vai pro caralho, é uma das melhores descontruções de personagens já feitas, shirou é o melhor protagonista de todos os tempos na minha opinião.

Essa rota é sofrível.. 💔 a morte da saber me abalou muito e ver todo o sofrimento do shirou durante a rota por conta disso acabou comigo.

"ela só pensava em me proteger, ela nunca pensou em si mesmo, ela nunca se importou com si mesmo"

Esse monólogo me quebra muito, além disso..

Nessa rota também é muito explorado a relação de irmãos da ilya e do shirou, da rin e da sakura.. Tudo pra ser desconstruído no final

E OQUE FALAR DO KIREI? que vilão perfeito, o verdadeiro nemesis do shirou, eles são tão iguais mas ao mesmo tempo tão opostos..

De longe essa rota tem o melhor enredo e história das 3.

A rota fate tem o melhor romance e pra mim é o caminho mais emocionante

A rota UBW tem a melhor construção de personagem do shirou

Já essa rota fecha tudo, descontruindo o shirou, fechando os pontos da história de fate que faltava e terminando com chave de ouro FSN

Pra muita gente é a melhor rota, mas pra mim esse título ainda fica com a rota fate.

10/10 C i n e m a ! 🙌

"Ver aquele sorriso.. Fez tudo oque eu sacrifiquei até aqui valer a pena"

Não sei o que dizer, a experiência que tive com esta rota é algo que estrelas de um site não podem dizer. Eu senti tédio, chorei, me empolguei e também ri das coisas que vi. A rota mantém a mesma qualidade das outras e até mesmo supera no que se trata de personagens. Claro que, para que isto ocorra, certos personagens são descartados(mortos) para que os outros brilhem a vontade. As batalhas são boas, mas o maior problema para mim é que muitas acabam abruptamente, mesmo que não seja lá algo que me atrapalhe bastante. Não sei se por ser a última rota de Fate eu esteja um pouco emocionado, mas assim como as pétalas caem no menu do jogo após finalizarmos seus finais, sinto que meu sorriso poderá abrir e dizer que vale a pena ler esta obra. Não é a melhor coisa do mundo, mas é algo que certamente vai ficar na memória por um tempo. Acho que é só isso que consigo expressar sobre a rota, fico feliz por poder dizer.

Fun read, was so engrossed I read it all in a day,

The actual END of the VN is pretty ass but everything before that is really fun,

Centers around Sakura but Rin fans got enjoyment out of it too (thank god she isn't inactive or has just minor amount of usefulness my god), rape was a bit goofy infact so were the least I got a laugh out of them


this route really gave me everything

brightest moments in the game and the darkest moments, had me on the verge of tears for some of the days

Absolute peak, best route of the three (though UBW is close) thanks to the best art, music and prose the game has to offer. An extremely endearing cast and one of the best protagonists ever. also Kirei is litterally me

I like Kotomine Kirei

Idc that most of the time in the first half is a slice of life, since when that character dies the game is fucking amazing, the last quarter is fucking peak

Also fuck off Nasu for putting Sparks Liner High behind a bad ending, and if I see another food description I'll probably end my life

Featuring one of the best dynamics and villains of all time.